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Accepted Alistarstruck's Shrine Application


Level 10

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section


Alistarstruck (Altistarstruck is my alt)

Alistarstruck!!! <3 (Alistarstruck)

EST (UTC -5)


I don’t have a sleep schedule anymore. In all seriousness, this server has taken over my life and I love every minute of it. I have been playing for a little over a year now and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon!

I have tons of characters and many diverse roles on the server, from the sixteen year old Vice President of Photography club to a family head and father, I have loved the different experiences and endless possibilities I could play! Even as I prepare for this new chapter in this new faction, I hope it’ll only grow and increase my love for the server! I’m on as much as I can be, which is way too often than I should. Even so, I’m happy to be here!

As far as a set schedule goes, it really depends on the day for me. Unless I am going somewhere irl, I’m usually online. With over 11 weeks of playing, (using both my main and my alt accounts!) most of that was gathered around February where I joined my first faction and truly fell in love with the game. I do have a part time job that I work in the mornings (EST), but I am more likely to be active in the afternoon-evenings anyways! I might even stay online until around 4 to 5 am in my time, so as long as I know ahead of time, meetings aren't an issue! It's been awhile since I even missed a day of logging on in general. In fact, you'll find me most active in the Monastery!

List your current roles on the server:
[Teacher] (Alt],[Adult], Grades 7-12, and a [Fox] and [Cat] tag!

Link any previous applications:

2nd Teacher Application
Language Application
Language Application
Language Application
Other Language Application
Language Application
Language Application
Language Application
Language Application
History Teacher Application

1st Ever Langauge Application
1st Art Teacher Application
Lawyer Application

Lore Application

I’m applying to be a Priest!

Upon stumbling on this question I have had multiple people explain it to me and am currently doing research to brush up on what I need to learn! I know that Shintoism in itself is a religion that isn’t necessarily formal. It’s more of a lifestyle or form of practice, a way of living and seen in the lives of those who follow it. I still have much to learn, but the more I study this fascinating faction and play a character that loves the religion, the more I love it and am excited to learn more about it. I hope with the help of others in the faction, I can have the honour of knowing the many tales and history of this fascinating religion. All information I gathered might have some falsehood to it due to my attempts to understand and generalize the uniqueness of it all, but I can say for certain that this is the most beautiful “Religion” I have ever stumbled upon. As far as terminology goes, I’m honestly really bad at it. I’m learning, though!

While I have a lot to learn, here is what I have learned so far:

Folklore (Kami) -
There is no true synonym to the word Kami. Kami is everywhere in the nature we see, ideals we think, even we are made up of Kami. Kami is the energy in the world, ‘god’-like beings that show how the world is alive around us. In fact, Kami can be referred to as Animism!

Kami started with three otherworldly spirits that went on to have seven generations. The seventh generation were two; Izanagi (The Male-Who-Invites) and Izanami (The-Female-Who-Invites). The two were send down to earth (which at this point was simply a body of water) to give form to the earth. They used a spear from the land known as Takama no Hara, or the Plain of High Heaven, to create land on the body of water. It was then that they began a marriage ritual around a ceremonial pillar, leading to Izanami giving birth to her first child. This was a child with no limbs or bones as a result to Izanami greeting Izanagi first. Ebisu, the child, was sent off to sea immediately, becoming the Kami of Good luck and fishermen.

After their first attempt, the couple gave birth to three more children. Amaterasu, the sun-goddess, born from Izanagi’s left eye; Susanoo, the god of the sea, born from Izanagi’s nose; and Tsukuyomi, the god of the Moon, born from Izanagi’s right eye. Amaterasu is one of the most prominent figures in Shinto mythology. According to the stories, her descendent Jimmu is supposedly the first emperor of Japan. It is said that Tsukuyomi is forever chasing his sister; explaining the course of night and day.

While these are some of the more prominent Kami heard in the stories, they are not the only ones worshiped. For example, Tenjin is a once-human Kami who is worshiped for students hoping to do well in their studies. It’s said that his spirit once haunted the area he passed in until a Shrine was built for him. There are plenty of examples like Tenjin with over one thousand shrines in Japan meant to worship Kami.

The Yokai is the general classification of what is considered beasts in Shintoism. They can range from Oni, usually known as demonic creatures that can sometimes offer protection against evil spirits to the Yamawaro, which is a child-like creature that constantly offers gifts to the person they follow.

