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Adjustment to fearing weapons


Level 104
IGN: PolarLoLs
DATE: 10/17/2021
I'd like to suggest a change to the current rule that you have to FearRP anyone with a weapon of any sort, This rule has been and is being abused contantly on the server to the point where it's just not even roleplay anymore, like for instance you're walking and you see a group of individuals in gang attire but you're not doing anything, 3/4 time's they will run up to you and pull a weapon of some sort then go "FearRP" in /looc, Now there's a couple of changing i feel like is needed to prevent this sort of interaction from happening;

1. You need at least Minor/Major/Mug Permissions to make someone FearRP you
2. Weapons such as wooden/metal bats and pocket knife's can't be used to -
make someone fear you since in the real world a pocket knife or bats can't really kill you in an instant
and maybe other blunt weapons like a knuckle duster and crowbar
3. If the individual enforcing FearRP is outnumbered by about 3 and is the only one holding a weapon in a group of say 4-5 leaving 3-4 of the enemies
un armed then you would not need to Fear the enforcer since they are the only supposed threat

This will help to create less commotion and less staff involvement in most situations like these and will just let RP be a bit better in gangrp


Level 27

I don't GangRP at all and I never have, but I do think this would make the server a lot better than it is. Almost every GangRPer I've met has abused everything in the book and has FailRPed countless times.


Level 134
IGN: PolarLoLs
DATE: 10/17/2021
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest a change to the current rule that you have to FearRP anyone with a weapon of any sort, This rule has been and is being abused contantly on the server to the point where it's just not even roleplay anymore, like for instance you're walking and you see a group of individuals in gang attire but you're not doing anything, 3/4 time's they will run up to you and pull a weapon of some sort then go "FearRP" in /looc, Now there's a couple of changing i feel like is needed to prevent this sort of interaction from happening;

1. You need at least Minor/Major/Mug Permissions to make someone FearRP you
2. Weapons such as wooden/metal bats and pocket knife's can't be used to -
make someone fear you since in the real world a pocket knife or bats can't really kill you in an instant
and maybe other blunt weapons like a knuckle duster and crowbar
3. If the individual enforcing FearRP is outnumbered by about 3 and is the only one holding a weapon in a group of say 4-5 leaving 3-4 of the enemies
un armed then you would not need to Fear the enforcer since they are the only supposed threat

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will help to create less commotion and less staff involvement in most situations like these and will just let RP be a bit better in gangrp
FearRP can be easily abused when it comes to weapons, it's not realistic for someone to just pull out a weapon and suddenly make you fear them.
your legit saying this because I pulled a wep on you and told you to leave the area.
That isn't a valid reason for denying a suggestion, if you aren't criticizing or giving your opinion, you shouldn't reply at all.​


Level 103
This should 100% be accepted because it's being abused, why should I fear someone when I know they can't do anything to harm me because they don't have perms

Wasted Time

Level 10
This should 100% be accepted because it's being abused, why should I fear someone when I know they can't do anything to harm me because they don't have perms
Your character does not know that, you have to fearrp it ICLY, not OOCLY. If a person is pulling out a knife on you, what would you do irl? This is why its called roleplay.

Also it is true that this rule is getting abused a lot, It needs some changes.​


Level 38
I have been pulled out weps on out of nowhere and because of this rule, one is forced to FearRP the armed person which I agree is being abused by others.


Level 72
1. You need at least Minor/Major/Mug Permissions to make someone FearRP you
-1 on this, it doesn't make that much sense since you will have to icly fear a weapon at some point, but look at the end of this for a better idea.
2. Weapons such as wooden/metal bats and pocket knife's can't be used to -
make someone fear you since in the real world a pocket knife or bats can't really kill you in an instant
and maybe other blunt weapons like a knuckle duster and crowbar.
+1 this is a good idea, these weapons can be mugged therefor shouldn't oppose much of a threat as other ones.
3. If the individual enforcing FearRP is outnumbered by about 3 and is the only one holding a weapon in a group of say 4-5 leaving 3-4 of the enemies
un armed then you would not need to Fear the enforcer since they are the only supposed threat
+1 why would I fearrp someone if I have more on my side than they have on theirs.

I feel as if the use of fearrp is indeed used way too much, however, I feel as it shouldn't be the first solution to get someone to leave an area. You could always call someone's bluff on if they will intend to use a weapon, so a possibility of it being 2-3 warnings with a said weapon out before the need to fearrp them could work? it's just a thought and I'm open to criticism.


