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Allowing Teachers to Edit Their Classroom


Level 13
What's your Minecraft Username?: horrorabbit
What's the title of your suggestion?: Allowing Teachers to Edit Their Classroom

What's your suggestion?:

Anyway, I'd like to say that many teachers and professors would prefer to make their classrooms. Of course, you can technically make it in creative and then send it to a builder but that can take a while and be seen as a waste of time. It would be better to allow the teachers and professors to do it themselves, it would be less of a strain on the build team and easier and quicker for the teachers and professors. I'd assume there'd be regulations in place to prevent any misuse, whatever that may be but since the teachers and professors are such a small, hand-selected group of individuals, I doubt there would be many problems.

Adding on, I assume we could use the same system we use for apartments maybe?

How will this benefit the server and community?:
The build team will have less on their plate, and teachers and professors get to quickly and efficiently build their classroom as they please to make it more accessible, pleasing, and or better for their lessons. Plus it'll be a whole lot better than the current plain ol' classrooms...


Level 180
Community Team
Lore Team
So, I will go Neutral on this suggestion.

There are a couple of reasons why I am not +1'ing or -1'ing this suggestion as a returning teacher to the faction for over 3 times over the past 2 years some odd years. You are more than welcome to give you input, but this is based on my OWN personal experiences and how the faction handles custom classrooms(please note if you tag me in replying posts, I will not reply to them).

As most things in the Teaching Factions(Teacher and Professor), there are rules to how we have to have our classroom. We cannot change the floors or ceilings, we cannot move the Teacher/Professor's Chest Area from where it is at in the room, the classroom can't have GODLY amount of plants, and if the window is open it MUST be barrier blocked, among some other rules. Otherwise, we can have free will in our classroom regarding what we put in it WITH REASON. Like, you can't be a PE teacher and have a full-on Science Lab or Science and have a cooking setup, it has to be around the subject you are teaching.

As much as I would love to have access to edit my classroom ANYTIME of the day, we can't really trust teachers or professors to edit their classrooms properly to the rules. IF WE DID add something like editing certain classrooms, it could be something like how Dorms are but there are issues revolving around that as the Owners would have to go into EACH CLASS and make it its own claimable region and that could take ages to set-up and if regions break, we wouldn't be able to do anything within our classes(how regions fucked up in the past and it took ages for them to be fixed). Along with that, each classroom would have to be set for a certain PERSON which could take LONGER. This is just a short list of a few reasons(I'm running on like, no sleep)


Level 75
Community Team
Event Team

Too many complications and although it'd go faster, it's better to not allow teachers to edit their classrooms. Reason? It's a public space/school grounds, which is only allowed to be modified by staff or build team with permission. Another thing is that unfortunately you cannot trust all teachers and if this were to happen I can see it being only HD teachers/professors if it even is implemented. Nonetheless, the classrooms would have to be made into those apartment edit mode spaces, which in my eyes isn't as important to implement as other projects it might take time away from. To add, if it were to be just HD teachers/professors, it'd be much harder to get the role of HD along with the fact that it's likely edit mode regions would still need to be set up in the classrooms. It'd be quicker if you could just ask an HD to edit your classroom, but do keep these complications in mind.


Level 33

I have gone for neutral as I have feelings both positive and negative about this! :))

This section for positive is because it does indeed put less strain on the build team! and it does mean that classroom amendments can be done very quickly as a result allowing for a more aesthetic looking classroom to the subject! Furthermore it allows for teachers/professors to be able to have their classroom how it looks from the get go of getting their position.!

The section of negative is because although it has positives, it does have negatives although I don't think teacher/professors would actually misuse the building permissions per say, I feel it would be more of the problem with regions and adding all of that, as from what I'm aware when I asked if my house regions could be changed it is a very big job and can be very glitchy, so imagine having to do that for other 30+ rooms. Therefore there is a huge technical aspect to it, furthermore if it does go wrong it leaves a teacher without a classroom for a hot minute.

Of course I think it would be a wonderful idea but I believe with all the technical issues behind it that it would be a huge amount of hassle in the short and Long run, and if a classroom glitches out a teacher would be out of a job for a hot minute with no room to teach in!



Level 28

As much as I would want to do some changes to my classroom, I also understand why we cannot and fully accept this.


Level 197
That has been suggested and I believe denied times before.

Keep in mind that builders are willing to do building stuff, and while some builders may have other things on their plate, including other building, that’s kind of how it is with the other community teams already.
I'd assume there'd be regulations in place to prevent any misuse, whatever that may be but since the teachers and professors are such a small, hand-selected group of individuals, I doubt there would be many problems.
It‘s not going to be a matter of “if” there are gonna be problems, it’s gonna be “when” there are gonna be problems. An individual is picked as a teacher/professor mainly because of their application and activity and overall knowledge of the school and SRP in general. Someone can have all of these features and still be able to misuse classroom editing permissions.

While it is a good idea on paper, there’s a lot more compilations if you look more into it, there’s always a risk of some irresponsible teacher/professor that can cause problems, but overall I think I’m against this suggestion.

I think if this were to be changed, however, they may have to only allow such for higher ranked teachers and professors, rather than ranks like UT or NQT. Again, problems are more than definitely going to occur if teachers and professors are allowed to edit their classrooms themselves and while there aren’t so many teachers and professors, monitoring every classroom to see if they follow certain regulations, considering there are multiple floors of classrooms alone, would probably be more of a pain on SLT’s behalf rather than SLT/builders being able to change classrooms themselves.

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