History & Philosophies:

Shintoism and Buddhism are connected in a unique way. Shintoism didn’t have structure or documentation to describe what it was until the influence of Buddhism and what it brought to offer! For example, while Shintoism focused on life, it shunned thoughts of death and funerals as being “unclean”. Buddhism introduced the idea of the afterlife- being the most prominent influence it had on Shintoist culture! Even though in the Meiji period, the emperor attempted to separate Shintoism back to its “purest” form, it is still celebrated together to this day! Shintoism is the way of life, Buddhism added a little bit of structure to it!

The ideals of Shintoism are simple. They worship the Kami and keep themselves pure, unlike most religions where Humans are full of sin, it is believed in Shintoism that Humans start out pure and are tainted by imperfections. It is due to these imperfections that Purification rituals are often performed - from actions as small as the ladle you use to wash yourself at the entrance of a shrine to leaving bad omens with the kami before one leaves!

I could start this out by saying that I am a kind, quick learner, and am ready to learn. While this is true, that’s not necessarily why I applied in the first place. I am excited for the opportunity this faction brings. I have been fascinated with Shrine ever since joining the server, but felt a little intimidated by the application and Shintoism itself. I love lore and love the stories this might bring and the idea of being a part of something more is enticing to anyone who stumbles upon it! Every moment I am in the shrine feels magical, in character and out.

I’m not going to say I am better than others. I have unique qualities about me even I am unsure about, but so do other people. It’s not right of me to try and step on other people in my attempt to succeed in this application. But I can promise the faction that if you give me a shot, I will not disappoint you. I will work as hard as I can and do my best both as a priest and as a person to be a great new addition to the shrine.

Practically, however, when I was recommended to join the shrine by a friend, I began to study Shintoism OOCLY and had my character begin to show interest in ICLY, too. Ever since, Shintoism has been a part of both of our lives. While I still struggle with certain terminology and memorizing names, the stories and ideals of Shintoism have stuck with me and opened my eyes personally to more than I could have ever imagined. I feel that every day I spend at the shrine, I learn something new, and that excites me. Spending the past couple of weeks focused on the shrine has been the most fun I have had on the server in my year of playing it!

Yes, I acknowledge this and will do my best to show up! Need me at 3AM, my time? No problem; I will show up! If, for some odd reason, I cannot make it, I will let someone know as soon as possible! I am excited and happy to join meetings whenever needed.

In-Character (IC) Section


SECTION 1: Character Details


“My name is Evelin Löwe!”

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
“I prefer the title Miss.”

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
“I am 25 years old,”

“I am not married!”


Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
"I have an associate's degree in Cultural Studies and Medicinal Herbs!"

“My phone number is 030-190-6777”

“Before I moved to Karakura, I had been studying Shintoism due to taking a cultural class at my private school. It was eye-opening, to say the least. Despite being German, I felt more connected with Shintoism than any other religion I have studied. I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to have the chance to go to Japan as a German, but I studied the fascinating Religion regardless. I got a degree in religious studies and gardening at my college. Not long after hearing about my siblings moving to Karakura, I felt inspired to learn more about Shintoism and the Seinaru Monastery! I only grew more enticed by the people I have met who are a part of it and the beauty it offers! Learning about Shintoism put a new spark in my life that wasn’t there before. Outside of plants, becoming a Priest has been a dream I’ve been working towards for years now. I only hope to be accepted into such a wondrous position!

On a slightly more serious note, I understand that being a priest isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I am fully prepared to protect the Shrine and what it stands for. I have experienced first-hand what Yokai can do, as I had my body and control taken over by one. I was buried alive. The thought of going through something like that again is mortifying, but I would rather fight against it than hide and watch those I care about go through the very same thing. I hope you consider that while I am enthusiastic about this position and what it brings, I am also motivated by my personal experiences and working on myself to improve and prevent them as best I can in the future.”

“The Seinaru Monastery did not always start out with the title it has today! It was built under the name ‘The Akatera Monastery’ between the Nara and Heian periods as a place for Emperors to retire. However, it didn’t last very long as it was burned down by angry allies of Kiyomori, a ruler at the time, back in 1176. It wasn’t until almost a hundred years later that the Monastery was under the name ‘Kitsune Monastery’. It wasn’t until the Azuchi-Momoyama Period that it burnt down once again. It was rebuilt again during the Edo Period in 1617 under the new name it is today! With newfound protection, it has been safe ever since. Even during the Ochiba Forest fire just a few years after its reconstruction.

