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Animal abuse regulation


Level 129
-1, Agreeing with nylu, Ender and Alimonio here.

This is just restricting roleplay further. If you see an animal getting hurt, call the police on them, we'd be happy to ship them off to the depths of Karakuras Police Department!

And again, people cannot attack animals without proper ic reasoning and permissions, so if someone is doing so report them to staff, it's just failrp then..

I understand the fact that it could be seen as disturbing, but so can a lot of other things that are roleplayed out sooooo...


Level 11
I am not in favor of further inhibiting the freedom of players to roleplay, especially since the current ruleset is already somewhat restrictive.

Note, that just because someone's character does something that is morally wrong, does not mean that they as a person agree with or would do such things themselves. There are many characters in Karakura that are morally dark, and actions such as abusing animals not only make sense for them, but are an avenue for expressing / establishing their presence as a bad person and engaging people in roleplay. I agree it can be somewhat discomforting at times, but ultimately in an open roleplay setting you may run into things you would prefer not to see.

That being said, I don't think people should be forced into roleplaying out something uncomfortable for them if they don't want to. Assuming they clearly express their discomfort for a certain topic (such as animal abuse), then it shouldn't be allowed to continue to do such things with them; that much is just basic roleplay etiquette in the first place, and it's somewhat saddening to see isn't seen as common sense in this community.

Note, excessive and heavily detailed violence is already against the rules, according to 5.3b:

If someone is abusing an animal while using overly descriptive and/or intentionally discomforting language, report it to staff.

TLDR: I think that the current set of rules is good enough, it just needs to be followed and enforced better.
I completely agree


Level 129
Since there's nowhere in the rules that doesn't reprimand it whatsoever, people do it ALL the time and it's disgusting to be walking by the sewers or the beach, just general bodies of water, and seeing actions to drown a dog, cat, or whatever else // holding them underwater, even if it's not intended to kill them

This entire suggestion has NOTHING to do with IC laws, I only included it to acknowledge that it's supposed to be a "realistic" law and it is, by all means! But there's just some situations that shouldn't be allowed
Touching up on this because it's an extreme overexageration

To even consider "torturing" an animal, you would require major permissions. How do you get major permissions on an animal when they can't really KO you (unless it's a bear)

All animal perms are minor, majors in the worst situations. If you see an animal being majored for smthn dumb, it's probably failrp and should simply be reported

Excessive torture / gore is already against the rules. The problem here is that people don't read the rules and don't report it to staff...


Level 154
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Like I stated, I'm not saying completely get rid of it. I am saying there are some situations that shouldn't be allowed in which refer to TORTURE and dragged out abuse of an animal. It's freaky, unnecessary, and just disgusting as a whole

Laws are IC, animal abuse is IC, yes, but there are scenarios in which are extremely gross for roleplay
There’s already a rule against that. GoreRP/roleplaying out sensitive topics is not permitted on SRP


Level 121
"child friendly"

-1 if it makes you uncomfortable when your in that situtation then contact staff or tell them your being uncomfortable, I do that myself if I get uncomfortable OOCly in a roleplay, afterall your here to have fun.
if your not in that situtation dont try to add restrictions to others roleplay.
Cannibalism was overly done, HEAVILY overly done to a that it resulted in a huge chunk of players uncomfortable and it got removed.
However beating up animals / torture isnt an overly done thing, I myself have been involved in a fight against animals a few times back in the day where it resulted with me either killing(perms were different back then) or simply beating them up and majority of the time, the animal player was fine with it.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- Real Animal rules will be implemented over the next few weeks, along with this we will be updating documentation as well​

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