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[AMA] Ask Me Anything [feat. Mori Yamato] About Life, the Universe, and Stuff [CLOSED]


Level 131
jannn.pngGreetings, esteemed lords and noble ladies.

I am Mori Yamato, distinguished advisor of the revered Itsbyoshi court*. As an alchemist, astronomer, and scholar of the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, I have immersed myself in the depths of time's mysteries. Through this profound exploration, I have divined a method to foresee the queries you might present, enabling me to respond from a realm beyond this fleeting life. Although my words have been set to parchment in advance, know that I remain dedicated to your service.

I stand ready to address your inquiries concerning the nature of existence, the cosmos, and the myriad wonders of our world. Yet, I shall not entertain matters of mere frivolity or those which tread upon the sacrilegious. Be at peace, for you shall receive enlightened guidance from my being.

Should you not belong to the ranks of the esteemed lords or noble ladies of the illustrious Itsbyoshi court, or hail from its venerated lineages, I beseech you to abstain from putting forth your questions. It is my belief that only souls of the highest integrity would be granted access to the sanctum of the North-Western Palace, thus ensuring we are spared the presence of those of lesser repute.

[TLDR; I'm a dead magician, ask me anything!]
Ask away!

*non-canon lore, not an official character, not associated with RPhub
(Mori Yamato will answer only 8 questions, since he was a busy guy in his time.)


Level 131
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Do you prefer apple sauce or gravy?
jannn.png"In the days of my earthly existence, the simple pleasures of taste were appreciated. However, the distinction between apple sauce and gravy is immaterial in the grander scheme of existence. Seek instead the wisdom that transcends the limitations of the physical realm..."

"--- On the other hand... apple sauce sounds quite delectable."


Level 131
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jannn.pngI, Mori Yamato, am passionately aligned with the delicate Japanese art of crafting 'kin' (金), gold from base elements. This endeavor transcends mere material wealth; it embodies our quest to elevate the soul, drawing parallels with the intrinsic beauty of wabi-sabi, the cherished philosophy of finding elegance in imperfection and transience.

In my studies of the cosmos, the astrological interplay of 'Hakke' (八卦) or the Eight Trigrams deeply fascinates me. This system, with its dance of cosmic forces represented by elements like thunder, wind, and water, illuminates patterns in both the natural world and human endeavors. As an alchemist, I find spiritual resonance in concocting sacred elixirs inspired by Shugendō traditions, intending to harmonize earthly and ethereal energies.

Beyond that I bake a radical Kasutera (カステラ) sponge cake!


Level 131
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Cats or dogs
jannn.png"Cats, in their enigmatic demeanor, transcend worldly chains, mastering realms both seen and unseen, unhindered by the yearnings for worldly affirmations. Such self-governance beckons us to ponder upon the vast unknowns of the cosmos and symbolizes a liberty of spirit, a state that humankind oftentimes only dreams to attain. In their silent contemplations and profound gazes, they mirror the depth of the Self, urging us to recognize the Ma, the void amidst the tangible. Their poised grace and understated elegance resonate with the finer sensibilities of our aesthetic appreciation. In their silence and poise, they epitomize the essence of minimalistic beauty."

"The noble hounds, conversely, stand as unwavering beacons of allegiance, echoing the foundational virtues that tether our societies. Their innate yearning for camaraderie mirrors our own heartfelt quest for belonging and the very human thirst for profound connection. Their boundless love, offered without condition, garners respect from both the high-born and the humble. Such genuine devotion serves as a reminder that loyalty transcends mere obligation. As vigilant guardians, they shine in their fervor to serve and protect. Their sense of purpose awakens in us reflections of our own duties and commitments."

"To be swayed in favor of one over the other would be akin to selecting one facet of our very being whilst forsaking the other. How could one, in wisdom, renounce the balancing harmony of Yin and Yang? Such binary choices, though seemingly imperative, risk blinding us to life's intricate nuances."

"But if you had me choose or die, I would keep my 3 dogs.
I have 22 cats and they give a rats' ass about me."


Level 131
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jannn.pngAhh,... Cheese.
While it might seem a simple curdled substance to many, is in truth a manifestation of the subtle dance between time, nature, and human ingenuity. In my travels and studies, I have come to recognize cheese as an artifact of transformation – not dissimilar to the transmutations I engage with as an alchemist.

In the heart of the dairy, lie the rudiments of life: the balance of yin and yang, the interplay of the five elements, the rhythm of the heavens mirrored in the cyclical nature of fermenting and aging. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, cheese, too, undergoes its phases, evolving from soft, yielding youth to a mature, resilient state, often accompanied by richer flavors and deeper wisdom.