It is also known that Chiharu-Yamatsumi is the only worshipped Kami of the Seinaru Monastery left! I asked around for more information on the story of Chiharu as the Kami of the Monastery, and I got most of my information from another priest! Chiharu’s Shintai is partially the mountain itself, but the core is an area deep within the mountains where the Shrine Staff go to meditate or pray to her directly! As far as her history goes, it turns out she used to be a Yokai, similar to Kitsa, with a twin who could not pass as a Kami as she did. Kitsa is a Kitsune Yokai who visits the shrine and collects the souls of the dead for Yomi. According to word of the tongue, Chiharu controls the weather!

In my research, there is a lot of mystery surrounding the shrine and its past. I dug up as much information as possible with the time that has passed, but aside from the two significant burnings from wars in the past and mysteries such as the ‘"Himitsu no Tamishi’, to the sacred grave that lured me in. As haunting as this was to discover, I still feel determined to become a Priest.”


“Dear Randamu Heddo,
Hello! My name is Evelin, and I am a 25-year-old German who has been seeking a monastery that has piqued my interest for a long time. The Seinaru Monastery is a place I stumbled upon after moving to Karakura because I moved closer to my siblings. I send you this letter to express my interest in becoming a Priest in your wonderful Shrine! I have met with multiple Maidens and Priests, took my time to worship the Kami in Karakura, and even went through a scare with a Yokai myself. With all this in mind, nothing has deterred me from my heavy desire to be a part of your staff.

Hearing your speech was motivating. I was happy to hear you are accepting applicants. I hope you can take a look at mine and give it some thought!
- From, Evelin Löwe”

BACKSTORY (100+ Words):
Evelin Löwe was born on February 9th, 1999. Despite Germany's cold, brutal day, her parents were happy to have a set of twins come into the world after their many older siblings. Evelin and Varjo's birth came as a shock to them due to their older age, leading them to be concerned about her health. To their surprise, however, it was through many doctors appointments that the pale child was diagnosed with Albinism– a gene passed down through both parents for multiple generations before it reached Evelin. This meant she had restrictions growing up. She was taught always to carry a sun umbrella if she were to be out in the daylight along with a pair of sunglasses for her eyes should she grow sensitive to the light. When she was younger, she would get migraines easily and needed constant visits to the hospital to help adhere to her condition. Due to this, she grew up with a distaste for hospitals.

Evelin spent most of her childhood learning how to cook and clean around the household while her siblings worked hard to earn money for the family. Her hospital bills were costly, so it felt fair to her especially that she helped out in other ways. After a lot of convincing with her parents and siblings, she was sent to a Private school at the age of 13. Due to the strong belief of money meaning happiness, she was heavily encouraged to pursue a job as a doctor due to her high test scores and educational level.

Eve, however, disagreed. She instead took classes for cooking, gardening, math of course, and most importantly; Religious Studies. It was in that final class that she began to study Shintoism. In her time of school, she had few friends due to her unique personality and interests and instead found comfort in her Gardening and Reading.

She did have a boyfriend at the age of 16, Lukas Weber. He was a down-to-earth man who was kind to her but seemed easily skittish and often slightly cowardly. Evelin didn’t mind, as they had no reason to fight and she knew she could defend herself. One year into their relationship, Evelin got in a brutal fight with a man attempting to rob her in an alleyway. They had snuck out of the private school to go on a date and Lukas had stopped to use the restroom.

While the ambusher had a gun, Evelin managed to outwit him and punched him in the face, causing the man to stumble back and fall, hitting his head on the edge of a garbage can along the way. When he didn’t get back up, Evelin panicked, especially after Lukas came back and saw her standing over a bleeding man crumbling on the floor.

Lukas ran off as the police came. Evelin took a statement, being cleared as it was an attack in self defense. The event traumatized her, enough to force her memory of it to be pushed back as far as possible. She doesn’t remember the man she nearly killed. She still believes Lukas ran because he didn’t agree with her interests and in return closed herself off to her studies.

When the chance to go to Karakura where her siblings resided arose, she took it without a doubt in her mind. She found it to be the perfect fresh start, especially with a Monastery she knew she would feel safe in.

