IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your Discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
Mountain Standard Time (MDT)
Describe your activity on the server:
Pretty active, I'd say on a scale: of 8 out of 10. I do stuff in real life but because I do stuff for the server, I happen to come on for at least 2 hours or more, every day or every other day.
List your current roles on the server:
Anni1e =[Football] + [Adult]
(If accepted, I'd ask for my Football tag to be removed for the role.)
AnnieAlt = [Lawyer]
Link any previous applications:
Lawyer App - Accepted
Verified Business App - Accepted
KPD App - Accepted
Professor App - Accepted
Shopkeeper App - Denied
Shopkeeper App #2 - Denied
EMS App - Denied
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying will be the simplest answer I reply with; Because I love this faction now. Now? Yes. Silly as it may sound, I used to fear it when I first joined this server and for 3 years I didn't step foot into the surroundings of the shrine itself (like, the actual build itself.) I avoided it because I feared religion in real life, and didn't know how to react when I saw it in a game. I grew up around religion my entire life, and I believed only what I was taught - I wasn't aware that it was okay to learn about others, even if it was in a video game. Even if it was for a roleplay. Well, the first few times I entered the shrine, I was curious (oocly and icly...) about Shintoism. This was where I learned pretty quickly that I adored the shrine and its beliefs. In 2023, my character, Manon, even got married in the shrine with the love of his life (More like his ex-wife now, no love there anymore...)
Besides their ICLY sour ending, I OOCLY thought the wedding was beautiful, and I was inspired by the priests at the time. When I came back in 2024, I guess I just started coming up to the shrine more and more and befriended everyone I saw in it or those who worked for it. The first few off-duties I had as a new lawyer even, I spent them - guess where? The shrine. Every day OOCLY and ICLY, I learned a new thing - and I love to learn. I loved that part of their beliefs was that imperfections make you beautiful as-is, and kindness costs nothing. The workers always greeted me with kindness in and out of character, which made me less scared to be there each time. Totally silly to be spooked by a faction about Shintoism, I know, but I always tell myself "You never know until you try" and it's stuck with me ever since.
My other motivations include wanting to play a character I recently got by joining a family - the Mori family. Fumihito Mori. I'm very excited to play this character but I didn't think being a classic adult would fit him just yet, so I decided to apply for the shrine on him for fun. Almost every application I have done is because I love the faction, or because I think it would be fun, and I could manage to do it.
My last motivation would be helping plan, do, and host events for the shrine with the others. I love events, and I think of myself as bright and full of fantastic ideas for this faction! I think events bring people closer together, and help show Karakura ICLY and OOCLY that the shrine can be a place bursting with joy and fun things to experience for their characters.
As you've just read all of that, I hope my three main motivations help you see that I am doing this application like everyone else, just trying my hardest and being honest with my answers. Every other application I've done, I've tried to perfect it - but I've realized nothing is pretty if it is perfect all the time.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I've put this in a listed format, to make it easier to read and understand what I know on your end. I won't lie, I have (I think) done this format before in my KPD application when answering something similar but I hope that it's okay. I like to get to the point at times, and a bullet point list makes that easier for me.
I learned all the things mentioned in my numbered list ICLY and a bit OOCLY as well - from my own research and players. My auntie in real life currently lives in Japan (not sure where, though...) and has always sent me books on Shintoism as well as fun little Japanese snack boxes (monthly) for me to enjoy. I do like Japanese culture, and I've only once tried on a kimono that my aunt let me borrow - which gave me a personal love for when I began seeing that SRP players wore custom kimonos in-game. I may not know a bunch about this faction but I am willing to learn more and be here for it.
What is your Discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
Mountain Standard Time (MDT)
Describe your activity on the server:
Pretty active, I'd say on a scale: of 8 out of 10. I do stuff in real life but because I do stuff for the server, I happen to come on for at least 2 hours or more, every day or every other day.
List your current roles on the server:
Anni1e =[Football] + [Adult]
(If accepted, I'd ask for my Football tag to be removed for the role.)
