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[ACCEPTED] Sxncerely's College Professor Application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: slumpedstar

How old are you?: 14 years old turning 15 in August of this year.

Do you have any previous bans?: No bans

What Country are you from?: United States of America (EST)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): Yes; Star#1414

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I completely understand and agree to the terms and consequences of this ever occurring.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
Due to the current pandemic going on, I have become a lot more active on SRP, spending around 5-10 hours on the server daily. When school is back up again on the weekdays I will be on anywhere from 3-6 hours, weekends will be 4-8 hours a day. I will usually check the forums once a day, simply browsing the forums and glancing at others applications. I am more active on my main account, Sxncerely, therefore I do not have a ton of time spent on my slumpedstar account. If accepted my slumpedstar account would most definitely be used a lot more actively. Before /ar check was taken away, my main account had around twenty days, which by now will have almost doubled.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
I’d like to become a College Professor at Karakura for many reasons. For starters it would definitely help me become an overall better roleplayer, having to perfect my grammar and be more specific on my actions. Next I’d enjoy being able to teach a subject I am extremely passionate about and will be studying in college in real life. I’m hoping to be able to spread my knowledge about my subject to others and to hopefully engage the class into learning about zoology.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
I have a good amount of experience in roleplaying. I joined the server in November of 2019 and have been on almost everyday since then. Beforehand I roleplayed on various servers, such as a Harry Potter server, a Walking Dead server, some creative servers, and a little bit of Discord roleplaying. I first started roleplaying in August of 2018.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
The classroom logs are logs a teacher or professor makes every time they host a class. They should fill out the date in which the class was hosted and what was taught in class during that period. It’s important to fill out classroom logs because it gives staff members an understanding on which teachers are teaching and being active.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
1. Bullying is not and will never be tolerated in this classroom or in general. Anyone caught performing acts of bullying will be immediately reported to the College Dean and should take the necessary consequences.
2. Electronics are not to be out or used during class unless instructed to do so. If caught with it out during class you will be told to put it away.
3. Talking is not allowed unless instructed to or you were called on.
4. It is expected for ALL students to be respectful to the teacher and all adults in general. They should listen to them when told to and be in their best behavior towards them. Treat others the way you'd want to be treated.
5. Explicit language is not allowed in the classroom. This includes foul language, racial slurs, and homophobic remarks. It WILL NOT be tolerated.
6. Plagiarism and cheating is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
7. Do not eat or drink in the classroom, water is the only exception.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
My roleplaying experience first started in August of 2018. I was very inexperienced when I first started, hardly knowing the concept of roleplaying. I started out on various Roblox games as well as Minecraft creative servers. The first 'official' roleplaying experience of mine was on a server called HavocMC. It was Walking Dead themed and I started to really get a feel for roleplaying. An occurrence took place during my time there to which I decided to end my roleplaying on that server. Not long after I discovered the roleplay server I would meet many new friends and gain a lot of more roleplay experience from. I joined PotterWorldMC in August of 2019 and was there until around December of 2019, where I made my official roleplay server SRP. Through my journey I was able to explore different types of RP and have learned to become a better roleplayer. I have done many types of roleplaying such as FantasyRP, MedievalRP, ModernRP, and coming onto SRP some GangRPing.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
College Professors are expected to complete a total of at least 15 classes a month, earning them the default salary of 300,000 yen. Every five extra classes will earn you an extra 50,000 yen. To be able to earn your paycheck, each class you complete MUST BE logged to show you are active and actually are doing classes. A College Professor has the expectation of being mature and professional when doing their job. The lectures professors give to their students are to be taken seriously and in a mature manner, meaning classes should actually be teaching them something if they were to pay attention. Classes can be fun and engaging while still being educational, it's the professor's job to give the information in a way it can be processed easily.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Vera Kuznetsov is a kind 32 year-old woman with very prominent features. She'd be a slender woman who would stand 5'8" and weigh 138lbs. Her eyes would be a hazel color which would be complimented by her beige skin. Her voice would be calm and mellow most of the time, speaking with extreme patience. When needed to, her voice would become full and intimidating, speaking with seriousness. Vera has adopted a few children and made them her own, and has a few biological children. She is very kind to her students and prefers to not be rude, having children of her own she has learnt to keep her patience and be understanding to everyone. To her fellow peers, Vera is a respectful adult and treats them the way she'd want to be treated, with kindness and respect. Her calm personality has always made her a well-liked person and she enjoys to listen to what people have to say, not being judgmental. In the future she plans to continue with her career of zoology and be able to inform the public about organisms and their functions.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
I would first try to address the situation by walking up to the group and question why they're causing such a ruckus. I'd then remind them of school policies and kindly tell them to please stop. I would keep calm during the situation, raising my voice only to get their attention. If I find they aren't stopping I would report their behavior to the college dean, principal, or vice-principal. The students should listen to the school's faculty when told to, and one should not have to constantly tell the students how to act when they should already know the rules.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
If this were to happen in my classroom my first action would be to give a few warnings to the student to quiet down. If the student still decides not to cooperate I would call down the College Dean for him to deal with the student. A college student should know the expectations being they are considered adults. Those who don't act the part should be faced with consequences given to them for their actions.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
She'd close her eyes for a moment and exhale a slow breath before taking her cane and tapping the chalkboard, focusing the students to the front of the classroom to begin the start of class.