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:

“To my knowledge, it is the job of the Monastery to worship and protect the Religion of the Shrine and practical rituals daily to serve the Kami. They clean and keep the shrine in good condition while offering protection to those in it, including the Kamis themselves.

Rituals - It is up to Priests to initiate and perform major rituals for occasions such as Ceremonies or Events! Maidens offer their help and support and are even able to host certain rituals themselves! Maidens may also perform dances such as the Kagura dance used in the Bring Your Kid To Work day to entertain the Kami and show their devout loyalty!

Consultation - Priests can offer spiritual guidance for others who come seeking it! For example, Priests and Maidens might be asked for a Tarot lesson to discover truths about themselves, or Priests might be called to places in worry of possession or bad energy! People could also just simple come to Priests and Maidens for advice in their journey as followers of Kami.

Purification - Purification is one of the most important parts of Shintoism, if not the most! Cleansing people and things is necessary as it rids of negative energy and evils that would make people impure. There are different types of Impurities, too!”

What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:

“One must be respectful in their language and mannerism upon approaching the shrine! Then, they will lift the ladle full of water and use some of it to wash their left hand and then right hand to wash away impurities! Afterwards, one must rinse their mouth by pouring some of the water into their hand before drinking directly from their own palm- NOT the ladle. Afterwards, one must cleanse the ladle itself by holding it up and letting the rest of the water spill off the handle! After it’s returned, they can move on!”

How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
“Offerings can consist of many things, but are often sacrifices like food or talismans! In my research and understanding, the object of sacrifice must be in pristine condition before approaching the Altar or area of one’s choosing for the Kami! After bowing to show respect, of course, and ensuring that oneself is purified, usually twice, one should clap their hands to gather the attention of the Kami and offer a prayer in return for the offering. After this is done, the offerings are usually left at the shrine for a while before Priests and Maidens dispose of them properly and Respectfully!”

How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
“A Tea Ritual is one of the most common ones used in shrines, especially here in the Monastery! I have performed this a couple of times myself despite not properly being a Maiden or Priest yet! It is important to make sure one is in a secure location to do so, noting that Tea is meant to warm the heart! One should start by gathering all of their materials: A mini stranger, bamboo whisk, 2 grams of Matcha, a glass, and a pitcher. To start, one should use the pitcher to boil some hot water and pour it into the matcha bowl! Then, the whisk should be wet with the hot water and set to the side as the Tea Maker drowns the water from the bowl and makes sure it is completely dry before moving onto the next step! After the bowls are hot and ready, one should use the strainer to add 2 grams of Matcha into the bowl! Then, using the rest of the boiled water in the pitcher, pour it into a glass on the side FIRST to let it cool down to a more acceptable temperature (usually when you have a second or two to touch it before it gets uncomfortable to hold) before pouring it into the Matcha bowl. But we’re not done yet! Next, one must use the wet bamboo whisk to stir it carefully and properly. Start by gently scooping up the bits at the bottom of the cup before gently swirling around the cup without hitting any edges! Once it’s a nice, creamy texture, make sure there are no pesky bubbles before serving it warm with both hands respectfully to the customer!”

Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
“Tamagushi: This is an offering made from the branch of a sacred tree often with shide for decoration and purity. These are offered to Kami during ceremonies such as weddings, meant to purify the person making the offering as well as communicating with the Kami!

Ofuda: An Ofuda is a Talisman with prayers or blessings offered to the beholder, even with the names of Kami at times! These are usually made of wood, paper, or cloth and help provide protection! Most are placed in households or businesses! Usually, you can renew them to ensure the connection to Kami is still strong!

Kagura Suzu: This is a sacred bell used in the performance of the Kagura, a dance made to entertain and honour the Kami! They are rung to help purify the area during the Kagura dance! It even suggests the presence of Kami!”​

(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:

Evelin worships Kannon, the unique Buddhist-Shinto Kami! She is the Kami of Mercy and Compassion, worshipped by Evelin due to her ideals and philosophies in life. She feels that the more compassionate she is with those around her, the more the Kamis are on her side and the happier her life is. She wants to grow her circle with the help of Kannon and offer support to whoever she can as a devotee to the goddess that got her through most of her lifetime!

I noticed the updated format after I perviously submitted my application! Due to this, I updated this section and anything else I believe was not covered originally.

