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Akira Toyoshima's biography


Level 4
"A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle."


Basic Information

First Name:


Preferred Name:

View attachment 60425

K246, Ultra-1, Kira, Aki, Toyoshima



6'3'' or 192cm

179lbs or 81kg


Skin Color:

Eye Color:


Hair Color:

He has a scar on his abdomen, stretched from his side to the bottom of his ribcage.

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
Unnamed Rural Village, Japan



Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:
Non-practicing Christian

Political Beliefs:

General Appearance

Akira stands tall at an imposing 6'3, with a muscular build that makes him look like an absolute unit, the result of intense physical activity he was subjected to during his time in the military. He has black messy hair that frame a square-jawed face, his blue eyes exude an intense gaze, speaking volumes on the experiences he's been through. On his uniform's vest lays a badge, which he proudly wore, with K246, his callsign

Akira appears to be calm and reserved, and a very disciplined individual, you can tell that military discipline is still ingrained in him. His conversations tend to be mostly small talk, but in case of a long one he can be very attentive and a great listener, he tends to keep them brief but makes sure to express his opinions as clearly as possible as not to cause any misunderstanding. Behind closed doors, it becomes more apparent that accident affected him in some way, every now and then he gets dreams regarding that day he was injured, and loud noises may put him on high alert, immediately looking for the cause. The camaraderie, which carried over from his time in the military, gives him a sense of belonging while trying to heal from his past trauma and move on. To sum him up, he's a young man who's been reshaped by the military machine, marked by the discipline he's carried over and the silent struggles of his trauma.

Character Voice:

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Excellent marksmanship, great fighting capabilities, keen vision, excellent awareness, good leadership, physical fitness, great teamwork, excellent adaptability.


Early Life (0 - 12)


Akira was born in Ashika, Japan, a rural town in the outskirts of Kyoto. His early life was characterized by this green and vibrant environment, where he would usually adventure with his siblings to catch fireflies and other types of small wildlife surrounding the town. He was raised along with his two other siblings : Momoka and Hiroshi, by a single mother, his father had abandoned them to their fate right after Momoka was born, where he went is still unknown to this day. Akira experienced the struggles faced by his mother, who worked tirelessly to provide for her family without a fatherly figure.. And as the costs of life kept rising, Akira matured and realized more and more the situation they were in, wanting to ease her mother's burden as he grew up. Elementary school was a good time for him : he was a very enthusiastic child who wanted to learn more and more about every subject he studied, teachers appreciated his thirst for knowledge and rewarded him with very good grades, while the other kids looked up to him for his intelligence and maturity for his age.

Adolescence (13 - 18)


Middle school was a little more hard for him, as he was going through puberty at the time, suffering from acne, some kids picked on him for his looks, which made him really insecure, this slightly impacted his performance as many kids thought he was a "smartass" or a nerd, however this was also when his sister picked up a passion for gymnastics, and he was fascinated by it, so much so he went to every competition she was participating in, wanting to support her further. High school was much better for him, as he found new opportunities to discover himself and grow as a person, he wasn't as studious as he previously was, due to fear he would be made fun of again for being a nerd, but he was still a good student nonetheless. He discovered a passion for fitness and sports, similiarly to his sister, and it was also a great opportunity to show support for her as they practiced at the same time in the gymnasium, he picked up basketball. On the court, he was a beast, with demonic speed and agility, some even daring to call him the best sharpshooter in the school.

Military Life (18 - 21)


