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Adding a Pastoral update to Karakura High and College.


Level 16
What's your Minecraft Username?: Benspudgydad
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adding a Pastoral update to Karakura High and College.

What's your suggestion?:
I know its a tad cynical and insane but.. Hear me out.
For the pure amount of students in Karakura High and College they would receive high funding? correct? Therefore as most schools do they usually spend it on trips and things such as a pastoral team or hiring more SLT and facilities. Even though I've not attended Japanese school I've attended BRITISH public school which is abhorrently worse. But even though its a tad bad its not as bad as Karakura, It has student care facilities and is overall more caring. Karakura fails to do this though even though most likely having high funding as of population of the students.
I've been a professor for nearly five months, I've dealt with psychos of students and sweet hearts. But whenever a student is bullied and faculty deal with it the victim is NOT cared for. They are not reassured and the bully is given detention and no courses to prevent it. This, In real life scenarios can MESS the student up for MONTHS creating unsolved trauma, Sure good roleplay but in a realistic scenario this just.. Wouldn't go that well? I myself have gone through this very thing and I still have semi unsolved not so enjoyable memories of it. When i deal with the victims of bullying in character I do always want to do MORE to help them get over it. I had a scenario one when one student was blackmailed and I spent 3 in character hours talking to them and soothing them and it was SUCH a good roleplay experience.
When joining Faculty I feel as if new Professors and Teachers should get an option to join a pastoral team, A team where faculty would be able to use creative means or any calming methods or fidget toys ANYTHING to calm a student down and try talk it out one to one in a calm environment such as maybe the roof or an empty class of their choice! Or if possible a room could be made within the school for the pastoral team. This team would act whenever a student is in need of therapy of sorts or help with home life or school life. I also feel as if Head Of Departments should be given the option and encouraged to be in said pastoral teams to boost the idea of it.
First more roleplay for faculty and teacher to student bonds! These are indeed important yall! WE ARENT ROBOTS. Second it could maybe give more pay to said Pastoral care staff in faculty (Maybe a 25-50k bonus per month). Thirdly it creates more of a realistic feel. And finally it'd make sure we have less Trauma in KARAKURA
Kind of.. But there are little counselors and usually they are an inactive side of the faction, And if its widespread in faculty its easier to prevent trauma in students.
Maybe make Counsellors do these kind of things more commonly? Or maybe we could do a little event about MENTAL HEALTH. It'd be a good idea I think!


How will this benefit the server and community?:
1. More roleplay
2. More realism
3. Less trauma
4. More pay for faculty
5. More incentives to become faculty.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

hi, HD teacher here! I don't know exactly what a 'pastoral team' is and all I am getting are something revolving around priests who listen to people? I am unsure, just i will break down your post to elaborate or explain certain aspects.

For the pure amount of students in Karakura High and College they would receive high funding? correct? Therefore as most schools do they usually spend it on trips and things such as a pastoral team or hiring more SLT and facilities.
The Mainland covers ALL COSTS since Karakura High and College, as it is not a Karakura Funded Establishment/Faction (along with news). If students are getting bullied or whatever, refer them to the councilors office or suggest seeing a psych at the hospital. We do not need any more faculty tags AT ALL, as we have a lot already. And if we did add in a new faculty team, ALL FACUTLY factions would have to decrease in the amount of people who are able to be in the position, which just wont work out. SLT are usually staff members or highly trusted members of the community to play these roles, so therefore only the owner can put people in the SLT position. and for trips, we've had trips in the past but that requires a whole new map being made for... what? an hour or two of active roleplay you can only go to that area once? Not really needed in my opinion.

finally it'd make sure we have less Trauma in KARAKURA
Sadly it's not the school side of things that cause trauma to kids ICly, its the high crime rate. Which this is a IC matter and should really be handled icly. and regardless we already have a team like this in faculty


Level 16
Thread starter

hi, HD teacher here! I don't know exactly what a 'pastoral team' is and all I am getting are something revolving around priests who listen to people? I am unsure, just i will break down your post to elaborate or explain certain aspects.

The Mainland covers ALL COSTS since Karakura High and College, as it is not a Karakura Funded Establishment/Faction (along with news). If students are getting bullied or whatever, refer them to the councilors office or suggest seeing a psych at the hospital. We do not need any more faculty tags AT ALL, as we have a lot already. And if we did add in a new faculty team, ALL FACUTLY factions would have to decrease in the amount of people who are able to be in the position, which just wont work out. SLT are usually staff members or highly trusted members of the community to play these roles, so therefore only the owner can put people in the SLT position. and for trips, we've had trips in the past but that requires a whole new map being made for... what? an hour or two of active roleplay you can only go to that area once? Not really needed in my opinion.