Level 24

just get use to it its not that big of a deal, + just say it in /help, instead of do a whole ass essay on how this should be changed


Level 134

just get use to it its not that big of a deal, + just say it in /help, instead of do a whole ass essay on how this should be changed
Staff will literally say "write a suggestion on the forum", I don't know what you mean.. this is where you're meant to write an entire essay on what should be changed. You shouldn't have to get used to failrp.

-1 on this, it doesn't make that much sense since you will have to icly fear a weapon at some point, but look at the end of this for a better idea.
Not disagreeing with you, just stating my opinion here, if there are no perms for fearrping, people will continue to abuse it. Nobody just randomly pulls out a weapon and makes you fear them IRL.


Level 72
Not disagreeing with you, just stating my opinion here, if there are no perms for fearrping, people will continue to abuse it. Nobody just randomly pulls out a weapon and makes you fear them IRL.
Yes i understand this, but you dont need perms to simply have a weapon out aswell. Which goes into the last thing i mentioned
I feel as if the use of fearrp is indeed used way too much, however, I feel as it shouldn't be the first solution to get someone to leave an area. You could always call someone's bluff on if they will intend to use a weapon, so a possibility of it being 2-3 warnings with a said weapon out before the need to fearrp them could work? it's just a thought and I'm open to criticism.


Level 134
Yes i understand this, but you dont need perms to simply have a weapon out aswell. Which goes into the last thing i mentioned
I agree with fearrping weapons in most scenarios, though it's mostly about the way people abuse it. For example, someone pulling out a katana on you and telling you to leave your own property as a method to fearrp with no actual IC reason.


Level 72
I agree with fearrping weapons in most scenarios, though it's mostly about the way people abuse it. For example, someone pulling out a katana on you and telling you to leave your own property as a method to fearrp with no actual IC reason.
I do agree. its abused a lot. When the suggestion of have it be you must tell the person what to do 2-3 times with said weapon out to allow the person to call bluff ect before actually becomming scared of said weapon. In real life, not everyone will instantly fear a weapon; some people dont have the balls to actually use the weapon either.


Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
However, I do agree the FearRP weapons rule needs to be adjusted I don't think this is the correct way to do it.
The FearRP rules are one of the more complicated rules and it tends to get abused sometimes. Take the following as an example: *pulls out weapon* "GIVE ME 10k yen!!". << This action itself isn't necessarily abuse of the fearRP rule but if the victim would run away it's completely valid, obeying the one with the weapon IS NOT FearRP, running away however is. I think the best we could do to clarify this is to create examples of what is valid FearRP and what is not regarding the weapon FearRP rule.

An example of what is Failure to FearRP:
*Imagine a group of masked people with katana's surrounding someone*
A player not involved walks up close to the group and does: *takes a selfie!*


Level 22
I agree with everything you said so +1 but from what I've been told if your victim is koed they can kill you with a bat or metal bat so it would be normal is fearrp it in rp situations however idk if this is true tho. But like why won't you fearrp a pocket knife yeah it can't kill but shouldn't your character be afraid to lose like a eye or a finger? that part doesn't make sense how you don't have to fearrp a knife.


Level 121
However, I do agree the FearRP weapons rule needs to be adjusted I don't think this is the correct way to do it.
The FearRP rules are one of the more complicated rules and it tends to get abused sometimes. Take the following as an example: *pulls out weapon* "GIVE ME 10k yen!!". << This action itself isn't necessarily abuse of the fearRP rule but if the victim would run away it's completely valid, obeying the one with the weapon IS NOT FearRP, running away however is. I think the best we could do to clarify this is to create examples of what is valid FearRP and what is not regarding the weapon FearRP rule.

An example of what is Failure to FearRP:
*Imagine a group of masked people with katana's surrounding someone*
A player not involved walks up close to the group and does: *takes a selfie!*
we still risk the our character getting killed & weapon mugged and getting caught by cops, when I go to someone and pull out an epic katana and yell "give me 5.000 yen right now or I'll kill you right here right now" it gives KPS to the person, yes this can be abused against people who don't gangrp but is a criminal gonna be like "I'm thinking of robbing this guy who probably has a weapon on him" or "I'm thinking of robbing this guy whos defenseless and is a normal civilian"
I've seen many ppl roleplay great when I actually pulled out a wep and went up to them, asking for 5000 yen, they had their fun and I had my fun, at the end its just 5k yen, they arent actually gonna take yo chars life without perms
I agree with fearrping weapons in most scenarios, though it's mostly about the way people abuse it. For example, someone pulling out a katana on you and telling you to leave your own property as a method to fearrp with no actual IC reason.
this however I agree with it, I don' think someone irl would go up to you and be like "get out of yo apt rn"

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