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Allowing snails and frogs on school grounds


Level 75
What's your Minecraft Username?: 3Eco
What's the title of your suggestion?: Allowing snails and frogs on school grounds

What's your suggestion?:
Just like the title says! allowing snails and frogs on school grounds, Similar to the rules with birds they can walk around the school grounds but not go inside buildings. unlike a fox or a bear or rabbits why would snails or frogs avoid a school campus?

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Allowing people with animal accounts access to more places, allowing more roleplay for students who like interacting with animals and such. overall just makes it more realistic in my opinion? because again why would frogs or snails avoid school campus? a simple addition and just a quality of life kind of update :3


Level 73
Allow a snail to be on school grounds so I can pick it up & put it 50 metres away from its original position.



Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
As long as they don't do anything weird/mess with students in a bad way then yes give them a chance!


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
No vote.

I believe the reason they were banned from school grounds… was back in 2022 during one of my lunch breaks at school I was on srp. And there was a snail in the school grounds, however the students had begun to swarm the snail and shift behind it. It grew to the point (I was apart of it) that half the school was following this snail and not attending classes, and school faculty were joining in too, we were all chanting in ooc ‘all hail the snail’ and eventually staff had to step in. The snail was TPed out of school and then soon after the rules were altered not to have them in school grounds.

I think from a personal perspective they were banned because they were too distracting to students and staff, so much that their slowness was so funny. If you let frogs and snails back in I think it would be really distracting to some students… and people would get side tracked or bully the animals. I also find it odd that frogs would be in school, the only spot I could think of for the frogs would be out the back in those gardens away from people. Frogs really don’t like noises and people it’s too distracting.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We'll consider allowing snails, however frogs will not be able to access school.​

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