Sadly it's not the school side of things that cause trauma to kids ICly, its the high crime rate. Which this is a IC matter and should really be handled icly. and regardless we already have a team like this in faculty
I don't enjoy arguing but I strongly enjoy a good debate and I feel as if you perceived it completely wrong.
First, A pastoral team are Teachers or Child care experts who work with students and parents over the care of the children, Both physical and mental. This is very common in the modern day I have to admit as I see it in nearly all schools, Yes including most Japanese school. (No clue where you got the priest bit, But yes there is confession of sins which you may be getting mixed up with.)
Second, The funds assigned to schools are indeed sent from the mainland, But they are NOT set. So in character this would make SENSE.
Third. Counsellors are not really on that much, Therefore how can care be provided whenever needed. ALSO referring to see a psych or hospital is a GREAT idea if it wasn't school related. If it was school related then you should be able to go to a teacher the student TRUSTS or is in a team SUCH AS the pastoral team or SLT if its major. Talking to a professional that you barely know such as a the****** is mortifying for a student going through such issues.
Fourth. It wouldn't be a tag on tab bud, I'm just thinking an extra role that can be put up on a discord Channel for the SRP academics server. And what I'm thinking is not a new role but an addon to ALL roles if wanted, Not even a tag just a list of said teachers in this team which would most likely in my opinion have ZERO cap of Faculty within it.
Fifth. SLT aren't that common, I'm not blaming SLT (I love you ALL for what you do ) but if we are on this topic we could solve it though making Head Of Departments also SLT.
Sixth. The event was a tad more of an extra idea, I did NOT expect for you to disagree with that lmao.
Seventh. I disagree with your whole point. I am a tad biased in this. But to avoid that ill just say bluntly that Trauma is caused by anything, It can literally be anything even if its not very 'Bad' or 'Lifechanging' to you, And also I'm thinking that the pastoral team could EASILY have more roleplay and solve said issues in character.
Eighth. I acknowledge that we have employees that do this, But its better to have more people doing it then just one brand of Employees. Also a Teacher YOU KNOW is better and more comfortable to talk to in character then a Counsellor that you most likely have met five minutes ago.


Level 29

i hardly do my job as a teacher to begin with. now i see that you want more realistic roleplay and i keep it realistic with my teacher, home girl dont wanna listen to students problems, shes in it for the bag!

hope this helps


Level 36
Hi, this suggestion caught my eye; I'll be responding to bits and pieces of your suggestion. Overall, though, while a pastoral team would be an interesting decision, there is the risk of issues you've mentioned already: inactivity.

A team where faculty would be able to use creative means or any calming methods or fidget toys ANYTHING to calm a student down and try talk it out one to one in a calm environment such as maybe the roof or an empty class of their choice
Nothing is stopping faculty from doing this already - Which links to your point:
Fourth. It wouldn't be a tag on tab bud, I'm just thinking an extra role that can be put up on a discord Channel for the SRP academics server. And what I'm thinking is not a new role but an addon to ALL roles if wanted, Not even a tag just a list of said teachers in this team which would most likely in my opinion have ZERO cap of Faculty within it.
Faculty can do this with or without a fancy role

whenever a student is in need of therapy
This is a thing at the hospital, and is what the hospital does, please let the psychiatrists keep their jobs. We have a system for referrals that works relatively well, so people can get therapy there!

Kind of..
As an ex-counsellor, I don't actually think this is their job. I was trained on the basis that therapy & whatnot were the jobs of EMS, and counsellors were there for academic support (ie. school studies, career talks, clubs, etc.) - Regardless, they still have the opportunity to provide extra support to students if they wish to (as all faculty do)

Third. Counsellors are not really on that much
This can and likely will be remedied when the employee lead checks over applications next, but again, it isn't a counsellor's primary job to provide 'therapy' for students

Fifth. SLT aren't that common, I'm not blaming SLT (I love you ALL for what you do ) but if we are on this topic we could solve it though making Head Of Departments also SLT.
SLT is primarily a staff role with a lot of abilities, for those running the different parts of the school faction. I don't really understand why they're such a pivotal part of this suggestion? I might just be half asleep though

Anywho, TLDR; Faculty can do this if they want to already, but it isn't really in their pay to listen to Jimmy venting about how he watched his best friend get their shin broken or whatever. There isn't really a need for an additional role for something that is ALREADY something you can do as faculty? This suggestion is lost on me


Level 11
Community Team
Event Team
uhhh i don’t know if this needs to be … a TEAM — sounds more so like decency, or maybe an expectation of sort.

This isn’t something we can’t already do; it’s just not actively enforced. Introducing an entirely new unit like they’re the Avengers seems like overkill when it could just be a simple announcement saying, “Hey, check on the students!” And, to be fair, some people already do this!