In our homeland, our experience with cheese has been sadly limited, the common palate leaning more towards delightfully fermented soy and fish. However, through contact with foreign lands, I have had the privilege to encounter and appreciate cheeses. Each variety speaks of its origin: the lushness of the pastures, the temperament of the beasts, the diligence of the craftsmen, and the culture from which it arises.

Meditating upon cheese makes one reflect upon the interconnectedness of all things. It is a testament to the marvels that arise when man collaborates with nature, harnessing unseen forces – bacteria, enzymes, and the passage of time – to craft something greater than the sum of its parts. Like any complex substance, it emerged from sets of hidden machinations, which we are yet to fully grasp and discover. Though, undoubtetly, grand displays of complex synergies had to play out on each level of scale to ensure its creation.

Thus, esteemed inquirer, even in the seemingly mundane, like cheese, we can glimpse the infinite tapestry of existence, weaving together the material and the ethereal, the earthly and the cosmic."


Level 135
one of the most creative posts ive seen on the forums, you should see about writing short stories, and if you have I'd love to read through them :D


Level 131
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one of the most creative posts ive seen on the forums, you should see about writing short stories, and if you have I'd love to read through them :D
I love short format stories.
I guess one of the most successful / interesting short-format project I co-created (probably) Is this web comic strip: Momo & Popo on Instagram.
edit: We had 50k+ followers at one point.
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Level 71
this is too much to read soooooooo.

How can one tell if time has came to a golden age for them?


Level 131
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Ah, yes ~ the allure of a Golden Age!
Like the mythical Heian period that reaches a thousand years back.
Your inquiry touches upon one of life's grandest contemplations. In understanding such an era, one must first recognize the duality of perception and reality. A Golden Age is not merely an objective period of prosperity or cultural zenith, but also a deeply subjective experience perceived by the heart and mind.

First, recgnize that a Golden Age emerges when humanity coexists harmoniously with nature ~ giving and taking in accordance with the heavenly rule. When the skies remain clear, the waters rich with life, and the earth bountiful, one knows that they live in an era where the balance of life is revered and maintained.

Secondly, such an age is marked by the thriving of arts, sciences, and wisdom. When poets, artisans, and scholars are celebrated more than warriors and conquerors, and when creativity is encouraged and innovation flourishes, you may well surmise you reside in a true Golden Age.

Thirdly, look to the common people. When the masses live without undue suffering, injustice, and corruption of the powerful, a decline in poverty, strife, and inequality, it is indeed a sign that we as a nation and a people live in a prosperous period.

Fourthly, a true Golden Age is not defined by material wealth alone. When the souls of people are uplifted, when they lead lives filled with virtue, compassion, and introspection; When there is time to contemplate and come to terms with the heavenly rule; one can affirm the presence of a higher state of being.

And finally, it is only in retrospect that one realizes the passing of a Golden Age. When in it, one might take its plentiful gifts for granted, only to recognize its true value once it has transitioned. A profound sense of appreciation, in the moment, might indicate one's residence within such an age. Thusly, a Golden Age is not a place in time - but rather - a memory, prized and cherished, yearned for, and always bygone.

Be warned! Every age, including the golden ones, have their shadows. And it may as well fall upon you! The real wisdom lies in recognizing the gold within your own time, nurturing it, and ensuring its legacy for generations to come. Verily, you may yearn for a Golden Age of the High Heavens making, yet, it is of your own making, so that you may planteth the seed for the future to blossom.



Level 131
Thread starter
jannn.pngHmmm... your inquiry delves into the heart of a timeless martial conundrum. The essence of this choice is intertwined with the trinity of purpose, surrounding circumstance, and the inner essence of the warrior.

Behold the yari, a weapon that respects the spaces between combatants. Its reach lends itself to engagement from a respectful distance, making it indispensable against mounted foes and as the foundation of formidable formations. In the grip of adept ashigaru, it transforms into a barrier, capable of stemming the tide of horsemen and shattering adversary ranks.

The sword, however, is the very heartbeat of the bushi. It demands proximity, a nearness to one's adversary. While it too boasts versatility, its legendary sharpness defines it. With the sword, a warrior enters a delicate dance, revealing his prowess, grace, and very soul.

