Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): Alcidies
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server: I'm very active in the server, I play from when I wake up to when I sleep, its about 15 hours of server time.
Which timezone are you in? EST, I'm Canadian
Do you have Discord? Indeed I do Alcidies#6666
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: I do have a microphone, I'm always free to talk.
List your current and past applications:
[Denied]Spanish Application: https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/spanish-application.20172/
[Accepted]Spanish Application: Re-try: https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/spanish-application-re-try.20212/
[Accepted]Doctor Application:https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/azarxz-doctor-application.20281/
[Accepted]Staff-Applications: https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/alcidies-staff-application.22626/
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is, I've been in EMS for a bit of time, working alongside the KPD. Helping them with Patrols, doing morgue work for solving murders, and helping with raids that they have done. Admiring them for the time I joined EMS, I've always wanted to join the KPD first instead of EMS, although I was afraid of my character at the time dying. Now I would like to apply, I've also grown quite fond of all the police in the station, and I must admit Loooper made me want to apply before I was hesitating but now it seems a lot more interesting. I personally not a huge fan of gangrp, and I tend to see a lot of crime go unsolved, I want to help solve them. Also, I want to be a police investigator in real life. Hopefully I will learn basic teamwork knowledge with the KPD, basic law enforcement as well.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes I understand, some rules are a bit different from where I live. But I'm happy to learn more.
What are the Police ranks?
[H] Head-Lieutenant
[H] Head-Investigator
Investigator Trainee
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police work, It's all about teamwork, and working with your fellow officers. Being disorganized wouldn't help you succeed into the police force. Being in EMS I have learned how the KPD function as a whole. Observing pat-downs, watching manhunt's and gang hideout raids. Also knowing not to abuse my police roll or items I receive, abusing it would be a disadvantage to the other players. Following the rules as a KPD is crucial to keep the entire faction composed. Not knowing the basic factors in KPD will make the KPD look unorganized and poorly selected.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
The Police are important to SchoolRP because they enforce order within the city, If there were no Police Officers the entire city would be in a dangerous state. Having gang members roam the streets causing havoc, hurting people and well even worse killing them. The Police are here to serve and protect, they are the guardians for SchoolRP. Even so, the KPD isn't just here for finding gang members. Its also here to display peace, despite the gangrpers. They are here to bring justice to the delinquents in the city.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I acknowledge this rule
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I acknowledge this rule
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
I acknowledge this rule
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I acknowledge this rule
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?:
Kaito is a mysterious male, his ashy grey hair that falls to his nose at a simple curl. He's rather tall at about 6'3-6'4, Averagely built, His tone of voice would be smooth but monotone. He wouldn't look at your wrongly but with respect, He's rather humble but mostly serious. Ready for any task given. He's unique by being respectful, but also he obeys any order that would be given.
What he's like on and off the job?
On the Job, Kaito is mostly focused on his work. Not letting his social life get in the way, he is primely focused on his job and he also is quite understanding. He does have a good humour sense, he's a nice male to work with.
Off the Job, Kaito is primely focused on working out, or trying to solve cases from work he was received. He joins taking a small job every morning to start his day, he does in fact like to get a small drink here and there. Composed and mature.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Kaito will always be respectful of all his Co-workers, despite some not working well with him. He will always try and be humble with all his co-workers. He would be seen as a respectful figure, but also quite cold.
Future Plans, hopefully get into the investigator department. He wanted to follow in his mothers steps as an investigator in her memory.
When Kaito was a young boy, he and his dad lived in the rather dangerous parts of Tokyo, Japan. His father was a single dad working just as a regular police officer to make ends meet. Kaito's mother passed away after she was lured in by a Japanese gang and was brutally murdered. Kaito's father was truly upset after he was the one who found his wife body. Kaito didn't really understand the whole thing. All he knew is he wanted to stop the gang activity as much as possible to save families. When he was about 11 years old Kaito joined a small cadet program, just to learn the basics and to hopefully get him into Law Enforcement school. Kaito was usually found helping kids who got bullied or beaten up, reporting it to a higherup with authority. He found it exhilarating to bring the people who hurt innocent people to justice. He then graduated from highschool going straight to Policing School, where he trained hard and diligently to become a police officer. Once he graduated from Policing School, his father was proud to see his son follow in his footsteps. He was then implanted into the Karakura Police Department.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Kaito Ikezawa
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Kai
Preferred Name: Kaito
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years
Working Experience: None
Academic Degree: Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Forensic
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Korean
IGN (In-Game Name): Alcidies
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server: I'm very active in the server, I play from when I wake up to when I sleep, its about 15 hours of server time.
