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Accepted Anni1e | Builder Application


Level 2

IGN (Minecraft Username):

MDT (Mountain Daylight Time, U.S.A)

What's your activity and availability like for SRP?:
I come on about every other day, to maintain a clean activity. On a scale of one to ten about my activity, I’d say an 8 or 9. My general activity, however, is a different story. I have been a part of this server for 5-6’ish years, on and off.

Do you have Discord? If so, supply your Discord tag (e.g. User#0000):

How long have you been building?:
I've been building for 9 years, starting at age 10 when I got my first laptop. Building became a calming way to end my day. In 2016, I began/formed a friend roleplaying group where they RP'ed but I built the maps for them. The group disbanded in 2018, and one of the Medieval maps I made is in my portfolio, although, that is only one reference of the other five I’ve made. The second reference is in video form, a friend who made a video of my work as a medieval/fantasy builder.
I found SRP in 2019 with an old account, but I didn’t focus on building until late 2021 when I was reintroduced to the server on my own account and got inspired by the builders and the modern style. I ran into a friend along my journey in building, which has helped me see a new perspective. I use real-life photos, mostly based in Japan or elsewhere depending on location, as build references.
Since then, I’ve worked hard to improve, learning the SRP build style over the past few years. My portfolio shows both exterior and interior builds, and I enjoy both in certain ways.

What are your goals and aspirations for building and being on a team?:

``Contributing to the Server``
After much thought and time spent in this community, I’ve committed to the idea of volunteering my time more meaningfully. I’m not just talking about small efforts like helping someone briefly in creative mode, but truly dedicating my skills and energy. Being empathetic, I care about the things people build and dedicate to the server. If I can be part of that process and offer my time to create something impactful, then I’m ready for a role like this.
I want to create beautiful scenery, buildings, and landscapes. Over the time I’ve spent here, I’ve been working hard to improve my building skills, but I’ve realized it’s just as important to work on my social skills too. Being a builder on the server isn’t just about logging in and constructing things every day; it requires active social interaction and becoming a recognizable face in the community. As a builder, I’d be a representative of the server in some way, and I feel ready to take on that responsibility.

``Growths N' Goals``
This wouldn’t be a proper application without telling you what my personal goal(s) would be, or not telling you what my greatest weakness is, so let me lay it flat for you. I struggle with social cues and generally fitting into conversations, even if It seems like I don’t. I’ve struggled with this my entire life, and let me just say this server has made a huge difference on that issue. A goal of mine while working as a builder would be to engage the social aspect of working together, and understanding each other's strengths or weaknesses. If I’m good at the landscape, and someone isn’t for example, I would help by teaching them, or even the other way around - where they are the ones teaching me. I want to improve every day with this social issue I have. Everyone has their insecurities, it's just a matter of facing them, and when I build, that is how I face mine. You might be asking, ‘’How does that exactly help face your fear?’’ Well, to answer that, once I finish or even mid-way through a build, I start to see the self-progress. I started to see that I was wrong and that not everything I make, is bad. This led to boosting my confidence in myself instead of others trying to boost it for me.
Building with a team that understands my goals would help everyone not just myself.

`` Leaving a Mark ``
Leaving a valuable mark on the server would mean a lot for me as a personal goal, as I’ve been a part of it for a while now. It’s not always about the buildings being in the game either, it’s also just being a friendly community member. I’ve met people on this server who have left a mark - a mark that impacted my life in a way, unrelated to Minecraft even. Past community members have shown such kindness to me before, and I can only say that I aspire to be as good a person as them someday. I look around the people of this server, most of them being the ones I grew up around in this crazy whirl around me known as life. They dedicated themselves to taking just a simple minute, maybe even five, to ask me how I am, helping me improve in more ways than just building a house in Minecraft. I looked up to those people, so I aspire to be similar to them and leave a mark just like them.

`` Exterior Builds ``
As much as I love making houses, and that is how I began learning the style, I think I'd enjoy creating spaces that players interact with daily. One of my personal goals is to dive deeper into exterior buildings, focusing on structures like apartments, traditional Japanese architecture, and general public buildings. I’m excited to explore these areas more, while also shining some light on my landscaping skills. I’ve come to realize that placing flowers or decorations randomly doesn’t always work; it’s important to create a cohesive and visually pleasing scene. Matching flowers or keeping a theme can make a huge difference in how the environment feels. What if there is a certain lore, where a certain rock needs to be? or certain flowers? It really all just depends at the end of the day how to make the server achieve that `perfect` look.
I do well on projects and challenges, and I would like to see things through from start to finish. Working on my exterior and landscaping skills and much more that I offer, gives you a variety of groups, projects, etc, that you can put me in. I have multiple skills, which means more help. There will always be a demand for updates or new spaces, so a lot of help means you get it done a lot faster.
Supply us with at least 4 screenshots of your build (Do not use shaders):
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Level 349
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, after discussing it with the rest of the Builders, we have decided to accept it!

Welcome to the team! You'll start your journey off as a Trial member of the Build-Team, from there we will ensure that you're ready to work on projects with us before making you a fully-fledged member of the community team. We look forward to working with you!

What happens next?
You'll receive your roles in the SchoolRP Discord, at which point you'll receive information about the role and its guidelines. Along with the information, you'll be contacted via Discord DMs about your Trial; trial builds consist of Structure, Interior and sometimes Organic work.

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