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AMA (Ask me Anything) [33 Question limit] [1 Question per Person]


Level 146
Two trains, Train A and Train B, simultaneously depart Station A and Station B. Station A and Station B are 255.2 miles apart from each other. Train A is moving at 124.7mph towards Station B, and Train B is moving at 253.5mph towards station A. If both trains departed at 10:00AM and it is now 10:08, how much longer until both trains pass each other?

A: 31.054 minutes

B: 16.232 minutes

C: 32.487 minutes

D: 32.058 minutes


Level 206
Thread starter
Two trains, Train A and Train B, simultaneously depart Station A and Station B. Station A and Station B are 255.2 miles apart from each other. Train A is moving at 124.7mph towards Station B, and Train B is moving at 253.5mph towards station A. If both trains departed at 10:00AM and it is now 10:08, how much longer until both trains pass each other?

A: 31.054 minutes

B: 16.232 minutes

C: 32.487 minutes

D: 32.058 minutes

I guess I first have to calculate the combined speed of both trains . . . . . Train A's speed is 124.7 miles per hour and Train B's speed is 253.5 miles per hour. Their Combined speed would add 124.7 to 253.5 for a whopping 378.2 miles per hour.

After that we need to know how far they actually traveled by 10:08 AM. The time that elapsed would be 8 minutes. 8 out of 60 would translate to 0.1333 hours. The Distance covered by the combined train speed in 0.1333 hours would be calculated by multiplying 378.2 miles per hour with 0.1333 hours. We get . . . . 50.4 miles

Now we need to calculate the remaining distance between the trains after 10:08 AM. The Initial distance is 255.2 miles. The distance covered is 50.4 miles. So the remaining distance would be calculated by subtracting 50.4 from 255.2. We would get .... uuuuhhh.... 204.8 miles?

Now we have to calculate the time required to cover the remaining distance. We use the following formula for this:
Time = Distance / Speed. We put in 204.8 miles for the distance and 378.2 mph for the speed and we get .... 0.5414 hours.

At last, we convert the time from hours to minutes. The time in minutes would be 0.5414 hours × 60 minutes/hour..... 32.484 minutes.

The answer is ...... 32.48 minutes and some fractions of a second ... so I would pick C.

Calculus is fun. It craddles me in the warm illusion of a universal order.

[17 of 33 questions left]
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Level 206
Thread starter
reminded me of my old vehicles, well "mine" since i bought them with IC money and then they got taken bc of an update and no one gave anyone their money back (lost prolly more than 10m)
If you have proof of owning a vehicle, you might have success with asking for support. You might get compensated or get your vehicle returned, even if nobody got compensated back then. Support staff changes and they might think differently now.


Level 121
If you have proof of owning a vehicle, you might have success with asking for support. You might get compensated or get your vehicle returned, even if nobody got compensated back then. Support staff changes and they might think differently now.
It was other people's customs, I've changed laptops so I probably dont have proof of the time I've purchased these custom vehicles off people (need to do some digging).
I dont have the contacts of all the original owners however some i did, were either not willing 2 give or just didnt reply back lol and i doubt staff would compenstate my losses (if im wrong and that if i give enough evidence i owned vehicles then a reply from a staff member wld be appreciated so I could get compenstated or atleast get my vehicles back)

3 of my vehicles even had their places in my main character's lore but thats a story for another day :D 1715292013189.png (the X's are those 3 cars in masuyo tachitsu lore)


Level 20
What if sakura dead . . ( or his close one )
How erik & hana will reaction?
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Level 50
how does your passion for video games still stand being an old person? Does it not interfere with your daily job, if you have one or mess with not seeing family or friends?


Level 117
Do you think you'll ever apply for a faction, community team, or staff team? (aka make some sort of commitment on SRP).


Level 206
Thread starter
how does your passion for video games still stand being an old person? Does it not interfere with your daily job, if you have one or mess with not seeing family or friends?
Do you think you'll ever apply for a faction, community team, or staff team? (aka make some sort of commitment on SRP).

I'll answer both questions with one reply since both questions are intimately related.

I still have an immense passion for video games, although it certainly interferes with other areas of my life. I only get to play regularly since I divorced my wife and we never decided to have children. Therefore, taking care of my family involves only my parents. However, as I approach my 40s and my parents are in their mid-60s, I will need to pay more attention to their health. I'm also committed to keeping my IRL circle of friends close, which consumes a lot of my free time. And as always, there are way more games in my steam library than I'll ever be able to play. . .

games.jpgI still have a large Steam library and have played on all the consoles from PlayStation 1 through PlayStation 5, all the Nintendo Entertainment Systems up to the Wii, and both the classic Xbox and Xbox 360. Although I do play from time to time, I now devote most of my spare gaming time to Minecraft SRP.

