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Accepted Akira's Science Teacher Application


Level 21
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: Qu33n_Alice (ALT)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes! Queen Alice#8875

How old are you? (Optional): I am about to turn 19 years old.

What is your timezone?: I live in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) time zone.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I understand that being inactive will result in being demoted.

Describe your activity on the server: I get online most days when I don't have work in real life. On days off, I tend to play all day.

Do you have any previous bans?: No, I have no previous bans for this server.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED] [DENIED] [ACCEPTED] [DENIED] [ACCEPTED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
While for this account I currently have no roles, I am a Grade 12 student on my main account Aphrodite_Areia and on one of my alts, OnyxNyx, I bought a custom rank to become a cat.


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: Being a teacher could help to entertain me and allow me to expand my roleplay horizons. I hope that in becoming a teacher, I can also provide students with more classes and more entertainment as well as chances for roleplaying within the server during school hours.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher logs provide evidence and help you keep track of both important occurrences in your class as well as providing an easier means to keep track of how many class sessions you hosted that month.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?:
In order for a field trip to be sanctioned by the school, I would have to communicate it with one of the vice principals and provide a viable reason for the class to take such field trip (to connect it to the learning material being taught in the class). The field trip has to be planned out and approved in advance and details regarding date, location, time, and return of the excursion would have to be discussed by one of the vice principals.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
1.) Make sure that students are, first and foremost, taking proper safety precautions on a day to day basis, in this case including during labs.
2.) Anyone in the classroom should be treated with respect regardless of gender, sexuality, race, religion, nationality, etc.
3.) Phones are strictly prohibited in the classroom. The distraction provided by phones could easily result in serious danger specifically in science classrooms.
4.) Eating and drinking is prohibited in the classroom. Eating or drinking in the science classroom runs the risk of ingesting dangerous substances that could result in permanent damage to someone's body.
5.) No running or roughhousing in the classroom will be tolerated whatsoever. Partaking in any of these behaviours will result in immediate punishment.
6.) Toys of any sort are to be put away. Distractions, especially during labs, will not be tolerated as they present danger for you and those around you.
7.) As a teacher, I will be expected to fill out logs in accordance to my classes each day.
8.) I will also be expected to behave in a professional manner and not engage in any innapropriate behaviours in or outside of school.
9.) I will be expected to do everything I can to provide students with the support they need, both emotionally and academically as well as to ensure their safety.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I've been roleplaying since I was around 10 years old (so around 9 years). I did both fantasy roleplays and realistic roleplays, both in a DnD style as well as in a text-based system. I always do my best to make my emotes realistic, both for my characters and for their interactions with the world around them. In terms of SchoolRP, I believe that I've been around since late 2018, but I'm not sure because I don't have the best memory in terms of time.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD: This stands for the Head of Department- this rank of teachers is the most important teacher in their department. These teachers make sure that QTs and NQTs adhere to the policies and provide a proper slate of education for the students under their care.

-QT: These are the Qualified Teachers of Learning and Skills. These teachers have been teaching for longer and have a wider range of experience than NQTs. They're fully qualified and are allowed to teach their classes without aid.

- NQT: Newly Qualified Teachers. These are the teachers who have only recently begun their teaching career. They have minimal experience and tend to require aid from teaching assistants. They often go to higher ranked teachers for advice in matters involving the classroom.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
I feel like I have more knowledge of teachers out of game than in game, as while I grew up my mother went to school to become a teacher and I would often help her grade the papers of her students using the answer keys she provided me with. In real life, teachers are incredibly important for ensuring that youth learn the information and social behaviours needed in order to succeed in the everyday world.

Teachers use a variety of teaching methods to ensure that their students absorb the information their classes present. To do so, they use lectures with visual aids, notes, and hands-on activities. The best teachers will try to make their lessons fun, because what better way is there to engrain knowledge into someone's head than by creating a memorable experience?

Not only do teachers work plenty of hours after school grading papers, but they also have a duty to make sure that their students are safe. They are considered mandated reporters and often serve as the first lines of ensuring that a child is receiving the proper care necessary for that student to succeed in life, and ensuring that their home life is safe.