However, as he graduated, he had to fully embrace the responsibility and consequences of becoming an adult, and he couldn't help but notice his mother was getting exhausted with the growing cost of their life, determined to ease the weight on her back. He had made the decision to enlist in the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF), a choice not only driven by personal ambition, but by a deep sense of duty and responsibility to his family. His mother wasn't too fond of the decision, protesting tearfully until the very last moment, with Momoka wanting to change his mind as well, but without no avail. Hiroshi hasn't been around them since he turned 18, they didn't want to lose Akira as well after Hiroshi and their father, however, Akira assured them he would've been safe, that he would be back, and that he would've provided for them. His mother and Momoka cried as he left, unsure of how it would go without him. Military life was a big change from his civilian life, this decision was about to shape him deeply as a person and test his resolve in ways he could've never imagined. He had proved himself to be a standout recruit right from the start, demostrating exceptional skill and dedication to every aspect of his training, what kept him going was thinking about his family and their struggle. He had natural aptitude for marksmanship and tactics, which gained him recognition amongst his superiors, especially to the Unit Commander, who quickly promoted him to private. In the firing range, his steady and sharp eye made him and excellent sharpshooter, hitting targets with pinpoint accuracy and mechanical precision, on par with even the most seasoned veterans. In war games and training excersises, his strategic ability and quick thinking set him apart from his peers, earning him a reputation as a natural born leader, being considered for another promotion, he excelled with ease in simulated combat scenarios, and in navigating through complex combat situations. His ability to remain calm under pressure and adapt to constantly changing situations gained him a reputation, with his officers considering him a very valuable asset to his unit, this caught once again the eye of the Unit Commander, which promoted him to Private First Class. He had an unwavering dedication to duty and commitment to excellence, which earned him admiration and respect to those around him, peers and officers alike, his comrades were like brothers to him, he had forged innumerous bonds of camaraderie with his unit, camaraderie that carried over to his civilian life. Despite the enormous success he was facing, he kept grounded to his motives, driven not by personal ambition but by a deep sense of duty and responsibility to his family. He called his mother and Momoka every day to let them know he was safe and sound, never forgetting about them, his family's support and the memory of his mother's sacrifice drove him further to succeed against all odds.

Deployment to Kazanami Island (20 - 21)


While getting used to military life, Akira thought to himself that it couldn't go better than this. Sure, the rhythms were frenetic and his career was really physically demanding, but he enjoyed doing what he did, little did he know, things were about to go downhill for him. Kazanami Island, an Island in the pacific known for it's proximity to Russia, it's always been at the center of disputes between the japanese government and the Kremlin, however things never took a serious turn as the japanese government never really saw it as an important geopolitical debacle to solve, and left it to it's fate. However, one day, Japan was quickly reminded of the harsh realities of war, the same war it believed to have left in the past, after the 40s, surely nothing similiar was about to happen to the land of the rising sun ever again right? Turns out Kazanami Island's capital, Kamigorod, (inhabited by 30% ethnic russians) was occupied by violent russian separatists, who have quickly expanded westward in the island, seemingly unstoppable. The UN security council swiftly decided to intervene by establishing a safe zone within the north side of the island, where they would welcome refugees and, soon injured japanese soldiers. Akira followed this whole crisis unfolding on the news in the weeks prior to his deployment, he found himself increasingly drawn to the news report detailing the unfolding situation on the island. When the call to arms finally came, Akira answered without hesitation, although he felt a little scared like everybody else for his own life, he phoned his family before departing for Kazanami Island, his mother and sister begged for him not to go, but he reassured them he would be alright, nothing would go wrong as soon as he followed training, right? Upon arriving on the island, he was immediately struck by the contrast between the island's natural beauty and the harsh reality of war, the once calm and peaceful shores were now marred by sand bags, howitzers, barriers, barbed wire, tents and the loud buzzing of helicopter blades. As part of a Japanese Task Force, his initial deployment was something he could've never imagined, it wasn't long before he found himself into the thick of the air of war he had took a breath out of as soon as he touched down on the island. His unit was pinned down by insurgents in a hellish urban battleground, there were no heroes here, no glory or honor, just survival, Akira understood that very quickly, and althought it was a shock for him.. He decided to adapt to the environment so he could return to see his family again. In those moments of chaos and carnage, he had to do what he had to do in order to stay alive. During the chaos of urban warfare, and the rain of machine gun fire and explosions raging upon him and his unit, the same raging rain that led to the Staff Sergeant's ending, something inside him switched on, and he managed to formulate a clever plan to infiltrate the insurgent-held building on their 12 and eliminate the threat. He managed to create a distraction by ordering one of his fellow soldiers to fire a rocket from an RPG found on the ground, directly at the window they were getting fired from, if they evaded before they could get struck, it would buy them enough time to run out of cover and infiltrate in an alleyway closeby. His plan succeeded and, with stealth and precision, he managed to lead what was left of his unit through the labyrinthine streets, evading enemy fire and IEDs along the way. As they closed in on their target, Akira's unit came under fire again, one of them was shot in the head right in front of him, the sight of one of his men dying right in front of him scarred him deeply, to this day he still cannot forget the expression his comrade had before his brain matter was scattered on the floor right in front of him. He stopped for a good moment, staring at his dead body right in front of him before being shook back to reality by another one of his comrades "WE HAVE TO GO, NOW" he said, Akira didn't reply, he simply got up and followed the rest of his unit while still looking at the corpse in shock. Despite the intense resistance, Akira and the rest of his unit kept closing in, until they finally breached into the enemy outpost and cleared it corner by corner. Akira led the group into this close quarters battle, there were around two dozens of insurgents, he used all he could to gain the upper hand, each downed insurgent was just another target to him, however to this day, much similiar to his now dead comrade, he still cannot forget the expressions they had before they exhaled their last breath, but now, it was his fault. When the smoke and the dust finally cleared up, Akira emerged from the wreckage as a ghost of his former self, the memories of those 16 insurgents he shot haunted him like ghosts, their accusing stares burning holes into his soul, and as he marched through the blood-soaked streets, he knew that the scars of war would never truly heal. On a routine mission on this war-thorn island, months after his arrival, he ventured deep into enemy territory with his new assigned unit, they navigated through dense jungles and rugged terrain, their every move guided by the need to remain unseen and undetected, with enemy patrols lurking around every corner, they moved with caution, keeping alert by the constant threat of danger. It was during this routine reconnaissance mission that disaster struck, while surveying enemy positions from a vantage point on top of a hill, his unit came under sudden and intense fire, caught off guard by the unforeseen ferocity of this attack, they were forced to retreat under another rain of heavy fire. In this chaos, Akira found himself separated from his unit, his only thought to survive and regroup with his comrades. Desperately avoiding capture, he navigated through a dense jungle evinronment and treacherous terrain, he was on high alert as he fought to stay one step ahead of the enemy. However, fate had other plans for Akira, as he attempted to make his way back to friendly lines, a sudden artillery barrage rained down upon his position, unleashing a devastating chaos of explosions and shrapnel, the shockwave broke his legs and the shrapnel was sent right into his abdomen, but he still managed to drag himself close to friendly lines, before blacking out completely.

