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Annedre Hawks Biography


Level 0
[Drawn by me!]
-!Basic Info!-
First Name
: Annedre
Surname: Hawks II

Preferred Name:

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 5'2

Build: although she seems pretty weak she is quite a strong one strong punch from her is an instant knockout! So don't go underestimating her!

Skin Color:
She is very pale which is a bit concerning, and also due to that, she can easily get sunburn.
Eye Color:
Dark brown eyes, though it shines greatly in the light..
Hair Style:
Most of the time she ties it to be a neat lower bun pinned down with a pretty white flower hairpin and sometimes puts on a flower crown on top.

Hair Color: Although it seems black it's just a really dark shade of purple.

Fashion: Depends on the day she is feeling usually she likes to wear vests to school and as casual but she changes it a bit from time to time wearing comfortable clothes.

Quite shy often hiding in the bushes and peeking (respectfully) at people they find interest in.

Date of Birth: April 25th

Place of Birth: Kansai, Japan

Nationality: Japanese mixed with a quarter of American and Filipino.

Race: Mixed Asian and white

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs:
She believes in reincarnation "When I die I wanna come back as...."

Political Beliefs:
"Politics? Well, I'm not very knowledgeable on this wanna talk about flowers or something else?.." She doesn't know much about it nor wants to get too involved.

General Appearance
A shy lady who is 5'2 dark brown eyes. Has a lower bun pinned down by a pretty flower hairpin. Her face always had a shy smile and would smell like flowers or fresh cut grass(probably from the bushes and also often going to places that had flowers) Her attire is a vest in it had a purple tie and as for the bottom attire are shorts or is that a skirt? Who knows, around her wrist is a red bracelet and her shoes were regular loafers.
Although quite shy at first when she finally warms up to you it's like the person you met earlier was a completely different person! Shell be loud and maybe annoy you a bit and smile very brightly around you and make jokes around you and also maybe pull out a few pranks so watch out! Although she seems like the quiet kind of shy weak on the inside she is a loud and infamous Prankster who likes telling jokes and causing trouble so good luck haha!
Character Voice:
Claire Rosinkranz's voice except when screaming sounds like a screaming goat.


-Pocket knife.[in case of emergency]
-Hair ties
-pepper spray [in case of emergency]

Hobbies: Flower picking, spectating, drawing, boxing, and strolling around.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:



-Knowledgeable when it comes to mythology it's her specialty.
-Arranging flowers.

-Mother: Yua Hawks [Alive][Japanese][44]["Don't mind your brothers they're just teasing you."]
-Father: Nathaniel Hawks [Alive] [Mixed Filipino-american][46]["You know back in my day....]
-Brother: Kota Hawks [Alive] [Japanese mixed with a quarter of American and Filipino.][21]["We found you in a dumpster!*teasing*]
-Brother: Kenji Hawks [Alive] [Japanese mixed with a quarter of American and Filipino] [21]["Do you have food?"]
-When talking about relationships: "Ah, relationships I'm not in one as of now but I don't mind being in one in the future."
So far she has not been in a relationship yet.


Annedre Hawks, Born in a province[Kansai, Japan] named after her father's great grandmother Her parents [Yua hawks, Nathaniel Hawks] settled down there but first met in America and had their twin elder brothers there before migrating to Japan. At a young age, She loved the province, mostly because it was quiet it had fresh air and she could play in the forest with all the small animals and didn't have to worry about school because she was doing good in it, everything was just fine.

So when it was her 15th birthday she learned she would go study in the city far away from the province, it shattered her world and was in shock, her parents tried to comfort her and said "it would be a good opportunity for you and a brighter future.", her two elder brothers didn't help either and instead was envious told her that she was lucky but they were a bit also a bit worried too. What made it worse is that she would be going there alone without anyone which, scared her 'how could she leave her home so suddenly?' or 'How can she survive without the guidance of her elders?' questions of worry filled her mind while counting down the days the moments before arriving in the city.

And when the day finally came when she was gonna leave, bags full of things she would need in her hand about to ride the train saying her goodbyes to her family to her friends to the life she was living till this point. It's amazing how she held it all in and left with a bittersweet smile stepping onto the train and finding her seat not sure if ready if she can handle this new chapter of her life but she has to! And as the train was leaving one last glance at her province before leaving for a very long time... Yes you will only be gone for a while maybe it's a long while but not forever so you gotta be strong Annedre! saying onto herself mentally.

Now fast forward to school day now settled down in the city . took a while to adjust but now we're here! Schoolbag in her hand ready for this new beginning and maybe make new friends. "Yes with this new confidence ill overcome my fear and!" her thoughts were interrupted by the student's noise coming straight to the school... Wait students! And she turned around, Eeek so many! and as she saw so many students approaching the school her confidence was suddenly gone to a sense of panic. Straight to the bushes, she had gone to hide "Maybe I can socialize next time.." she thought as she shyly hid in the bushes so she will not be noticed.

Fun facts:
-Her father chose the name for her while her mother chose the name for her elder twin brothers.
-She feeds random street dogs and cats and is very fond of them.
-Is very curious about foreign people and likes to hear stories from them.
- Although she is a quarter Filipino her dad makes sure she is well cultured on her Filipino side and often teaches her some stuff about it and gives her stories of his time in the Philippines when visiting.
-She won't say it but she likes hearing gossip/tea it keeps everything interesting and would always say "I'm just trying to get updated on what's happening I'm not that nosy."
-Horrible at dancing.
-She is an ok singer, not the best but she's ok.
-Same goes with cooking she's pretty decent.
-Dad taught her how to do boxing when she was 5 and it stuck through.
[Note: This is my first time doing this so please be kind and if there are any typos or something that sounds wrong please tell me!]

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