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Accepted Acerrisnothere Arts Professor application


Level 4
What is your Minecraft username?: Acerrisnothere

What is your time zone?: BST

What is your discord username? @Acerrisnothere

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP: Pretty active daily now, Possibly over 4-5 hours online

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: Its always been pretty fun and madly drama based around and even getting into serious rp scenarios but always in good fun and some worry about such cared for characters that I own and even eye out for friends I've made in the last year of me playing. I've played on other RP servers but they don't compare to how much time and money I've spent into playing on SchoolRP.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP: [College] [Highschool]

What is the subject you want to teach?: Floral Design or Art


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Seeing all the people who play as Professors give me a sort of fun and interesting thought to give students a fun and exciting lesion that ill bring to each class. Just seeing them really in depth with Detailrp gives a happy and carefree thought of what people can think of in their own minds and even work towards them likely bringing that into more of a free creative style. Helping them push into new wordings to describe something that can find difficult or a new unstopped on territory. It'll also be my first Adult character I've had in the server and I believe that ill help push me into new scenarios of having a Adult character when ive only had student characters to use in day to day playing.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. Lia writes on the board of her classroom, in big bold letters 'Floral Arrangement' Writing down many variants of how many flowers could be arranged in many different bouquets, from giving them to people to make them feel better or even some to declare love for another. It'll push people into the nature scene and find many ways to being the new generation into learning what or what not could be made up into something that could be so beautiful in a vase or even at the Cemetery for loved ones that have passed, bringing peace into their minds and help push forward the happy and once magical moments just by finding flowers and arranging them in something so beautiful.

2.Learning about all the different types of flowers that bloom once a year or even every few months. Many flowers that cant be grown in Karakura or even the most common ones found just by looking in the grass. Some that can be dangerous or even ones that can bring some emotions across without even having to say anything just for them to know what and what not to give or even just decorate in a certain environment.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Lia would work out a trip to go into the forest then maybe to the Shrine, looking at all of the many variants of flowers or even some greenery that could tie into the bouquet nicely. She would give the students books to draw out a planner of what flowers in the forest could match well with a bouquet that could be given to as a gift for one of their loved ones. Leading with questions like, what would the person like to receive if they wanted flowers or what variants they would like in the bouquet. Sit in a circle at the Shrine, with some small daisies in a basket she was holding the whole time and pass around a certain amount of them towards the students to make daisy chains. To make a bracelet, necklace or even a crown.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Lia approaches calmly, walking up towards the students. She gives a stern look towards the college group. Her voice lightens as she speaks "What's the meaning for all of this commotion?" She sighs deeply. "Give me a great reason to help my understand this? If not Ill have to speak to all of you independently on what's going down here." She looks around at all the students gathered in this one place, continually sighing as she looked all around. "Do you all want to speak about this civilly or are we going to have a problem arise here?"

if they do break up
Lia looks at the students with a light smile "Thank you all for clearing this up and acting like young adults to this. You all shall stay away from each other and be nice. Yeah?" She fixes her tie up then walks away calmly and orderly. She speaks before almost out of earshot "Be good kids! We wouldn't want this to happen again do we now?"
Walking away, clasping her hands together behind her back.

If they do not break up
Lia sighs with disappointment towards the students. she firmly spoke "Do you all want a detention? Or do you want to run free without trouble?" She shuffles in her pockets to pick out her radio and signals "May I get some help with students that are causing mischief around me? They are not listening and id really like some help over here!"

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do? Lia looks at the student with a confused look on her face. "If you have questions for me, raise your hand and not ask these imbecilic questions you have graced for me to hear." Looking away from the student to out the window, sighing "I do not want to be here anymore than you do, If you want the time to go faster I believe that the easiest way is to either be quiet in this room or do your work, there is no in between in here."

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do? "Erm excuse me, you don't speak when I'm speaking. That's rude you know? We have a fun lession today and you are ruining it for others that want to learn. Also please turn that music off. Its not music class or breaktime, so please don't ruin this."

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do? Lia looks around for her radio in her bag and calls out for another faculty that'll help. "Any faculty available to help me out with these students? They are acting like young children. Some assistance would be appreciated!" As she spoke that out she would wait for extra help and whilst waiting she attempts to break them up from their silly quarrel until help arrives.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like?
What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future? Lia is a family woman, loving her wife, her 6 children and her niece. She finds happiness when her family are all together and keeping them all from dangerous encounters.
Lia Flores is a 5'6 Spanish woman that has a bit of broken Japanese as her twin sons are still teaching her the mechanics on how to get better. As she is from a spanish background her hair length goes far down flowing carefree and curly. Some days she would have her hair up and out of the ways to do what she is happy to do in her hobbies. Helping out her children with homework or even get them to start speaking more spanish when at home. Forcing them to keep their heritage in their life as much as possible. One of her sons is autistic, her Niece is as well, helping her learn about Spanish sign language and now JSL, she finds it hard to learn but she quickly learns it so she can have a easier way to understand her children when they moved to a new area. As she grew up in a small town in the outskirts of Barcelona, she wants her kids to keep something from their old home. Seeing students as a new form of future is important for her to help them as much as she can. From helping with homework just by them asking before the end of the day or even just asking when she is on lunch break is always so eye opening for her so they can have the best help and education they need to make something big for themself in the future. For the past 10 years, she would teach her kids at home during the summers so they can learn even when school is not in session so they can keep their minds sharp and help them once they get back into the daily routine so nothing deviates. As she is a outgoing and social person, she sees her peers as a friend and even apart of the family when they all get to know each other from working well and even stop to say hi in the street when she see's them from across the road or just out in public. Since she was young, her family has always accepted who she was and the bubbly personality would light up the room, wherever she could be. Since she has been married, her life has seemed to be getting more happy and she becomes more social in any setting she sets herself into. Her plan for the future is to live happily in the countryside with her wife and have some day trips to town to see her children or just to buy some pretty things to go into their small cottage with a small farm to keep them going for the rest of their chilled life.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Back in Spain Lia would always be a bright child, when she got her university degree in Art design. she applied for working in a small school so teach them the magical ways to express their feelings in art than just words. She always found talking hard when she was younger and she decided to help out with the kids that found a life and fascination in drawing. Before she finished she met a woman called Mariana in university, they got really close and started dating after they talked for two years. They did everything together, from helping out at schools and even doing some summer jobs together. They never separated for each other, after they started getting a stable job they asked one of their best friends to become a donor. Ending up with 6 children in the span of 8 years.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:
Mrs Lía Flores

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mrs

Given Name(s): Lía

Preferred Name: Lía , Lee

Age: 47

Gender & pronouns: Female She/Her

Religious Denomination: Atheist

Marital Status: Married

Nationality: Spanish

Current Location: Spain Barcelona

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):
8 years

Working Experience (# of years): 5 years

Academic Degree: Art design

Year of Graduation: 2000

Major(s): Landscape Architecture
Art Education

Minors: English Science

Native Languages: Spanish

Other Languages: JSL & Spanish

Preferred Teaching Subject: Art & Nature design


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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