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/animal switch command

Level 45
IGN: InfinitysRP
DATE: october 27 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: a command to allow you to switch between animal whitelists
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would allow those who can’t afford a new minecraft account to switch between whitelists saving them money while still being able to purchase the 20 USD whitelist


Level 34
I'm pretty sure this has been a suggestion before... Unsure how the result of that was BUT!! I do NOT want to pay 15 dollars for every time I would like to switch animals. There is an option to switch your animal within a week after you purchased it but that's only if you didn't like the animal you chose. It gets boring after a while playing the same animal when there are so many other ones you can roleplay as!!

There should be an option where you're able to switch to a different animal every 3-4 weeks or once a month!!


Level 37

This would be a cool idea. But at the end of the day this is one way how the server makes money. It'd be good idea for the activity of animals to stay active. There is not a lot of people that remain roleplaying the animal due to this. Such as bees and more. It could also lead to animal events for the server if the staff would like migration events for animals. Also, it is annoying to pay money. But this is one of the ways how they remain with it. From people having to buy to switch each time you want to rp another animal. The money still goes into people's pockets. But the question is whose? The server gets around 100 bucks a day and some of the staff do not get paid for their work.


Level 266
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Typing this on my phone, this would make a lot of sense but here’s the thing.. it was suggested before and ultimately got denied after it was discussed with Duckings
(link to the old thread if you wanna look more into it:

Personally I’d think it’d be cool to have it, but it probably won’t be approved
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Level 105
The way the whitelist is supposed to work is that you buy the whitelist for a specific animal. If they implement this they'd most likely raise the price of the package


Level 142
Assuming this did happen, the price of the animal whitelist would be jacked up to make up for the potential loss of people wanting to switch animals. SRP is a business at the end of the day, and their priority isn't player convenience, it's making profit.
(Just to clarify, I'm not saying they don't care about us, just that the server would lose money if they did this.)


Level 5
It would be better instead of having to buy a whole other account, so I do like the idea of having two (or more) animal whitelists on one account


Level 99
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In response to Ghost's claim, I do believe that it could be possible to just have all the animals merge into one whitelist (though yes, the price should be raised)

however, some animals might need a rework, pretty sure bears can't physically walk past the forest entrances

easy fix: can only change your whitelist once a day (just like /age) + when you change it, you end up in that desired animal's spawn point. Bears would spawn in the caves, cats and dogs in alleyways, foxes in the forest, etc


Level 9
Not going to +1 or -1 but change the idea a bit.
It would be better if we had the opinion to buy the whitelist for any animal you wish, and be able to switch between those you have purchased, for example, I buy the dog whitelist and after a month or two, I buy the fox whitelist, you would be able to switch between those 2 animals in that same account with that command, that way the player doesn't lose the money they spent on the first whitelist, the server still makes the same profit, and players save money from having to buy another minecraft account.


Level 164
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I get that people want to change their animals and don't want to spend the extra money. Maybe make it they need to pay a high amount of IC cash to change animals. But in the end, this might just end up getting denied.

Level 45
Thread starter
Not going to +1 or -1 but change the idea a bit.
It would be better if we had the opinion to buy the whitelist for any animal you wish, and be able to switch between those you have purchased, for example, I buy the dog whitelist and after a month or two, I buy the fox whitelist, you would be able to switch between those 2 animals in that same account with that command, that way the player doesn't lose the money they spent on the first whitelist, the server still makes the same profit, and players save money from having to buy another minecraft account.
that what i meant for this post… just kinda got misunderstood


Level 99
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Leaving this on a simple +1 (thought abt changing my opinion but at this point.. i don't see a reason to!! i also forgot i already posted here LOL)

although we all know what the inevitable answer will be


Level 28
IGN: InfinitysRP
DATE: october 27 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: a command to allow you to switch between animal whitelists
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would allow those who can’t afford a new minecraft account to switch between whitelists saving them money while still being able to purchase the 20 USD whitelist

The fact that this still isn't a thing is, frankly, very strange. I don't see the downsides to this - it's a player convenience thing.

Assuming this did happen, the price of the animal whitelist would be jacked up to make up for the potential loss of people wanting to switch animals. SRP is a business at the end of the day, and their priority isn't player convenience, it's making profit.
(Just to clarify, I'm not saying they don't care about us, just that the server would lose money if they did this.)
It's been proven time and time again that the more satisfied your customers are, the bigger your profits are. The animal whitelist being tied to a single account makes logistical sense - as do Donator Ranks being tied to an account - but being tied down to a single animal doesn't, and neither does being stuck as an animal upon purchasing, lest you'd like your fifteen dollars (half the price of an official Minecraft copy) down the drain. I think a lot of people are discouraged from buying the animal whitelist because you're stuck as a single (1) animal forever (unless, again, you'd like to waste money). Profits would go up, not down.


I get that people want to change their animals and don't want to spend the extra money. Maybe make it they need to pay a high amount of IC cash to change animals. But in the end, this might just end up getting denied.
Animals don't make a lot of money IC - they can't even get a job, because they're animals. This suggestion would only work in a hypothetical scenario where a player has a human alternate account (which most do, but not all). We'd end up with a lot of animals asking for money, at which point people would begin clamouring for the removal of the animal whitelist.

Off-topic, but what was the point of this message? It doesn't convey an opinion, it serves no purpose. I'm fine with "neutral" notes on feedback posts, as they usually convey some sort of duality - think "I like [x], but at the same time, consider [y]" - but posts such as this one are, ultimately, worthless.


Level 32
Community Team
Cool idea but RPH makes a lot of money by the whitelists , so the money count would go down if they make it free

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