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Ahnzo Saito

[ Ahnzo Saito. ]

Basic Information

First Name: Ahnzo
Surname: Saito

Box, Boxie

Gender: Male (He/They)

Age: 18

Height: 4'10

Weight: 100 lbs

Build: lanky and feminine

Skin Color: tan

Eye Color: Brown and pink, Heterochromia. (not seen, because of the box.)

Hair Style: fluffy bed head. (Not seen, because of the box.)

Hair Color: Dark brown and pink, Split dyed
Fashion: alternative

Date of Birth: april 10th

Place of Birth: Luxor, Egypt.

Nationality: Egyptian + Japanese

Race: Mixed

Sexual Orientation: Gray-asexual, Homoromantic.

Religious Beliefs: Atheist

Political Beliefs: They don't pay attention to politics,

General Appearance

Appearance: They have tan, sunkissed skin, and their most notable feature, they wear a box on their head, which covers most of his features.

Personality: He's extremely anxious in crowds, and usually quiet and withdrawn. but a ray of sunshine, if he befriends you.

Disorders/Conditions: Anemia

Character Voice:
[How does your character talk?]
Timestamp - 2:03

Grey smartphone.

Hobbies: Drawing, making outfits, Dancing, singing

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Autism spectrum disorder, Depression, broken self-image, mild hikikomori.

Skills: Ahnzo can calm down an argument easily, Ahnzu can also calm down animals that are "feral" (in fear, defending something, etc.)

Quirks: Ahnzo stims when happy, and swings their legs when focusing.

Family: Ahnzo completely cut off his family.

Backstory: Ahnzo lived in a wealthy yet mentally abusive household, he went to a private academy in his childhood and early adolescence, constantly being bullied, being called weak or ugly, Because of this, he developed depression, and hikikomori at a young age. He wore a box on his head, and only looks at himself in mirrors when wearing the box. Eventually, through stealing funds from his dad and brother, he ran away and lived on the streets for a while, then saved for an apartment. After that, he enrolled himself into karakura academy at 15. He doesn't have much outside of what was given to him, He's very proud of his clothing choices, though.

Extra lore / Character development (will probably be updated): Ahnzo got confident enough to stop wearing the box, partially because he lost it, but he still can't look himself directly in the mirror, despite him being cute. Ahnzo split dyed his hair pink. Ahnzo recently started dating someone, his confidence shot up because of it.

Ahnzo's design and backstory is based on maewnam from UGLY DUCKL1N6: D0N'T, And crying child from fnaf 4.

EDIT: yall i spelled his name wrong LMAO, his names ahnzo, not ahnzu, my bad
EDIT #2: added a thingy for character development, since ahnzo changed intentionally and unintentionally throughout me rping as him B)
EDIT #3: added extra pics for hair and how he dresses


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