AnnieAlt = [Lawyer]
Link any previous applications:
Lawyer App - Accepted
Verified Business App - Accepted
KPD App - Accepted
Professor App - Accepted
Shopkeeper App - Denied
Shopkeeper App #2 - Denied
EMS App - Denied
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying will be the simplest answer I reply with; Because I love this faction now. Now? Yes. Silly as it may sound, I used to fear it when I first joined this server and for 3 years I didn't step foot into the surroundings of the shrine itself (like, the actual build itself.) I avoided it because I feared religion in real life, and didn't know how to react when I saw it in a game. I grew up around religion my entire life, and I believed only what I was taught - I wasn't aware that it was okay to learn about others, even if it was in a video game. Even if it was for a roleplay. Well, the first few times I entered the shrine, I was curious (oocly and icly...) about Shintoism. This was where I learned pretty quickly that I adored the shrine and its beliefs. In 2023, my character, Manon, even got married in the shrine with the love of his life (More like his ex-wife now, no love there anymore...)
Besides their ICLY sour ending, I OOCLY thought the wedding was beautiful, and I was inspired by the priests at the time. When I came back in 2024, I guess I just started coming up to the shrine more and more and befriended everyone I saw in it or those who worked for it. The first few off-duties I had as a new lawyer even, I spent them - guess where? The shrine. Every day OOCLY and ICLY, I learned a new thing - and I love to learn. I loved that part of their beliefs was that imperfections make you beautiful as-is, and kindness costs nothing. The workers always greeted me with kindness in and out of character, which made me less scared to be there each time. Totally silly to be spooked by a faction about Shintoism, I know, but I always tell myself "You never know until you try" and it's stuck with me ever since.
My other motivations include wanting to play a character I recently got by joining a family - the Mori family. Fumihito Mori. I'm very excited to play this character but I didn't think being a classic adult would fit him just yet, so I decided to apply for the shrine on him for fun. Almost every application I have done is because I love the faction, or because I think it would be fun, and I could manage to do it.
My last motivation would be helping plan, do, and host events for the shrine with the others. I love events, and I think of myself as bright and full of fantastic ideas for this faction! I think events bring people closer together, and help show Karakura ICLY and OOCLY that the shrine can be a place bursting with joy and fun things to experience for their characters.
As you've just read all of that, I hope my three main motivations help you see that I am doing this application like everyone else, just trying my hardest and being honest with my answers. Every other application I've done, I've tried to perfect it - but I've realized nothing is pretty if it is perfect all the time.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I've put this in a listed format, to make it easier to read and understand what I know on your end. I won't lie, I have (I think) done this format before in my KPD application when answering something similar but I hope that it's okay. I like to get to the point at times, and a bullet point list makes that easier for me.
1. Basic Knowledge
Shintoism is based and centered in Japanese culture and revolves around the cycle of life, nature, and the reverence of kami - divine spirits or gods. Central to its teachings is the importance of purity, respect for the kami, and the sanctity of shrines, which serve as sacred spaces for worship and connection with the spiritual world.
I only know a few other things regarding this faction and Shintoism
2. Maidens
Maidens are positioned in the shrine to do chores, serve tea, do tarot readings, and provide companionship to those who come across the shrine. Though they serve the shrine, they also live in it, and their lives are dedicated to it - meaning they spend all their time at the shrine. They bow at the torii gates like anyone else would and ensure every rule is followed when visitors come. Maidens can also (but rarely and mainly during October) fight off spirits with blessed weaponry, and even talk to the few spirits that come around the shrine.
They know the mean spirits, and they know the nice spirits and either way, they talk to both from time to time.
3. Priests
Priests do just about the same thing I've said above, but a bit less intensely - with other chores that may be seen as more important to a certain eye. Though they can help fight off evil spirits, aid in chores, etc, they can also marry people inside the building at the top of the staircase. They also provide prayers and cleansings for those who need them.
4. Cleansing
A cleansing is (I believe...) hosted by a priest, he or she will take the person (in need of the cleansing) into the onsen, using a tool that represents what they came in to help cleanse and wrap it gently into their hand. Then, I forget since I've only had this done ICLY to me once or twice but I believe they say a few prayers aloud, pour water onto the person, invite the kami, pray once more, and pour the water onto them again. This performance and prayer are especially useful when a negative thing has happened in a person's life, or if the person has been haunted by a spirit and seeks help.
