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[Adult tag]


Level 2
I’m a bit confused on how to become an adult? I don’t really understand the process of getting the role lol-


Level 63
I’m a bit confused on how to become an adult? I don’t really understand the process of getting the role lol-
You can get the tag my either joining a faction and staying in the faction for 3+ months. An example being EMS, KPD, Goverment, School facility, stuff like that

Or you graduate and get the role after passing college masters i beilive


Level 28
Beware that college masters requires multiple exams, spread over 6+ months, so if you need to become an adult within just a few months time you'd be better off applying for a faction. However if you don't mind how gradual it'll be, role-playing through it might be more satisfying.


Level 281
Glad you would enjoy it. There's one college exam every 2(?) Months and you need to go through five I think
no the exams are basixally random at this point just like faction applications

my teacher app has yet to be reviewed and it has been 2 months


Level 63
no the exams are basixally random at this point just like faction applications

my teacher app has yet to be reviewed and it has been 2 months
For employees, professors, and teachers I don’t think they make announcements for it either. I believe they just check it when they need people and that’s that

If you’re curious about when they may read it keep an eye on the teacher roster


Level 63
They do college exams every two months for bachelor, yet I'm unsure about masters.

With actual applications, they just slowly accept and deny people when it's needed.


Level 67
Of course most of everything been said is correct. The options is either join a faction and be apart of it for 3+ months, or you can wait for exams. You have to start with Grade-12—>College>College[M]—> either College[PHD] or in your case [Adult].

Though in my professional opinion, being an adult is not at all exciting. In my opinion if you want to be an adult of such, it’s best being an adult apart of a faction. However if you do still want to be an adult role, if you choose the exam route, CLICK HERE for more information on when they take place!


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