Back to civilian life (21 - 25)


He woke up in the hospital, upon opening his eyes Momoka jumped onto his arms, his mother was in tears, she couldn't believe the state her son was in. They casted his legs and completely bandaged his abdomen and was 100% garanteed to make a full recovery, that day however.. Something inside him broke. Seeings his mother and sister crying for him convinced him to make a very difficult decision, he decided to cut the bright future he had ahead of him in the JMSDF to help his family in other ways. After being honorably discharged, he moved with his sister to the nearby town of Karakura, where he would attend university with his sister, working part time jobs here and there to afford tuition for both of them and fund their hobbies. This new life was calmer than what he was used to in the military, maybe the military changed him, maybe the war did.. What he knew for sure is that he could never forget the unspeakable evil he had seen. Momo noticed his change in attitude, he was simple and direct in communications and didn't speak a lot unless he was questioned, was always very vigilant, couldn't sleep at night or woke up suddenly after having terrible nightmares, as he described, could get irritable, and had frightful thoughts, she was worried for his mental health.

Officer Toyoshima (25 -)


After about 4 years of attempting to move on from his military past, it seemed like no matter how much he attempted to forget about his fight, no matter how much he attempted to forget the stuff he's been through, he kept getting drawn to the thrill of risk brought by being a Marine, however he knew that his family would never let him enlist ever again.. However he needed a new second family, a family that would make him feel the same way he did when he was in the military, a family that would treat him just the same. Akira noticed the absurd amount of crime in Karakura, so one day.. He made the decision to enlist in the Karakura Police Department, so he could make a difference in the chaotic town of Karakura, while upholding the principles of duty and honor that had guided him throughout his military career, he wanted to feel like he had a purpose again. Momo asked him if he actively wished for his death, a remark to which Akira replied with : "To be honest, I don't fear the reaper". The training he underwent as a cadet fondly reminded him of his time in the military, with interesting informational training and fairly demanding physical training that taught him how to act in case of various scenarios unfolding, there really wasa rigorous emphasis on discipline and teamwork too. It was a reminder of the camaraderie and sense of belonging he had felt among his fellow soldiers, a feeling he really missed since leaving the service. After passing the exam with flying colors, Akira was promoted to the rank of Patrol Officer, now feeling free to do his best to make a difference, with the new comrades he met during his time as a cadet. His military training and past expertise served him well in his new role, as he patrolled the city with vigilance and professionalism, always ready to respond to emergencies whenever they presented themselves, and it wasn't long before his performance caught the eye of the higher-ups, leading to his promotion to Corporal. He currently still serves in the Karakura Police Department, doing his best to dismantle the stereotype of cops being assholes and brutal, treating suspects with humanity and patience, as well as fostering a steel solid relationship with his colleagues and those related to his job.
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