5. Blessed Weaponry
I know little about this but since it's only little, I thought I'd still mention it anyway. Blessed weapons are weapons that are used to fight off the spirits or purify them or both, and in extreme cases, even kill them, or banish them. I'm no expert but that's what I assume they do. Maidens and maybe Priests are trusted to carry these weapons around Karakura so they do not lay into the hands of a wrongful spirit that may intend to cause havoc by using said weapon. These weapons cannot be taken by KPD due to them being blessed ones, carried only by shrine staff to ensure they are being protected properly - which a KPD can't do.
6. Chiharu Yamatsumi
Karakura is surrounded by mountains which are called The Karakura Mountains. It's only fitting to make the main kami in our shrine be no other than Chiharu Yamatsumi, the kami of the mountains. I did not know we believed in this kami or worshipped it even until this year (I'm a bit slow...) So one day ICLY, I asked about it on a different character. Now OOCLY I know about it after having read my screen I gasped because it was so fitting. The Kami of the mountains. Even though millions of cool kami describe certain things, I think it's cool we have mountains and a mountain kami to describe ours.
7. Locations
In the shrine, I know of many locations and I will describe what I know. First, the old shrine. It's on the right side of the shrine at the far top of the mountain, and kind of in the mountain. It's got a special urn on the inside (heaven forbid I even remember what/who that urn belongs to, but I know its important!)
Secondly, the 'love' tree, is on the left side of the shrine. It's a tree everyone carves their names into, i.e; M+E. I think its a cute little detail. Third, The little ghost furnishings I see around the shrine are called Hitodama's, small spirits that a fun little furniture in the shrine to show that even little spirits float around the shrine (I think, this is all a guess from.. what I see around when I visit in-game.)
Fourth, I'd like the mention some spirits' furniture placed in front of the shrine, they are spirits that visit the most often and are liked by the shrine. Some spirits (I currently know of that visit) Are Crow, sometimes Runa, and Kitsa (And ones I've seen ICLY or met ICLY.) Sometimes Furaimatsu.
Fifth, I'd like to mention the onsen, the tea house, and the farm. The farm patch, which has a well and is off to the left side of the shrine, is often used to do food/farm-related chores. The tea hut is where maidens and citizens often are. Maidens will write out a DetailRP of how they prepped the tea, then walk over and serve it to the chatty or.. non chatty, citizens sitting inside by the floor table. Lastly, the onsen is a bathhouse a step up from the shrine (right outside it to the left) and is most traditionally used in Japanese culture. Whether it be for a priest's cleansing of a person's negativity, or for the teenagers to splash around some water when they probably aren't supposed to, it's a lovely place for roleplay experiences.
8. Entering the Shrine.
Not only do we bow for respect at the Torii gate, but near the last Torii gate, players will notice a few ladles and water. They will use these ladles to cleanse their hands before bowing at the last gate. Cleansing your hands shows the kami and the gods that you are doing an act of purity, which is what Shintoism is all about. The purity of self, nature and so on. Making sure your hands are clean before entering a sacred place is always important.
Shintoism is based and centered in Japanese culture and revolves around the cycle of life, nature, and the reverence of kami - divine spirits or gods. Central to its teachings is the importance of purity, respect for the kami, and the sanctity of shrines, which serve as sacred spaces for worship and connection with the spiritual world.
I only know a few other things regarding this faction and Shintoism
2. Maidens
Maidens are positioned in the shrine to do chores, serve tea, do tarot readings, and provide companionship to those who come across the shrine. Though they serve the shrine, they also live in it, and their lives are dedicated to it - meaning they spend all their time at the shrine. They bow at the torii gates like anyone else would and ensure every rule is followed when visitors come. Maidens can also (but rarely and mainly during October) fight off spirits with blessed weaponry, and even talk to the few spirits that come around the shrine.
They know the mean spirits, and they know the nice spirits and either way, they talk to both from time to time.
3. Priests
Priests do just about the same thing I've said above, but a bit less intensely - with other chores that may be seen as more important to a certain eye. Though they can help fight off evil spirits, aid in chores, etc, they can also marry people inside the building at the top of the staircase. They also provide prayers and cleansings for those who need them.
