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allow non school accounts to be able to go into school during try-outs / events.


Level 10
IGN: IsNate
DATE: 12/08/2022
I would like to suggest allowing non-school accounts to be able to go into school during try-outs / events. It would be nice for them to be involved, as some of them do not have alt accounts. If they have a family, to go support their family icly or be with them. For example, my character's daughter went through tryouts recently, and she wanted to support her, but when I asked staff, I was not allowed in because she was an adult account. Maybe it's a school dance and you have people who would not mind wanting to hang out or watch over their kids and such or some little bits of RP and involvement. There are also those little stall events, and I think it would be nice if some kids brought their ic parents for a bit of rp. I understand some roles, like suspended and expelled, can't even enter school at all because of a barrier, and I think that should stay the same, but other roles should be able to go in, I would say, and I know some don't have the barrier, as adult accounts don't, and I think it should not just be for nothing.
I have a feeling someone is going to say "if you want to go to them so badly, degrade your acc to grade 12"
First off, it's not about that. It's about more involvement with adult accounts or roles that can't go into school with actual school roleplay.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I think this would be nice and convenient for roleplay and would be nice for them to be involved as some of them do not have alt accounts. If they have family, to go support their family icly or be with them. It will bring older accounts that don't have access to school, to be more involved with school roleplay.
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Level 194
I don't know, what to say to this other than just no. I mean, its just tryouts and well why. The school is highschool+ its not entirely needed and I can't really picture a scenario like this happening (my main is an adult). If an adult goes off into the school and just wanders people are going to be so confused - half the tryouts take place during school hours! I honestly just do not see a benefit to this and there are more important things.

-1, sorry.


Level 111
The idea sounds interesting but much has to be done to maintain it. The rules of having an adult, like you mentioned, would supposedly be to have them allowed into the school for EVENTS ONLY. For smaller things like tryouts and stuff, it's harder to keep track of what adult is in the school and stuff, especially if they're now allowed to just roam around. It would be hard to keep track of where each adult is and even worse if the adult character isn't in an actual family and going to see their IC family for tryouts or events and they're now just allowed in the school. It's definitely something that could be done with some more adjustments but right now, my answer to this is -1.


Level 50

I like the idea but. .. this can be heavily abused especially when some adult chars are apart of GangRp and like almost every dance, a fight just HAS to break out(I mean even if it’s a adult or not still kind of risky). So, Let’s just not for now …


Level 211
Only students and faculty are allowed on school grounds. If you want to attend a school event go back to school or stay in college

Adults are only allowed on very specific events and that should not change


Level 166
Community Team
Lore Team

sorry my goddess, but as maria said. Adults are only allowed on campus during certain events, otherwise only school faculty/students are allowed on the campus.

The idea on having more events that involves adults with their children is a nice idea

Mr. Mediocre

Level 58

It would somewhat make sense if the adult was an IC parental figure or a legal guardian as chaperone but other than that it would be weird seeing adults that aren't school faculty on campus


Level 87

I agree with event if they're legal guardian of said student, for tryouts, it doesn't really make sense coming from a city role. Realistically, adults don't walk in during tryouts, possibly only school events like: dances, festivals, etc.


Level 9
There are specific school events where any role can attend for icly reasons as well as to keep things realistic in a school environment.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your feedback!

- We allow Adults to attend some events, however try-outs are not considered an event major enough for this to be necessary.​

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