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Adding a Veterinary Clinic

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Level 2
What's your Minecraft Username?: ThankfulAsh
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adding a Veterinary Clinic

What's your suggestion?:


How will this benefit the server and community?:
With the increased animal whitelist purchases, I suggested adding a veterinary clinic to the city, as this would add more roleplay opportunities for animals. I would like to suggest adding a RecoveryRP for it, similar to the human RecoveryRP we are used to today.
Adding a veterinary clinic will benefit Karakura by adding more jobs, more career fields. Roles can include: Exotic-Veterinarian, Veterinarian, Animal Behaviorist, Veterinary Assistant, ETC.
Having an animal whitelist myself, I would love it if my owner can take me to the veterinary, this can vary from a regular checkup to injuries.


Level 39
Although not completely agreeing on adding a new building to the now filled city. I do agree on the addition of the Job of a Veterinaries to the Roleplay. I think that instead of adding a building they could add another section or floor to Karakura hospital, that way they don't need to use more space.
I'm not entirely a fan of the RecoveryRP, specially for the animal whitelist, but it's true that adding this could help the animal roleplay a little more and make animals and owners interact a little more


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I’m not sure if the hospital will ever add a veterinary clinic to their building, nor do I think a new faction will arise for the sake of animals. HOWEVER I do believe you can apply for a shop to open up your own store and sell pet cosmetics / or be a pet gr00mer

It’s a lovely idea I’d like to see on the server nonetheless seeing as the number of animal whitelist users is steadily growing :)
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Level 163
This has been suggested before and I’m pretty sure it was denied. Not a lot of people own the whitelist. If a vet clinic was added the least that can happen is let the EMS treat animals. Instead of adding a whole new building that probably wouldn’t be user much due to the small percentage of people that own the whitelist.


Level 205
As an animal whitelist owner, the skipRP at the hospital entrance is a somewhat sobering experience - but unless there is an actual concept and an animal whitelist playerbase big enough to warrant the demand - we should probably wait until the need for a vet or a vet service has become bigger, more urgend, and more obvious.


Level 200
Community Team
Lore Team
As an animal whitelist user, it is NOT HARD to stay out of trouble when it comes to people or animals getting perms on you. Do I think that there should be something small for animals? Sure! That would be completely fine, but I don't think it should be something big like how some people are making it out to be. But maybe a decated room off on the side of the hospital or a small clinic nearby the hospital for some of the workers can go and check on(yes, this means a bit more work for Hospital workers, but it helps out during slow moments or needing to get away from people)

From what I have noticed from animal whitelist users on an outside perspective, they like to cause problems and that is their animals whole thing. For example, I just watched someone(without any type of motive or anything) just bite someone's leg without the player doing anything to it. Or even Bears are a prime example, they will just RUN UP TO YOU in the forest and just start GROWLING, even when we attempt to run away and they chase us. The forest use to be a hot spot for people to hangout at or have RPs and now certain people with bear whitelist(I am NOT blaming the whole bear whitelist, only how certain people play the bears) are making that fairly impossible.

Yes the bears and people should fearrp properly, but its hard to do that when these are constant problems. These are just SOME examples of players turning a good thing bad. Yeah you can report these players, I have myself a couple of times. But nothing really changes in that regard and we have animals just randomly attacking people still. Sorry for yappin' but these are some serious issues we need to help fix as a community with staff. ok done with my yap session
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Level 105
Some hospital workers may choose to research & specialize in veterinarian work, however, there's not enough animal-related work to be done for this to be an entire faction, nor a department in the hospital. Currently, you'll just be told to SkipRP your animal's injuries which works just fine as is

Otherwise, can refer to @Infi 's post on what you can do as a player. Cool idea, could work in the future if more and more animal whitelists are in circulation, however it isn't very necessary as of now


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- The Veterinarian role has been re-added to the server as a subdivision of the Hospital Faction, however, It'll be far less populated compared to Doctors, Paramedics, Nurses, and Psychiatrists.​
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