Which timezone are you in? EST, I'm Canadian
Do you have Discord? Indeed I do Alcidies#6666
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: I do have a microphone, I'm always free to talk.
List your current and past applications:
[Denied]Spanish Application: https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/spanish-application.20172/
[Accepted]Spanish Application: Re-try: https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/spanish-application-re-try.20212/
[Accepted]Doctor Application:https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/azarxz-doctor-application.20281/
[Accepted]Staff-Applications: https://schoolrp.net/index.php?threads/alcidies-staff-application.22626/
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is, I've been in EMS for a bit of time, working alongside the KPD. Helping them with Patrols, doing morgue work for solving murders, and helping with raids that they have done. Admiring them for the time I joined EMS, I've always wanted to join the KPD first instead of EMS, although I was afraid of my character at the time dying. Now I would like to apply, I've also grown quite fond of all the police in the station, and I must admit Loooper made me want to apply before I was hesitating but now it seems a lot more interesting. I personally not a huge fan of gangrp, and I tend to see a lot of crime go unsolved, I want to help solve them. Also, I want to be a police investigator in real life. Hopefully I will learn basic teamwork knowledge with the KPD, basic law enforcement as well.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes I understand, some rules are a bit different from where I live. But I'm happy to learn more.
What are the Police ranks?
[H] Head-Lieutenant
[H] Head-Investigator
Investigator Trainee
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police work, It's all about teamwork, and working with your fellow officers. Being disorganized wouldn't help you succeed into the police force. Being in EMS I have learned how the KPD function as a whole. Observing pat-downs, watching manhunt's and gang hideout raids. Also knowing not to abuse my police roll or items I receive, abusing it would be a disadvantage to the other players. Following the rules as a KPD is crucial to keep the entire faction composed. Not knowing the basic factors in KPD will make the KPD look unorganized and poorly selected.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
The Police are important to SchoolRP because they enforce order within the city, If there were no Police Officers the entire city would be in a dangerous state. Having gang members roam the streets causing havoc, hurting people and well even worse killing them. The Police are here to serve and protect, they are the guardians for SchoolRP. Even so, the KPD isn't just here for finding gang members. Its also here to display peace, despite the gangrpers. They are here to bring justice to the delinquents in the city.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I acknowledge this rule
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I acknowledge this rule
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
I acknowledge this rule
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I acknowledge this rule

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?:
Kaito is a mysterious male, his ashy grey hair that falls to his nose at a simple curl. He's rather tall at about 6'3-6'4, Averagely built, His tone of voice would be smooth but monotone. He wouldn't look at your wrongly but with respect, He's rather humble but mostly serious. Ready for any task given. He's unique by being respectful, but also he obeys any order that would be given.
What he's like on and off the job?
On the Job, Kaito is mostly focused on his work. Not letting his social life get in the way, he is primely focused on his job and he also is quite understanding. He does have a good humour sense, he's a nice male to work with.
Off the Job, Kaito is primely focused on working out, or trying to solve cases from work he was received. He joins taking a small job every morning to start his day, he does in fact like to get a small drink here and there. Composed and mature.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Kaito will always be respectful of all his Co-workers, despite some not working well with him. He will always try and be humble with all his co-workers. He would be seen as a respectful figure, but also quite cold.
Future Plans, hopefully get into the investigator department. He wanted to follow in his mothers steps as an investigator in her memory.
When Kaito was a young boy, he and his dad lived in the rather dangerous parts of Tokyo, Japan. His father was a single dad working just as a regular police officer to make ends meet. Kaito's mother passed away after she was lured in by a Japanese gang and was brutally murdered. Kaito's father was truly upset after he was the one who found his wife body. Kaito didn't really understand the whole thing. All he knew is he wanted to stop the gang activity as much as possible to save families. When he was about 11 years old Kaito joined a small cadet program, just to learn the basics and to hopefully get him into Law Enforcement school. Kaito was usually found helping kids who got bullied or beaten up, reporting it to a higherup with authority. He found it exhilarating to bring the people who hurt innocent people to justice. He then graduated from highschool going straight to Policing School, where he trained hard and diligently to become a police officer. Once he graduated from Policing School, his father was proud to see his son follow in his footsteps. He was then implanted into the Karakura Police Department.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Kaito Ikezawa
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Kai
Preferred Name: Kaito
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years
Working Experience: None
Academic Degree: Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Forensic
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Korean

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