Even though I dedicate all my playtime to SRP, I still feel like I lack the time to be a hands-on-deck member of any official SRP team. Balancing work and playtime as an adult is definitely not easy, which is why I don't feel the need to join a faction, community team, or staff team. However, I do consider myself a backup player for the media team, should the need ever arise.

[16 of 33 questions left]]
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Level 89
In relation to the past art contests. How did you get into the world of art?(If the answer were to be too personal dont answer)


Level 206
Thread starter
how did you find SRP?
I was originally looking for a peaceful vanilla minecraft experience but was fascinated by the japanese RP setting.
I clicked a banner on one of those large Minecraft recommendation sites. Mundane, I know. But thank you for asking.

[15 of 33 questions left]


Level 206
Thread starter
Why/how do you stay interested in SRP?

There are multiple ways I stay invested in SchoolRP, which is why I rarely get bored.
But most of them involve challenging myself in some way. . . .

(1) Developing and exploring character.
I aim for Erik to interact with the world and other characters meaningfully. (Erik likes to collect books, write and submit reports to School Council or the Library, engage his special interests, involves himself with club activities, occultism, and shares his experiences with his closest friends. He also explores the Ochiba Forest and does offer his perspective on all kinds of drama, if invited. ) Stories revolve around internal and external changes and how we handle them. (Look at Dan Harmon's story circle for an example but other structures imply the same thing.)

Luckily, Erik is inept in a plethora of things and suffers from all kinds of disadvantages, which makes adventure an easy thing for him to achieve. I also like to deepen relationships beyond superficial levels (like understanding characters' strengths and weaknesses) and facilitating change in others as well as in my own characte. (Maybe by offering aid, shelter, advice, or simply by being a wittness to important events.) Character growth can happen rapidly or gradually, but my goal is for Erik to evolve and become fully realized, or perish in the attempt. (I don't know where Eriks' journey will end yet, but all good things are temporary.)

(2) Trying to master a skill.
There are numerous minor skills that better my experience. (From simple parcour to learning useful rp commands like /crawl, /stroll, /lay, /carry, ec.) I regularly practice DetailRP and I'm learning to use the formats (&o, &l, &r, etc.). I attempt to engage more in fearRP (there are plenty of opportunities in Karakura for that), partake in subtle romanceRP (it's very wholesome), create character art, write character lore, and gradually learn how to buy and sell items in the auction house for profit. (MONEYY!!) Additionally, I enjoy Kendo duels and playing games at the Arcade.

(3) Trying to conquer a fear.
Figuring out what scares me and trying to conquer that fear. For example: My social anxiety pushes me to stay in the safety of anonymity. It tells me not to engage, not to put myself in the spotlight and to leave social situations ASAP. The anxiety stems from old trauma but also highlights areas in myself that are underdeveloped, hinting at potential growth. (Carl Jung talks about this, when he mentions the Shadow Archetype.)

So I push myself to accept attention, gradually stepping into the spotlight and interacting with others. I guess, in time, I will get more comfortable with being in social situations, which creates more opportunities. It's not necessarily fun to step out into the limelight, but it definitely doesn't get boring!

(4) Sharing what I got.
I like to share what I got with those around me. Sharing means giving parts of my time and life to others. And I like to share for the sake of sharing. A) It's a good feeling and B) I like how a little bit of my time and resources can sprout into enthusiasm and energy in the hands of others. I like gifting ranks and organizing art contests. And I like to share custom items and stories with friends. That's pretty much it!

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Level 206
Thread starter
In relation to the past art contests. How did you get into the world of art?(If the answer were to be too personal dont answer)

I entered the world of art when I began drawing ghost ships, castles with dragons, and 2D jump-and-run levels resembling early '90s video games. I drew all kinds of characters, cut them out with scissors, and started role-playing with them. In my early teens, I painted naturalistic landscapes and even had a small gallery exhibit my works. I loved telling stories both in my mind and on paper. I transitioned from character and level illustrations to comics and manga during my early teen years, and only returned to creating video game assets in my mid-twenties. I illustrated covers for children's books, created marketing art pitches, and much more. I also illustrated images for pen-and-paper role-playing games and volunteered as a contributor for one or two online art projects. But I guess I've always had a knack for expressing myself with a pen and a sheet of paper.


