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Amelia's teacher application

Jazzy Sky

Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):
I do my discord username is @amelia075654

Do you have a microphone?:
No I use my laptop My laptop does have a working microphone though

What is your time zone?:
Mountain time

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I completely acknowledge and promise to keep up the activity.

Describe your activity on the server:
Almost 24/7

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Amelia Rose - Grade 12


What subject are you applying to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I don't know I just need the money

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
I do understand.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand, if accepted, the training process to become a qualified teacher.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs ensure that a teacher has been keeping up with activity in the school, has hosted classes regularly, and allows an accurate paycheck for each teacher depending on this activity. Teacher class logs are very important, allowing teachers to gain promotions and paychecks as they proceed through their teaching careers.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

1. No active fighting (no matter what kind) or threats to fight with one another.

2. No types of cellular devices should be on or in your hand. I hope not to hear any type of music, ringtones, or any other noise from cellular devices.

3. No food or beverages should be brought into the classroom or eaten outside (during activities). This is the time to get your body moving, not a free lunch break.

4. Encourage improvement rather than discourage accidents.

5. No sleeping… it’s physical education for a reason.

6. Always ask for restroom breaks, they will be noted if you’re sneaking off.

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from peers in a kind way, and help your peers when they seem troubled.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I am new to role playing but however I am getting very good at it

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: Leads the department they teach and defines great activity and consistency within the server. They assist Untrained Teachers in the teaching process, considering they have a great knowledge of Karakura Highschool how it functions, and how one should teach.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: They have demonstrated a good understanding of how to teach a class and have been given sufficient teacher tools to properly handle students in their education. Being a promotion from NQT, they have proven to show activity in the server and the discord, and have hosted an outstanding amount of classes in the time they have taught Karakura High.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: They have proven to be responsible as a teacher, being provided the necessary teaching tools to handle a class properly and the students in it. With potentially occasional assistance, they have given themselves a basic understanding of teaching in general. They can teach a class by themselves, considering they know how to deal with misbehaving students, rude students, etc.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Untrained Teacher
↳ Description: A teacher who has just recently been accepted into the teaching faction. They have yet to teach a class on their own and must undergo the training process from an HD+ to move forward in their teaching career. In this training process, they are taught how to properly teach a class on their own and how to handle students, as well as using the basic teaching tools.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers give students both an educational and entertaining experience, ensuring a positive environment in school. Without teachers, Karakura High would seem rather boring, and not necessarily a “school”. A teacher’s purpose here at Karakura High is to apply education to every high schooler while maintaining a fun and positive environment around them. In-game teachers can earn a maximum of ¥500,000 per month. For completing 10 classes, an NQT can earn a minimum of ¥350,000, while a QT can earn a minimum of ¥400,000. Teachers can earn +¥50,000 for every 5 extra classes they host every month until the ¥500,000 maximum is reached.
I don't know I havent really been in school In real life because of my history
Like I say they haven't really been in school at least public schools

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
To learn new things and to have the most realistic experience in a game

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school runs on MoSCoW, or, Must have, Should have, Could have, Would have

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

She always will have red hair sometimes she'll change clothes same character but different clothes same hair and eyes face futures and everything

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Everyone should be treated equally that is my outlook on everyone

What are their plans for the future?
Amelia rose always wanted to have her own place But she was never able to afford one if she had her own place she'll be much happier with her sister


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Tell them not to If they do not listen I'll give them detention or get some backup and help

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Give them warnings If they don't listen to the warnings I'll kick them out of class and give them detention

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
She just keeps to herself unless someone is speaking to her

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

She starts writing on the board Math Equations (The math problems)

/me She starts writing on the board Multiplication (The multiplication problems)

/me She starts writing on the board some suggestions for classroom (the things they want to learn for next class)

/me She starts writing on the board (The prompt they're learning For that day)

she always wanted to be a teacher ever since she was a child she had no clue why But she always wanted To become a teacher all she has left is her sister her parents died In a car accident But that is what she always believed Her parents weren't in a car accident They were killed But she refused to believe that

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Amelia Rose

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Miss… probably going to be that for a long time.

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
None… for now.

Japanese-American; mostly Japanese, though.

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

About 4 years, this does include when I was a teacher in korea for most of that time.

Academic Degree:
A Masters in math and technology Education

Year of Graduation:

Training in combat


Native Languages:
Japanese, English

Other Languages:
Korean and Spanish.

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Additional notes about your application:

If you see this, you’re awesome ;)

Do you have any questions?:
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