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[ACCEPTED] antonyms College Professor Application (re-apply)


Level 41
What is your Minecraft username?:


How old are you?:


Do you have any previous bans?:

I have been banned for threatening people and being toxic, I have accepted the punishment and I do own up to each ban to where they were both my fault and avoidable. I have learned my lesson and plan to Never get banned again.
What Country are you from?:

United States of America (PST)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I understand that my inactivity will get me demoted. I give you my word that I will try my best to stay active, as I do not want to be demoted and I want to have an experience in teaching the people of Karakura.
Currently I also have been playing SchoolRP for at least 8 hours a day.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:

When I am on the server, I am usually gathering people I know for a friendly gathering, just talking to the people of Karakura that I know. I also have a family called the Loughty family which is a boxing family that helps the community learn how to better fight with detail. I usually gather people for the new organization, so I can better help them fight. I also spend time playing Football to better my skills for a shot of being accepted to the college football team. Whenever I am on the forums, I usually look at applicants to help better my skills in making applications, I also usually look for ways to better my character or Im usually applying for something that can help benefit my character, like I am right now.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My motivation in for becoming a College Professor is mainly because I've wanted to experience Teacher RP for quite sometime, I also have a friend who is a Teacher, he lets me come into his classes and observe him teach and take notes for the future if I were to get accepted as a College Professor. This is also one of the many jobs I want to experience on SchoolRP. I also want to become a College Professor for the fun and interesting experience. From my time playing SchoolRP I haven't really seen a teacher teach the subject I want to excitedly teach. Getting this job as a College Professor will only better my experience in Roleplay and become an even better one.
Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
Yes, I have experience in Roleplay I've Been playing SRP for maybe a year almost. Before discovering SchoolRP I've played multiple Roleplay servers and creative servers. I have at least 4 years of experience in roleplaying in general. I have done various Roleplay types, such as GangRP, General conversation, ECT.
What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom Logs is the Logging of the amount of classes you have hosted that day and the total for the month, its also a way to prove you are active and doing your job. The amount of classes you have logged and hosted will affect your paycheck at the end of the month and positive outcomes for other situations. Failure to log your classes will only hurt you and your position as a College Professor as it can prove you aren't active and not doing your job.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Important rules in a classroom is to keep everyone in order and safe, It will also help make sure the students are following the directions of the classroom. You also can't always be screaming at your students because it makes them not you want to act appropriately. I also want to have a positive relationship with the all the students I teach and also help them figure out there career for there future down the road. I also believe having activities the students like is important to me. I also know from college experience you should show the upmost respect towards your Professor. As if I was a college professor currently I'd show my students the upmost respect knowing there showing me respect.
Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

I have roleplayed with various people and done various things. On SRP, I've participated in GangRP, General Conversation, JobRP and Student/CollegeRP
I have also played multiple Roleplay servers before discovering SchoolRP as well as midevil servers, creative servers, and other games such as The Sims.


College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?

College-Professor’s tasks are to socialize with the students. They choose to speak to them, getting to know their students and or just to ask how their day was. They educate the students so they understand how the world works and how they will be able to be someone of knowledge of the community. You also have the tasks of assigning work, keep students in orderly fashion, and catching students who break the school rules.
They choose specific topics that they then teach to the students, helping whenever they can. I have heard a college professor gains 275k after they have made, and logged 10 classes. Each five classes, they gain an extra 50k.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Giann Fukishima would appear to be 6’5, with a mesomorphic build. He’d have blonde hair, but a black tint on the side. His eyes would appear light blue, sharing the color of the sky. He’d have an intimidating look on his face, sharing an angry expression. Giann strives for a better life as he hadn’t grown up with such a luxurious life. He believes that he can help people by educating them more on the world. He seems to always be angry due to his expression, but he’s actually a kind male. He thinks that the students are very talented, and with the right help, they can become people of the community that others will adore. He believes that teachers and people in general don’t just get a free pass based on their reputation. He thinks they should earn their trust from others, even though they may be teachers, they still have to become someone worthy of trust. He plans to help his family become people of the community that people will trust and look up to while continuing to learn how to teach students. Giann also plans to work as a college professor for a while trying to earn respect campus wide for his role in the school and community.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?

I’d first walk up to the group of students, politely asking them what the situation was. If they do not calm down, I’d proceed to break up the group, sitting them down, making sure they are all listening. I’d then ask them for their story of the situation one by one. If it seems to be inappropriate, there’d be consequences. If they are respectful about it, I’d politely tell them to never let this happen again, and if it were to happen again I'd assign attention or at worse have the College Dean threaten there sports team position for their actions.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?

