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Altiar Cosimo. Vicenzo. Bianchi


Level 4
Altiar Cosimo. Vicenzo. Bianchi


Altiar's favorite songs!

Basic information!

Name : Altiar
Second name : Cosimo
Second middle name : Vicenzo

Last Name : Bianchi

Gender : Male
Age : 18

Height : 6'4ft/192cm
Weight : 182Lbs/82kg
Build : Lean and muscular

Skin color : Tanned
Eye Color : Light amber
Hair Color : Brown with Blonde
Hair Style : Mullet

Date of Birth : May 10th
Place of Birth : Varese Italy
Nationality : Italian
Race : Europan?

Character Voice : Gentle and deep





General Appearance!

This young Italian male in front of you would be towering over you at 6'4ft with the weight of 182lbs. He would appear to have a rather shaggy brown mullet with blonde pieces that would matched his sun kissed skin and light amber eyes. He'd have a Gentle expression on with slight confusion. . . His body would have a lot of large tattoos and his face adored with piercings With a large scar across his legs swirling around them. As he walks by the smell of "TOM FORD NIOR EXTREME".

Personality X Illnesses

Personality type :

Fears : emplekosyrmaphobia(Fear of wires), amathophobia(Fear of dust), Cleithrophobia(fear of being trapped),

Diseases : Leukopenia(low white blood cell count), PSTD, Sensitive ears.
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