Here's a fair warning: I think all children are interested in drawing. The trick is not to spoil the fun of drawing. It's easy because the more external validation we associate with creating art, the less inherently satisfying it becomes. So I've never stopped drawing and have tried to protect my internal drive to create. Things that can kill your internal art drive include:

- Payment/Compensation/Money
- Attention/Publicity/Praise
- Perfectionism/Forcing Results/Grades
- Drawing as a substitute for other actions
- Bad Self-Care/Lack of Self-Love

While a few of these elements might provide motivation, they can hijack the internal reward systems that are at play when you draw for the sake of drawing. I'm not saying you shouldn't get paid for your art, or that you should hide your work, or that you shouldn't strive to improve, or that you can't use drawing as a form of meditation, or that you should stop drawing when you're in a bad place, but all these factors can gradually erode your joy of drawing. So watch out for yourself and take a step back once in a while.

[13 of 33 questions left]


Level 82
When you started the occult club, which has notably grown to be one of the most active clubs- and one LITTERED with mysteries and untold stories, did you envision it growing to this scale ? and, how do you feel about this AMAZING growth?
( does this count as two or one question??? i wonder )

(Ik that this is an old thread but I found that there were 13 questions left so I thought to add my own question! :DD)

( I honestly thank you sm for the occult club! I met sooo many people through interactions in it and it added a lot of fun into my roleplay <33 it even inspired me to level-up my roleplay to engage with the community! even when I don't have discord )


Level 206
Thread starter
When you started the occult club, which has notably grown to be one of the most active clubs- and one LITTERED with mysteries and untold stories, did you envision it growing to this scale ? and, how do you feel about this AMAZING growth?
( does this count as two or one question??? i wonder )

(Ik that this is an old thread but I found that there were 13 questions left so I thought to add my own question! :DD)

( I honestly thank you sm for the occult club! I met sooo many people through interactions in it and it added a lot of fun into my roleplay <33 it even inspired me to level-up my roleplay to engage with the community! even when I don't have discord )

Oh... buckle up for a wall of text!

The SchoolRP setting is set in a contemporary and realistic Japan setting - with only one exception: the paranormal.
Ever since I noticed that, I wanted to start an Occult Club. This interest stemmed from my involvement with a few snooping friends, explorers, and groups intent on digging into the lore of Karakura, ..... aaaand as well as my private interest in the occult, spiritualism, and esotericism. I’ve attended Walpurgisnacht in Germany, sometimes burn salvia, love crystals, and often buy books on the subject. However, I was initially afraid my application would be denied because I assumed many others had already tried and failed to get an Occult Club approved. The server lore even detailed why the occult club was currently not an appreciated option.

When I saw that someone else had the courage to apply for it and got it approved by staff, I jumped at the opportunity. I immediately offered all my help to the new club leader, sharing my knowledge of the existing lore, providing funds and artifacts for the clubroom, and scheduling meetings. I worked my way up from an early member to management consultant, then to club vice-lead, and eventually became the club leader.

I knew certain people would be drawn to the mysterious, as well as to nerdy and fringe hobbies. I also know that strange topics tend to attract strange people who want to study them. Because of that, I always assumed we would be a small but very active club.

But I noticed very early on that we were quickly outgrowing our maximum member limit of 20 people. To address this, I prepared a tiered applicant system that allowed anyone interested in joining the club to participate as pre-members. These pre-members could already take part in field trips and club meetings, making it easier for people to engage while giving us more time to evaluate potential members. This, coupled with the open-door policy I introduced and the many custom items and furniture I donated to the club, likely contributed to our rise in popularity.

I’m wary though. I don’t want to overburden the server community with our presence, and I’m increasingly focused on monitoring our impact on other factions, like the Shrine and Emergency Services - especially during the spooky season. At the same time, I want the club to be a welcoming spot where people can connect with others who share an interest in nerdy and strange topics. I also want to promote a non-hostile, non-hysterical, and drama-free vibe that is shared and transported by all members and applicants.

I have to thank the Lore team for their work on the Occult Club lore so far. There are a few things I’d like to discuss, clarify, and expand upon, so I may reach out to them more often in the future for help and advice regarding the origins of the club. There are a few unresolved elements that I’d like to address, but I’m sure the tragic incident of 1987 has played a significant role in our success.

It’s been a good experience overall. My character has social anxiety, so organizing and speaking in front of the club has been good for him. I also think we have some of the most dedicated, kind, and unique members, which makes me very fond of the club. Moving forward, I hope to work more closely with the event team, Lore team, and Shrine faction to further enhance our impact on the server. We are currently probably the most active club on SRP - with 3 meetings per month on average and many smaller unofficial meetings in between.

All in all - I'm hopeful for the future.

[12 of 33 questions left]

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