Counselors not being online isn’t really the a good excuse, as teachers get to a point where they aren’t on either. It all depends on when Applications are checked so it isn’t really fair to knock on their job when faculty was recently restocked.

If students want to reach out to a teacher — they’re not told off, it’s of their free will no one is stopping them.. they’ll most likely be pointed to assistance BUILT for that rather than a makeshift team who gets a few extra dabloons. As a Psychiatrist (now a paramedic) students are usually more than interested to set up a referral for school related things. I fear it’s much better to talk to a professional rather than a teacher or professor

overall i feel like execution wise a new team is completely unnecessary, but maybe some things can be set in place to make sure students are more comfortable!!! that would be great


Level 16
Thread starter

i hardly do my job as a teacher to begin with. now i see that you want more realistic roleplay and i keep it realistic with my teacher, home girl dont wanna listen to students problems, shes in it for the bag!

hope this helps
Fair enough lmao.


Level 117
A few points I'd like to give:
  • I think that if students seek to have therapy interactions, they should seek out psychiatrists since this role specializes in that. Counselors (as wind said) aren't exactly meant for that kind of stuff, but they and other faculty members should still (if they want) participate in this kind of RP and do more than just teach classes.
  • I do not think the lack of activity from a faction (Counselors, primarily, as you stated) doesn't mean a new team of people should be created in their absence, instead, the focus should be on replenishing activity.
  • I think handling the trauma of the characters isn't a necessary endeavour to answer (at least, in this way). I'm not sure exactly what evidence to give, but I think trying to get rid of trauma in characters isn't a worthwile endeavour for Faculty. (Most SRP players like for their characters to have trauma and trying to handle this with OOCly changes to the faction probably isn't that worthwhile). I think the way this suggestion provides to deal with trauma in Karakura looks at it from a very Out of Character perspective, and since this is entirely ICly, it should probably be handled in an ICly way that doesn't involve changes to a faction.
  • I don't believe that a team should be created for more ways for teachers and professors to strengthen bonds with students. This should be earned ICly and done through our characters (and our character's specific methods of forming bonds with their pupils).
Fifth. SLT aren't that common, I'm not blaming SLT (I love you ALL for what you do ) but if we are on this topic we could solve it though making Head Of Departments also SLT.

I'm unsure if you're suggesting promoting Head of Departments to SLT or just making the roles the same - but I think that can't really happen for a few reasons.
  • Head of Departments are typically non-staff members who can help SLT manage their specific faction (doing minor administrative roles).
  • SLT run factions or at least administrate parts of the school (Student Affairs SLT do not run the faction, but still have a major role). Having this many HDs promoted to SLTs will mean a lot of SLTs with... not much to do.
  • HDs are trusted players, but SLT need to prove themselves more than just being trusted.
If I misread what you meant by that, let me know but I think I got it.

lamby :3

Level 39
Community Team
Event Team
Hi y'all, a fellow brit here.

Get kicked out of class? Pastoral
Want to stay out of class? Pastoral
Get into a fish and SLT is too lazy to deal with it? Pastoral

Pastoral is in all British Highschools.
It is a mini-SLT that assists SLT with meetings/decisions..


Level 117
Hi y'all, a fellow brit here.

Get kicked out of class? Pastoral
Want to stay out of class? Pastoral
Get into a fish and SLT is too lazy to deal with it? Pastoral

Pastoral is in all British Highschools.
It is a mini-SLT that assists SLT with meetings/decisions..
this sounds. terrifying


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Hi y'all, a fellow brit here.

Get kicked out of class? Pastoral
Want to stay out of class? Pastoral
Get into a fish and SLT is too lazy to deal with it? Pastoral

Pastoral is in all British Highschools.
It is a mini-SLT that assists SLT with meetings/decisions..
So, in short. Mini-SLT's ARE the HDs are we are considered higher ups in the faction. Much like Paramedics or Sr Reporters


Level 16
Thread starter
Hi y'all, a fellow brit here.

Get kicked out of class? Pastoral
Want to stay out of class? Pastoral
Get into a fish and SLT is too lazy to deal with it? Pastoral

Pastoral is in all British Highschools.
It is a mini-SLT that assists SLT with meetings/decisions..
NGL The head of Pastoral at my school was so chill, He was my maths teacher for most of Highshool, I just found that SLT was traumatising. Most uncaring humans EVER AND THEY HAVE NO EMOTIONS LIKE ZERO
Back to my point, Pastoral were better then SLT.
No debate.


