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Add an option for a closer range LOOC


Level 163
FantasyRP's chat system might have been one of the best systems to be created in terms of roleplay servers, following a chronological order in the sense of— yell, normal range (local), quiet, and whisper.

These commands were derived from: /YOOC, /LOOC, /QOOC, and /WOOC.

/YOOC had a range of 32-36 blocks, followed by LOOC that had a range of 16 blocks. This proceeds to decrease considerably to QOOC with just an 8-block radius, finalised by WOOC which had a 1-block range. However, I think a 2x2 or 3x3 radius for WOOC would also suffice to accommodate for the pre-existing /whisper radius. I would love to see these implemented, and I proposed it in OOC before and people weren't necessarily against it.

Although I know some SRP players have the mentality of a Kindergarten child and therefore YOOC could be a little troublesome at times; though that could be countered by having a more restrictive usage of YOOC / Misusing it to spam people in a larger radius would result in a warning.

There could be cool-downs for the /YOOC command if these got implemented into SRP. Just to prevent the chaos and spam usage of it.

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