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Allow additional dialogue commands and actions to remove AFK status


Level 21
What's your Minecraft Username?: yozb
What's the title of your suggestion?: Allow additional dialogue commands and actions to remove AFK status

What's your suggestion?:
AFK status currently can only be removed via two means: Walking around or typing dialogue in the chat.
The following commands should also remove the AFK status of a player, as they all are forms of dialogue or active RP:
/w /y
/me /mec /mel
/it /itc /itl
/lang /langw /langy
/call /callw /cally
/langcall /langcallw /langcally

Being AFK hinders a player's progress in gaining allowance money.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This prevents players from having to place random characters in the chat or having to awkwardly move around when their character should be standing still. Some commands, such as /w, /y, the /lang series, and the /call series are all practically equivalent forms of active dialogue that should prove a player is not AFK.
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Level 154
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I’m majorly a +1 for this, however I believe the reason it doesn’t remove the afk status is because people set up anti afk mods that automatically send in commands to remove the afk tag and grind money. It would be a nice feature tho


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
I wouldn't say remove it, but add the /w and others into the unafkness of you on the server.

+1 to adding /y, /w, /call, etc to the thing

-1 on removing AFK all together, people will grind out money while being actually afk, which isn't fair


Level 27
I like the idea of having more dialogue options!

Gonna have to agree with Liz on this one, it'd be unfair if AFK was removed as people could abuse that to grind money. I also find it helpful, as sometimes I don't realize I'm AFK because I've been typing on a different account/tabbed out lol


Level 21
Thread starter
I wouldn't say remove it, but add the /w and others into the unafkness of you on the server.

+1 to adding /y, /w, /call, etc to the thing

-1 on removing AFK all together, people will grind out money while being actually afk, which isn't fair
removing as in temporarily removing the status from the player, not deleting the AFK plugin overall


Level 96
I wouldn't say remove it, but add the /w and others into the unafkness of you on the server.

+1 to adding /y, /w, /call, etc to the thing

-1 on removing AFK all together, people will grind out money while being actually afk, which isn't fair
While I agree with your point on afk grinding bit I do have argumentation. If we were to make a manual afk option (/afk) it would help out community in a way. You see, if people are caught grinding money afk by standing and typing staff can check it via chat. If that happens permit bans for cheating in-game system. That's one of the duties of staff is to overseer people anyways (whether being in vanish mode or presented in game).

People who respect SRP policy will remain and those who don't will be gone in time. The main benefit of it is the reduction and cutting of people who do not want to cope follow the economy of the game. Plus manual AFK option would allow people to let them know that they are gone for the time being. This is a player-based responsibility that should be entrusted to players, no one will indeed bug you if you do not move for 15 minutes - nevertheless, people won't need to stand hoping someone will return for that time being. And while it can be abused in gang RP settings which has been discussed in past just like 12 other points, if staff shred money-grinding sharks people will become more aware of server policy.

Alternatively, they can make /afk moderation status available for ranked players, as most of the community with ranks invest money into the game with brain and consent to follow it's rules. I am not supporting fully the idea to make afk command accessible to players, however, I do see pros and cons of it. Making such changes can refresh server. You may stick to the negative point that people will intentionally abuse it. I will propose that we should see it from the brighter side. Give people freedom, if they are caught breaking it, punishment will be given (they can for instance make a rule to wipe out all your balance if you were caught grinding money unfairly, if caught second time you receive a perma ban.). This is a strict yet entrusted judgement method used across different financial-focused gameplay communities that range, not only in rp but also E-Sport verses.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- Sadly not possible.​

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