Level 16
Thread starter
So, in short. Mini-SLT's ARE the HDs are we are considered higher ups in the faction. Much like Paramedics or Sr Reporters
Im going to be a tad of a pain but... Most HD's are the most innactive part of the faction.. Im aware we have lives but......... If your HD youve been in the role for.. A BIT and yet NQT/AP'S and UP/UT's Are way more active. If HD'S job is similar to a mini-slt then why not make a pastoral team (Also more things for HD's to do)

Overall, I just think a pastoral team would be a good update overall. Having HD's being a tad silly and doing what SLT does would be both funny and motivating. Pstt.. Also adding more purpose to the HD role besides being in your words 'a mini SLT'


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Im going to be a tad of a pain but... Most HD's are the most innactive part of the faction.. Im aware we have lives but......... If your HD youve been in the role for.. A BIT and yet NQT/AP'S and UP/UT's Are way more active. If HD'S job is similar to a mini-slt then why not make a pastoral team (Also more things for HD's to do)

Overall, I just think a pastoral team would be a good update overall. Having HD's being a tad silly and doing what SLT does would be both funny and motivating. Pstt.. Also adding more purpose to the HD role besides being in your words 'a mini SLT'
Right, I usually don't reply back to messages but this needs to be said.

ON THE TEACHER SIDE OF THINGS(I am not going into the Professor or Employee side of things); we have 1 SLT, 3 HDs, 2 QTs, 13 NQTs, and 3 UTs. Now, if you can count, that is a total of 22 out of 30 slots. With timezones ranging from UTC−12:00 to UTC+14:00. HDs, for teachers i cannot say for Professors, work with Lobster to create Workshops(Which we have 3 this month starting on the 4th), monthly events(That HDs work with Lobster to help, create, setup, and run the event), Watching Teachers classes(UT-QT), Give opinions on Teacher applications, Training new teachers(With timezones can be a problem but we have things set up the way we do that works for us), and a lot more that Professors or other members of SRP are unable to see.

We, HDs and SLT, might not be on AS OFTEN but we work more behind the scenes than what you understand or realize. UTs/NQTs are more online just because there are more amount of them compared to 3 HDs, which we three are practically on everyday assisting, not only Teachers, but Professors and Employees with situations, problems, and issues that might arise. HDs, we are silly, if you ever interact with Teacher HDs or Professor HDs, we are the most silly people in the world(Teacher SLT is so silly). I have personally been HD since early last year and for 6 months, I was the ONLY HD for teachers. So, I was constantly training, assisting in SRP-related events, basically assisting in running the Teacher Faction. With me and Rex alone, we had help but we had it together for the best part.

We, oocly and icly, are already overworked as Teachers due to us having to handle Grade-7 through Grade-12 and the problems that come with that alone with lesson planning, hosting, question asking, etc. Teachers are also super stressed because we get hated on because we aren't teaching Every. Single. Lesson. of every single school day, it takes a toll on ones mental health when players aren't understanding why we aren't hosting classes on a certain day and there could be several reasons for this.

We do not need a Pastoral Team to listen to students problems because it is not our job in SRP, that is what the EMS faction is for. We CAN listen and talk with students, but we do not need an entire team that listen to peoples problems. We are educators, not psychs. If your character wants to listen to kids problems, be my guest, but otherwise this is something that WILL NOT WORK on SRP due to how many players we have constantly on and how many kids have Lore or Server side Trauma or problems. We aren't medical advisors, leave that to EMS


Level 163
Yeah this thing isn’t necessary plus this seems more of a British thing when the server is set on a fictional Japanese island.


Level 76
Now majority of my opinion has already been mentioned by Liz and Wind so I'm not really gonna go into too much detail with my response other than maybe on the EMS side of things as I was EMS for a decent amount of time. So go read their replies as to what I mean.

Now before I replied I did a bit of research as to what a pastoral team exactly is as I'm in the US and never really heard of it before, and there's two main versions of them: A group of people at a school whom are in charge of providing support, advice, and help to parents and/or guardians who have concerns about their child a good example being a childs behavior at home and at school, which is what being suggested in this thread, OR support provided by pastors, chaplains, and spiritual directors in a church setting. Now the first one plus what you also mentioned of giving therapy, is pretty much a psychs entire job in EMS, they ofc can do more but this is a very large chunk of what they do. If this was to be added, not only would councilors need to become an adult role (rn they are a student role) it would basically make no sense to keep psychs in EMS either. If a student is really needing therapy EMS have a system called the referral system that even if a psych isn't on then they can request to meet with a psych for a session.
No matter what faction you are in, there will always be times where it may see inactive, especially in certain time zones, or it may go through phases of what seems like inactivity due to the lack of numbers there are of them or even say if its exam season OOCly or something as this is a video game and OOC things come first.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- 'Therapy' can only be carried out by Psychiatrists in the Hospital.​
- Career Goals, School and Home Issues, and practically anything else a student has a problem with can be discussed with a Counselor, or a Student Affairs member of the Senior Leadership of either College or Highschool.​

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