/me Her eyes would scan the room as she looked for students with their hands raised. She'd then give a nod and point to [insert student's name] to answer the question.

/me She'd glance at the clock on the wall as the bell rung and focus her attention back to her students. She'd then take her walking cane and walk herself over to the door to open it. Stepping back, she would watch as her students flooded the door to leave her classroom.

She'd move over to a filling cabinet in the back of the class and open the cabinet up. She'd pile up as many empty notebooks in her hands as she could. She would then bring them back to the front of the room and hand a notebook to each student in the line who would need one.

She'd pick up a piece of chalk and turn to the chalkboard. A drawing of a male house finch would be drawn. She would use the chalk to begin labeling the anatomy of the finch. At the top of the board the genus name for house finch, 'Haemorhous mexic****', would show. (This is an example of what a class would look like, say that class period I taught the class about finches.)


Vera Kuznetsov was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Both parents were present in her life, as well as her older sisters Aya and Florence. Vera grew up loving to play with all the creatures she could find. Whether that'd be in her backyard, the creek, the park, she loved it all. Her parents never allowed her to own any pets, so she would consider the animals in the wild her own. She'd sneak food and water from her house to give to the animals outside as she observed them carefully. Vera's mind was always fascinated in all types of animals: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and avian species. When she was 16, she volunteered at her local zoo and got a feel for what it's like to work there, as well as learn about different animals. She realized that learning and educating others about different animals was what she wanted to do in life. In college she studied Zoology as a major and made ecology her minor. During this time Vera met someone and had a kid to whom she named Madison. She was a single mom in college and took care of Maddie with the help of her sisters. Eventually, Vera graduated with a master's degree in zoology and was able to work. Maddie was old enough to start doing some things on her own, but was still babysat by her Aunt Aya and Aunt Florence. After searching for the right job, Vera landing a spot as a veterinary technician at a zoo in Almere, Netherlands. Her and Maddie packed up and moved to Almere, leaving Rotterdam behind. For six years she worked at the zoo and watched Maddie grow up. After her journey of working in Almere, Vera decided it was time to explore new area. She retired from her job in the Netherlands and moved to Karakura, Japan with Maddie, Florence, and Florence's children to reside and live at.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Vera Kuznetsov
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Vera
Preferred Name: Vera when outside of school grounds, Miss Kuznetsov or Professor Kuznetsov on school grounds or other formal settings.

Age: 32
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Dutch
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): None
Working Experience (# of years): 6 years

Academic Degree: Master’s Degree in Zoology
Year of Graduation: Sometime in the 2000’s (I’m sorry SRP time is confusing)
Major(s): Zoology and College Education
Minors: Veterinary Technician and Ecology

Native Languages: Dutch (Once app gets accepted hopefully) and Japanese
Other Languages: None

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: None
Preferred Teaching Subject: Zoology if it's possible


Additional notes about your application (if any): None.
Do you have any questions?: If I get accepted and am able to teach zoology would it be alright if I brought in my character's family dog in for a few classes to help teach? If not don't worry but having a live animal in some of my classes might help the students be a bit more engaged in class and could help them retain information better. The dog would be brought in for educational purposes only of course and wouldn't be there every time I host a class.


Level 143

- Your application, although is quite small, is very lively.

- Adding onto that, your subject seems quite interesting.

DM me for further instructions.​

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