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Allow Secondary Characters With Roles


Level 200
Oh i also forgot to mention that via having 2 or more roles on one account..... applying for factions will get confusing. Imagine being the leader of a faction and then having to figure out if someone already/doesn't have a role, and how many roles they have. Plus, imagine having to find some intricate way of wording that

Please state your IGN/current factions, on and off that account:
_A3he- Teacher + KPD (account I'm using)
Anedoche_ Col football

Also the utter pain of switching between characters. I feel like one of the main reasons was to limit metagame in a prior post, i.e if you see something happen on let's say your teacher, call into the kpd, and then switch to your account instantly claiming "Coincidence" or "call logs" -- not that it CANT happen already, it would just be easier


Level 20
+1. There should only be two faction roles per account and you should only allow to be in 3 Factions. Like i am a Professor and Basketball Captain. Say i moved professor to my alt and had basketball and say i applied for kpd on AppaRP. So KPD and Basketball Cap on apparp and Professor on flash. I believe you should be limited to 3 factions as to not overcrowd. Ofc community teams and staff do not apply to this.


Level 116
as much as i’d want it too as i am not someone who tends to have a lot of money, i dont think this would ever be implemented just because of the fact that they’d prefer people’s primary slot as their one and only main faction slot and then if you want others you’d have to buy a whole new account..


Level 31
I see what your point is, and if we could do that, I'd be +1! I don't know if there's a way to do this, but I would suggest maybe just having two roles that you can use for a faction, and then update the original no-rank profile to have three character roles. Two for a faction, one for just. . whatever- I can just see how everyone would reject this, but it's just a thing I thought of. Like I said, I'm not sure if there's actually a way to do this, and I know that some people would lie about it, so overall this isn't a very good suggestion, but.. yeah.


Level 113
limit the amount of roles someone can have across all accounts, not just one
i skimmed it idek what this suggestion is


Level 39
Thread starter
Oh i also forgot to mention that via having 2 or more roles on one account..... applying for factions will get confusing. Imagine being the leader of a faction and then having to figure out if someone already/doesn't have a role, and how many roles they have. Plus, imagine having to find some intricate way of wording that

Please state your IGN/current factions, on and off that account:
_A3he- Teacher + KPD (account I'm using)
Anedoche_ Col football

Also the utter pain of switching between characters. I feel like one of the main reasons was to limit metagame in a prior post, i.e if you see something happen on let's say your teacher, call into the kpd, and then switch to your account instantly claiming "Coincidence" or "call logs" -- not that it CANT happen already, it would just be easier
I mean, I see your point, but it really doesn't make a difference with the current method as people already specify the accounts they use to play. There are numerous applications where the person has stated which account he has and what role he has. I don't believe there will be an intricate way of wording anything since the applicant is just adding more names. . .
In the same way that you mention metagaming is possible, I would say that metagaming could be utilized now because people can easily have two accounts at the same time. . . I will argue that with the scenario you just pointed out, metagaming with an alt account is more probable to happen than with the same account, as people can have two Minecraft open. Keeping it in the same account would arguably be less risky since people won't have that option.


Level 39
Thread starter
As much as I agree with a lot of your replies and understand that this may not be accepted. I still don't believe it is considered okay for some players who spend money to have more benefits (Monetary, Roleplaying, etc.); monetary as people that are in more factions would make more money than most of us with only one allowed; roleplaying since they have more opportunities to expand alt accounts rather than characters; and overall will put them better off than the rest of people that are not willing to spend money on a server. Taking aside the point of Omega and Omega+, and whether I bought it was a mistake for me or not, in this suggestion, we are talking about something that ended up being: You have money, you can play this character, you don't have money? You don't. On more than one occasion, I already mentioned this, which in my personal opinion, sucks because I'm either forced to pay for another account, considering I have characters that are there, ready to be used.


Level 25
Community Team
I completely agree that there shouldn't be a difference in your ability to play SRP if you have 10 accounts or 1, which isn't the case right now.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- As stated before, we will not be implementing this. Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestion.​

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