Level 9

"It is always sad to part with those whom you love, but your companions will help you bare that sadness."

Akane' H. Blackburn
[24][Adult]High-school Receptionist]

~First Name: Akane`
~Sir Name: Blackburn
~Preferred Name: Akane`
~Gender: Female
~Age: 5'5 { Five foot, Three Inches }
~Weight: 126 Lb
~Build: Mesomorph
~Skin Tone: Pale Ivory
~Eye Color: Light Green
~Hair Style and Length:
-Waist length, Straight, Swooped bangs.
-Hair color would be Crimson
~Fashion: Dark clothing, usually Hugo Boss
~Abnormalities: Psychopathic Disorder and OCD
~Date of birth: October 6, 1987
~Place of Birth: Rosenberg, Germany
~Nationality: Japanese
~Ethnicity: German
~Race: Caucasian
~Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
~Equipment: A black scrunchy and a small container of mints.

~Character's Voice:
Japanese Version of Her Voice {Female with the red hair}:
English Version of Her Voice {Female with the red hair} :
~Personality: She is very quiet and does not speak unless spoken to most of the time. She only ever acts cute or more energetic when she is around the individuals that she is most comfortable with. She is very over protective of the individuals that she cares for deeply and would most likely fight anyone who disrespected them. She is very emotionally closed off from everyone, she is also very secretive when it comes to her past or about feelings she for people. She is very mentally unstable to the point where her emotions will fill her head she wont be able to filter her actions if mad enough. When she get's mad she usually rambles in German. She is very impatient and will quickly leave if nothing interesting happens. She can be very sassy at times if interested or annoyed. She is very happy and cutesy when she speaks of something she loves dearly, this can include a person, hobby, genre and object.
~Skills: Piano, Knife throwing, and interrogation.
~Hobbies: Piano, Swimming, Star gazing, and exercise.
~Quirks: Twirling then ends of her hair and rolling her eyes.
~Illnesses and Phobias
=Psychopathic Disorder : {Psychopathy is traditionally a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, dis inhibited, and egotistical traits. It is sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy.}
-OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves unwanted and disturbing thoughts, images, or urges (obsessions) that intrude into a child/teen's mind and cause a great deal of anxiety or discomfort, which the child/teen then tries to reduce by engaging in repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions).
-Astraphobia: Astraphobia, also known as astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia, or tonitrophobia is an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning, a type of specific phobia. It is a treatable phobia that both humans and animals can develop.
-Father: Heinrich Hayashi [Deceased]
-Mother: Edith Hayashi [Alive]
-Siblings: Miyasaki Hayashi, Soo Mi Hayashi, Min Joon Hayashi, Zuga Hayashi, 'Leon' Hayashi.
-Son: Tobias Blackburn

On October 6th, 1987 located in Rosenberg, Germany Edith Hayashi had her first child, a baby girl that they then name Akane` Illene Hayashi. She had crimson red hair just like her father and light green eyes like her mother. Akane` was raised in a household of five siblings. She grew a rather happy and innocent life but that soon came to a change. Akane's mother Edith Hayashi finally came to explain to Akane` that she is head of the family and has to meet her parents expectations for her future. Akane` was told that she was to marry a man of her parents choice at the age of nineteen. This made Akane` angry which she then started to go against her parents wishes. Akane` then was diagnosed with a Psychopathic Disorder and OCD, the symptoms then enhanced over the years making it very difficult for her in her every day life.
April 23, 2000 Akane` had left home, moving to Karakura Japan alone without her parents consent. She then went to highs-chool, then college, and now she has a job working as a receptionist at the Karakura High-school. She then met the love of her life Tom November Blackburn years go by and they finally decided to get married. Akane` was happily married when she shortly that same year found she was pregnant with her first child. May 26, 2006 Akane` had a healthy baby boy with crimson red hair and grey eyes, he was named Tobias Blackburn. Akane` and Tom lived 14 wonderful years together in a big house with their son. On July 17, 2019 Tom Blackburn was arrested for life, this broke Akane' in ways unimaginable. Akane' and Tom then sadly decided to get a divorce after 14 years of marriage. Akane' now is back to being very emotionally blocked off and known to be very cold to others. She is now raising her son as a single mother trying to make him the happiest little boy in the world.