But the true crux, dear seeker, is that neither weapon can claim universal dominance. It is the terrain of combat and the very essence of the one wielding the weapon that tips the scale. In vast expanses where one wishes to maintain a safeguarded distance, the yari might be exalted. Yet, in confined spaces, demanding swift movements and immediate response, the sword may find its zenith.

Always bear in mind, noble inquirer, the instrument itself does not predetermine victory. It is the hand guiding it, the intellect strategizing its use, and the spirit energizing it that truly matter. Devote yourself to mastering both, venerate them equally, and let your surroundings and the whispers of your own spirit inform your choice in the crucible of conflict.

Still, the mightiest weapon is that which is not needed to be drawn.


Level 12
1696225512160.png“I have one question, and one question alone. For you that is at my hand, I ask of you, how can I atone? This burden of mine, I cannot conquer alone. I fear her siren eyes entice me close. And of that, she laid a heavy dose.” Delicate fingers press to her veil, with a mind that finds no trail. “I weep with the mourning sun and meet my Moon at dawn. For my lover, she is on the run. A fate I cannot bare, for she is a commoner, a ratchet affair.”

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Level 131
Thread starter
View attachment 52250“I have one question, and one question alone. For you that is at my hand, I ask of you, how can I atone? This burden of mine, I cannot conquer alone. I fear her siren eyes entice me close. And of that, she laid a heavy dose.” Delicate fingers press to her veil, with a mind that finds no trail. “I weep with the mourning sun and meet my Moon at dawn. For my lover, she is on the run. A fate I cannot bare, for she is a commoner, a ratchet affair.”

Ah, tormented soul, a melancholy wail!
Your lamentations, like ancient tales,
Echo in chambers where heartaches have slept,
Where vows were whispered, and countless tears wept.
Bound by chains society does weave,
Yet yearning for love, pure and naïve.
I've tread those paths, felt such sorrow's swell;
Such pangs and ardor, I know too well.

Firstly, hear this: the vast cosmic sea
Heeds not titles nor pedigree.
Ephemeral, fleeting, like blossoms of spring,
Which in radiant splendor their petals do fling,
Yet fade with the dusk, their glory now past—
But the soul’s essence, my dear, will forever last.
Look to the stars, let them be your guide,
For in the soul’s luminance, true selves reside.

Next, understand: atonement’s refrain
Is not a mere act, but a journey’s domain.
Does guilt anchor your spirit down deep?
Or is it society's mold, its expectations steep?
To heal thy heart's wound, to unravel the lore,
The root of thy pain, you must explore.

Then, of siren eyes that draw thee near,
Know that love’s essence is not just what’s clear.
It's not passion’s blaze that wanes with the day,
But a bond ever deepening, come what may.
If 'tis true love’s call, and not just a trance,
Let it lead thee on life’s intricate dance.

Furthermore, ponder: thy love’s humble state,
Does it lessen her worth in love’s grand debate?
Does nobility's claim lie in titles declared?
Or is it the spirit’s flight, the essence bared?
The wisest of ages have come to see:
True worth's in one's deeds, not in lineage's tree.

Yet the world, in its dance of old rituals and rites,
Might challenge such unions, ignite petty fights.
If your heart’s compass points to her distant shore,
Brace for tempests, for trials in store.
Remember, from humble seeds, mighty oaks grow;
Nurtured true love can weather each blow.

So, weary traveler of passion’s vast sea,
Seek wisdom, embrace what’s meant to be.
In introspection’s embrace, find your course,
For the journey’s your own, its perils and force.
The choices before you, in your hands do reside,
In love and in sorrow, let your heart be your guide.



Level 131
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1696245497137.pngTo whom it may concern,

With the utmost solemnity and reverence, the Regional Bureau of Karakura City hereby certifies and attests to the authenticity and significance of the documents herein presented.

Contained within are the eight preserved responses attributed to the illustrious Mori Yamato, historically renowned for his unique practice of "Correspondence through the Heavens". This significant collection hails from his esteemed tenure at the Itsbyoshi court, a period of great reverence in our annals.

These documents have undergone meticulous examination and have been verified by our city's foremost historical scholars, and are now confirmed as the last surviving records of this legendary alchemist's profound insights and teachings. Historians believe that he choked on cheese with applesauce in the late Meiji Restoration.

All interested parties and scholars are urged to approach these venerable relics with the respect and care they warrant, given their invaluable contribution to our understanding of the life and wisdom of Mori Yamato and the broader cultural and spiritual heritage of Karakura.

This concludes this exhibition of late Meiji artifacts.

[TLDR; AMA is finished! Thank you for participating!]

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