I’d first make sure my assumption is correct, proceeding to ask a question I had already asked, signalling to the class not to answer. I’d then call on the college-student, attempting to get their attention, seeing if they’d been paying attention and answering. Lastly, I’d walk up to their desk, asking them if something had been wrong and why they weren’t paying attention. I’d proceed to ask them to start paying attention for their own good, and making the lesson easier to understand as they learn something new. If the student were to cause a disruption and kept going and refuses to listen to a word I was saying I'd escort the student to the College Deans office as well as assigning detention for that student.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me He’d gather papers from his desk, proceeding to file them in an orderly fasion. He’d then grasp his cabinet handle, proceeding to put the graded papers into the cabinet, pushing the handle back in, closing the cabinet.

/me He’d stand near the doorway, watching as kids strolled into his classroom. He’d greet them with a warming smile, extending his arm, and giving the student a firm handshake.

/me He’d grab the papers from his desk, proceeding to put them up to his chest. He’d stroll around the classroom, row by row, handing the students the paper to look over.

/me He’d sit at his desk, proceeding to look over the given assignment. He’d furrow his brow at a question, seeming confused himself.

/me He’d stand next to the board, proceeding to grab a piece of chalk. He’d then proceed to write on the board, stating facts about the health department and how it works. He’d place the chalk down, looking at his students in reassurance.


Giann Himmelvakt Lougty was born June 20, 1991 in Chicago, Illinoi. He had grown up with his twin brother, Yard, who he looked up to alot. Yard was Giann’s best friend, they had done everything together. Giann and Yard grew up with only their mother as their father had abandoned them before they were born. She worked hard for the two kids, as she worked two jobs just to provide a stable life for her kids. When Giann had turned the age of 5, he enrolled in elementary. He was new, so he hadn’t had many friends, until Tremani Ivankov had approached him. Tremani had a group of friends, and when he came across Giann, it was like they instantly became friends, along with Yard. The three of them were inseparable. When Giann had turned 8, his mother fell under a sickness that left her in bed for the rest of the time Giann had seen her. Although, this setback had made Giann strive harder for a dream of luxury, and so, Giann had gotten himself a job, along with Tremani. They worked so for little pay, but appreciated the opportunity they had been given to help Giann’s mother. At the age of 10, Giann’s mother had lost the battle she had been fighting to beat the sickness. Giann was very hurt by this loss, and at the time, he had fallen to his lowest point. Once Tremani and Giann enrolled in middle school, Giann had become distant between his friends, and started skipping classes, obtaining failing grades, etc. Tremani did his best to comfort him through this tough time, and not before long, Giann was able to move past this tragedy and began focusing on school more. Giann began to become more active, making more friends and focusing on sports. He enjoyed basketball, so he had pursued his dream, along with his best friend, Tremani. They worked hard everyday, and by the age of 15, they had made the basketball team. They continued to work hard, which led them to Karakura, Japan. During a basketball match, Giann had injured himself, which caused him to sit out of the first and second season. He tried to recover, he did whatever, but he couldn’t get back to what he loved. He started searching for ways to help him recover, beginning to study the topic of Health. He soon learned that with this knowledge, he could maybe prevent what happened to him to other people. Giann enrolled in college, and began pursuing the subject of health. He thought if he could at least teach about this, people can prevent themselves from getting hurt. Tremani had become a teacher a year earlier, so Giann had decided if Tremani can teach people about a topic so can he. Giann had then applied to become a health teacher, awaiting an answer for his new journey in life.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In-Character Information

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Name Full: Giann Himmelvakt Loughty

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.

Given Name(s): Gee Gee 'Gee' G

Preferred Name: ‘Gee’

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: Christian

Marital Status: Married

Nationality: French

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 4

Working Experience (# of years): 7

Academic Degree: Masters Degree

Year of Graduation: 2013

Major(s): Political Science

Minors: Education [] Health

Native Languages: French, English, Japanese

Other Languages: Korean

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: I do not have a CELTA Certificate.

Preferred Teaching Subject: Health


Additional notes about your application (if any): I hope I've corrected my mistakes nor do I expect this to be looked at anytime soon!

Do you have any questions?: I have no questions during this time.


Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

- Great improvement from the last application.

- I will need you to pick a more specific subject inside of 'Health' as that could be a million different things.

DM me for further instructions [Banter#0001]​

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