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amnesiias's new and updated schedule!


Level 46
Hey everyone!
I apologize for my inactivity, currently I'm quite busy for the rest of the summer!
I'll be telling you my schedule for when I go back into school, I will make a new post after this, since I'll be joining loads of clubs this year for school. As I want to be more socialized with my school, since I've became one of the councillors for this year at my school!
I thought clubs would make me more socialized than right now, I don't know why I'm just weird and random. This doesn't mean I'll never be online, just for a few hours on weekdays!
And on the weekends I'll try to be online all day!

Monday - 3:00pm - 11:00pm or longer.
Tuesday - 3:00pm - 11:00pm or longer.
Wednesday - 4:30pm - 11:00pm or longer (Dance).
Thursday - 4:30pm - 11:00pm or longer (Dance).

Friday - 3:00pm - 11:00pm

And the weekend as long as I want.

I hope you all understand why I haven't been online, due to my lack of inactivity. If you don't understand, that is fine! I just needed to make this otherwise I'll be demoted from Council-President due to my lack of inactivity. But when it's Teacher's Training day at my school, I'll always be online, again I hope you all understand.
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer holidays! What have you guys done this summer, tell me in the comments I'm curious xD.

-amnesiias or usually known as Greci.
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Level 46
Thread starter
NOTE: This might be my schedule until school starts too, but not the dance clubs.

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