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Animal RP concerns


Level 40
Hello SRP staff,

I am giving feedback on animal RP as I feel there is some things that need to be fixed. I know Animal RP is nowhere near the first thing in mind for you guys, in fact I am damn near sure it is the last thing on your minds. I am here to voice some frustrations as I have found animal RP on the server to be really fun and something that has always made my days better.

First thing first, make that animal RP specific rules visible to the players and link them these rules when they are buying the whitelist. I have found a thread that detail how to DO animal RP however I have not found a thread that tells you the animal specific rules for the server. Yes a lot of the rules are pretty freaking obvious to me, but to some of your players they may not be. I was also hoping that this rules page would be detailed so that way I know what IS and IS NOT allowed for a fact that way I don't get anything wrong. I feel having these things outlined for the players will better inform them if this is something that they really want to do or not. It will hopefully shape up the animal RP players that mess around as well, they will have somewhere to actually go and see if they are doing something wrong.

Next is that I feel like staff have the tendency to well for lack of a better term bully/not give a shit about animal RP. I know that very few players actually play as animals however, the ones that do are extremely active as them and for good reason, they enjoy it the same way I do, it makes them happy and they have fun playing it. I am not asking you to care at least a little bit about a player who decided to pay 15$ to play as an animal on your server. At the very least please just pretend like you care about us animal RP players.

Last one is pretty short and honestly the thing I care the least about but find very annoying is something newly added. The fact that animals no longer get allowance. I have been getting allowance ever since I started playing as an animal then suddenly poof, its gone. I understand you did this because of realism and don't get me wrong I am glad you guys shoot for that. But in the end this is still a game and in this game some people choose to randomly run around and jump around just to pass the time, turns out these actions use up hunger. Yes I understand you are trying to get the owners of these animals to feed them, and mine do. The thing is though, we item RP the dog food cause there isn't dog food on the server, I am not saying add dog food I am saying at least give the animals back some sort of allowance, even if it ends up being a greenies allowance I am sure most of us wont get up in arms about it. You should also definitely warn the players that are buying this whitelist that they will lose all allowance so that way they are better informed about the decision. The reason I am the least concerned about this part is the fact that I am a tailor on a couple servers, I have a steady income and have no need for allowance, but not everyone is as skilled in the arts or have the ideas of how to get money as their character.

I hope that you can see where I am coming from in this post. There is a few things that need fixing and all it will take is a little bit of time, energy and care. You guys are busy and I get that, but two of these are small fixes and one is more of an institutional fix.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this and I hope you will side with me in at least some of it.


Level 40
Thread starter
The thing about the third paragraph also, you guys are just further encouraging transferring of funds across accounts, which is against the rules. It also wasn't hurting anyone for an animal to have an allowance.
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Level 231

I'm not too opinionated, however there is definitely a lot of lacklustre RP allowed simply on the basis that staff do not show the same level of concern (as they would elsewhere); throw-away characters and what not.

AnimalRP could use with a bit of maturity in general - but that's harder to implement then it is to point out the gaping problem


Level 32
As those who AnimalRP should have the right to a set of rules for themselves to avoid any problems or misunderstandings.
However if what you say about them removing allowance from animal ranks is true, then I completely agree with your concerns on how those that have no money will buy food. Atleast give animal ranks /feed if the server prefers realistic RP of animals not purchasing items. However if not, then bring the allowance back unless it is just a bug that is momentarily occuring.


Level 134
It's quite literally common sense, either make it so animals have access to /feed automatically, or give them the option to purchase food. Some animals RP as strays, and it'll be annoying to die every 10 minutes because I'm out of food.


Level 40
Thread starter
You guys also need to fix the default wolf model around the next cause you can see inside the dog.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
The Karakura Hospital will 'feed' players with the Animal Whitelist (owned or not), providing you with FREE food. It wouldn't make sense for Animals to make an allowance as allowances are mainly for student roles only

The rules for Humans apply to Animals as well, this is to keep a fair and balanced system for both sides without over complicating it; we won't be adding a separate section for Animals anytime soon. If a staff member has mis-handled a case or treated you unfairly, please reach out to a Senior Administrator or myself via Discord

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