How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
"I do my best to respect everyone I can and offer a smile when it's needed! Usually, if there is a situation going on I'll avoid it and let staff handle it or offer to call the Police Department if it gets out of hand. Although, if there isn't any staff around, I usually try to offer conversations or tea to whoever is around! If I'm not napping or praying myself, that is! I don't treat staff or visitors too differently unless it comes to needing something, of course!"

Evelin spends most of her time at the Monastery even without being a Priest. Her family knows to find her there, her partners often visit her, and she enjoys greeting her friends that work in the Shrine. She more often then not will nap next to the tree or pray to Chiharu, Kannon, or another Kami she might worship. She loves to greet newcomers and offer conversations with a smile; believing compassion to be the way into a person's heart. She wants to offer help and learn more about the place she grew up dreaming about surrounded by people who immerse themselves in it daily. Even if she does not get into the staff this time around, she will continue to greet people respectfully and kindly and spend most of her time at the shrine.

When it comes to conversations, she may be a little skittish at times but offer nothing but kindness as long as the person she is talking to is respectful at the Monastery. She is a very patient person who tries her best to learn about everyone and everything she can with an open mind and heart. She has learned to make Tea and read Tarot, while handling some spirit situations as best she can. She is not the type of person to run head first into danger just because it's a spirit, but her first though will always be worry for those around her in the case of a dangerous situation. She often seeks for offerings to Saiky's grave and makes sure to pay her respects daily to the man despite not knowing him due to her past experience with his tomb.

Overall, Evelin is a kind person who does her best to treat everyone around her with kindness while making sure to set her boundaries and ensure people respect the grounds they stand on. She is happy to both learn and inform information whenever she can; from shinto stories to how to make Matcha Tea, she is an energetic girl with plenty of love to share.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
"If I saw a guest jumping around on the roofs very clearly going against shrine rules and disrespecting the staff and Kami, I would start by asking them to stop politely! Maybe a, 'Would you please get down from there? It's against the rules!'. If that doesn't work, I'd give them a warning. 'Please get down from there or I will be forced to take action.' If they still refuse to, I would threaten to blacklist them as much as I'd hate the idea of every doing so. If they STILL do not stop, I would tell them to leave one last time before they are officially blacklisted from shrine. I know that shrine blacklists aren't permanent, so I wouldn't feel as bad to hand them out! If even blacklisting them doesn't work, I would call the police because then it's just harassment and trespassing."

Evelin is a very patient person, but even she has her limits. If she feels someone is disrespecting her, she might not be so quick to warn or kick people out of shrine because it doesn't bother her as much as it would others. However, the moment someone were to disrespect someone else or the Monastery itself, she is quick to step up in her role. While she may seem a little childish and excitable, she is still a 25 year old adult who understands where boundaries may lie and what to do if they are broken. She only wants the best for everyone, but Eve will act if others don't follow the rules or respect others around. She would never lay her hands on someone, though.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
"As mentioned before, I discovered Shinto back in my cultural studies at a Private School in Germany; the country I grew up in. While I'm not particularly Japanese, I found the religion to be welcoming for all as long as those involved were respectful and kind. From the moment I found this religion at 15, I felt a strange connection to it in ways I had never felt before towards any other religion I knew. It felt as though the Kami called to me, welcomed me into their stories and asked that in return I simply follow them and honour their existence the best I could. So, that's what I set out to do. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life until I stumbled upon becoming a worker at a Monastery. I only felt more certain that the Seinaru Monastery was the right place for me after I found out I had siblings living in Karakura! I feel as though my life has flipped around entirely at just the introduction to this blessing of a place and I only hope my love for it continues to grow."

Evelin joined her private school at 13 years old upon her parents request for her to study medical school. However, in a state of rebellion she took on herbal medicine and cultural studies instead, finding interest in other subjects rather than what her parents wanted for her. Due to the private school being a boarding school with rare visits from parents even in the summer, it wasn't until after she turned 15 that they found out she had been ignoring their requests. While they were furious, they found her love for her studies in Shinto to be unique and new for her, so they allowed her to indulge her interests. Ever since, her passion and love for the religion only continued to grow and lead her to where she is today. Practically living at shrine, she couldn't imagine a life doing anything else.​
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Level 49
Shrine Lead

Welcome to the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery! As a team we have decided to accept your application as a priest.

Make sure you are in the Karakura Town Discord (Here) to get started!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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