The extreme determination and grit required to be a teacher is something that deserves respect due to their ability to teach and protect their students at the same time. While in my country, teachers aren't treated with the respect or pay they should be for working in such an important field, in Japan and in SchoolRP's city specifically, teachers are paid a generous wage of 450,000 yen for hosting 15 lessons in a month, as well as bonuses when they go above and beyond.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
In a SchoolRP server, most players are focused on roleplaying as a student. Without teachers, their experiences wouldn't be as realistic or entertaining, so teachers serve as a means to delve deeper into the roleplay experience and provide greater entertainment for those involved.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school's system for lesson planning revolves around order of importance for a student's learning. The priority rankings start with what the student MUST have, then what they SHOULD have, and finally what they COULD have in terms of information.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?
The character I've designed for this role is named Akira Inagawa. I first came up for the idea of this character when I learnt about Lichtenberg Figures, which inspired me to create a character with one. As Lichtenberg figures are the appearances of scars caused by being struck by lightning or another sort of high voltage, I thought that this character should be interested in the scientific field of things! He has a large lichtenberg figure on his back (though it is hidden from view), piercing electric blue eyes, and dark hair. While he tends to behave in a pretentious manner, he does have a genuine care for his students and coworkers and won't hesitate to do everything in his power to ensure that they have everything they need in terms of intellect and support. He hopes to one day become head of the science department when he gains more experience.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Calmly approach the delinquent students, making sure to memorize their faces to match to names before clearing his throat to gain their attention, then reminding them that such behaviours are inappropriate for a school environment and that if they were to continue they would be punished with a detention.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Find a way to regain their attention. The first way to do so would be by clearing his throat, then if need be raising his voice to try and get their focus on him. If the students get too rowdy and he needs to, he would call for assistance from other staff members.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Akira tends to prefer to keep to himself, so he won't typically go out of his way to strike up a conversation with his coworkers. However, if he is invited to join a conversation, he will be polite and treat his coworkers in a friendly manner.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me would train his electric blue eyes over the students and their workstations, making sure that everyone was following the rules and safety precautions, on the alert for any students who may need his help
/me would clear his throat loudly in an attempts to gain his students' attention before proceeding,
/me would approach the board and display a model of a cell's anatomy before turning to his class, inhaling in preparation of the explanation that would follow
/me would sit at his desk and grade papers, glancing up every now and again to ensure that no students were breaking any rules or cheating during the test

/* Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and his/her previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended. Make sure this is over 300 words. Remove this comment after posting.*/

Akira had wanted to become a teacher ever since he was enrolled in middle school. Throughout his years of learning, he always gave his best in and outside of the classroom in his hometown of Kyoto, Japan. Though he was unsure for years just what subject he specifically would want to teach, the answer struck him, quite literally, as he was walking home one day in grade 9 during a thunderstorm. After waking up in the hospital a few weeks later, he discovered that there was a scar across his back in the shape of the lightning that had struck him. This shocking discovery led him to understand that his destiny was to become a science teacher one day. Carrying on and pressing forward even harder, he completed his schooling and later earned his degree. At the age of 28, he moved to Karakura to become on of the school's science teachers.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name:
Akira Inagawa
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): N/A
Preferred Name: Mr. Inagawa

Age (Minimum is 27): 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: No religious affiliation.
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): Less than 1 year
Working Experience (# of years): 2 years

Academic Degree: Bachelor's
Year of Graduation: 2017
Major(s): Science, Education
Minors: Biology, Human Anatomy

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: N/A

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes.
Preferred Teaching Subject: Science
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Level 339
HS Sports Lead
Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Science Teacher at Karakura High School.

After carefully reading through your application, I have concluded that your application is up to par with the standards expected when reviewing Teachers applications. There are just a few steps left to obtain your role(s):

- Ensure that you’re in the Karakura Academics Discord.
- DM me via Discord to get your roles and permissions setup: @KimiNoUso#9999.​

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