4. Cleansing
A cleansing is (I believe...) hosted by a priest, he or she will take the person (in need of the cleansing) into the onsen, using a tool that represents what they came in to help cleanse and wrap it gently into their hand. Then, I forget since I've only had this done ICLY to me once or twice but I believe they say a few prayers aloud, pour water onto the person, invite the kami, pray once more, and pour the water onto them again. This performance and prayer are especially useful when a negative thing has happened in a person's life, or if the person has been haunted by a spirit and seeks help.
5. Blessed Weaponry
I know little about this but since it's only little, I thought I'd still mention it anyway. Blessed weapons are weapons that are used to fight off the spirits or purify them or both, and in extreme cases, even kill them, or banish them. I'm no expert but that's what I assume they do. Maidens and maybe Priests are trusted to carry these weapons around Karakura so they do not lay into the hands of a wrongful spirit that may intend to cause havoc by using said weapon. These weapons cannot be taken by KPD due to them being blessed ones, carried only by shrine staff to ensure they are being protected properly - which a KPD can't do.
6. Chiharu Yamatsumi
Karakura is surrounded by mountains which are called The Karakura Mountains. It's only fitting to make the main kami in our shrine be no other than Chiharu Yamatsumi, the kami of the mountains. I did not know we believed in this kami or worshipped it even until this year (I'm a bit slow...) So one day ICLY, I asked about it on a different character. Now OOCLY I know about it after having read my screen I gasped because it was so fitting. The Kami of the mountains. Even though millions of cool kami describe certain things, I think it's cool we have mountains and a mountain kami to describe ours.
7. Locations
In the shrine, I know of many locations and I will describe what I know. First, the old shrine. It's on the right side of the shrine at the far top of the mountain, and kind of in the mountain. It's got a special urn on the inside (heaven forbid I even remember what/who that urn belongs to, but I know its important!)
Secondly, the 'love' tree, is on the left side of the shrine. It's a tree everyone carves their names into, i.e; M+E. I think its a cute little detail. Third, The little ghost furnishings I see around the shrine are called Hitodama's, small spirits that a fun little furniture in the shrine to show that even little spirits float around the shrine (I think, this is all a guess from.. what I see around when I visit in-game.)
Fourth, I'd like the mention some spirits' furniture placed in front of the shrine, they are spirits that visit the most often and are liked by the shrine. Some spirits (I currently know of that visit) Are Crow, sometimes Runa, and Kitsa (And ones I've seen ICLY or met ICLY.) Sometimes Furaimatsu.
Fifth, I'd like to mention the onsen, the tea house, and the farm. The farm patch, which has a well and is off to the left side of the shrine, is often used to do food/farm-related chores. The tea hut is where maidens and citizens often are. Maidens will write out a DetailRP of how they prepped the tea, then walk over and serve it to the chatty or.. non chatty, citizens sitting inside by the floor table. Lastly, the onsen is a bathhouse a step up from the shrine (right outside it to the left) and is most traditionally used in Japanese culture. Whether it be for a priest's cleansing of a person's negativity, or for the teenagers to splash around some water when they probably aren't supposed to, it's a lovely place for roleplay experiences.
8. Entering the Shrine.
Not only do we bow for respect at the Torii gate, but near the last Torii gate, players will notice a few ladles and water. They will use these ladles to cleanse their hands before bowing at the last gate. Cleansing your hands shows the kami and the gods that you are doing an act of purity, which is what Shintoism is all about. The purity of self, nature and so on. Making sure your hands are clean before entering a sacred place is always important.
I learned all the things mentioned in my numbered list ICLY and a bit OOCLY as well - from my own research and players. My auntie in real life currently lives in Japan (not sure where, though...) and has always sent me books on Shintoism as well as fun little Japanese snack boxes (monthly) for me to enjoy. I do like Japanese culture, and I've only once tried on a kimono that my aunt let me borrow - which gave me a personal love for when I began seeing that SRP players wore custom kimonos in-game. I may not know a bunch about this faction but I am willing to learn more and be here for it.
Character Full Name:
Fumihito Mori
Character Title:
Mr. Fumihito
Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
Character Nationality:
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Sociology Bachelors Degree
2 Year Certificate in Cosmetology
`` I suppose I can't ignore this question now, can I? It would be good to know some things about me and my family before you approve me becoming a priest here. Well, darling, My name is Fumihito, and I am a Mori, a name many other family members of mine have in this town. I care deeply, and maybe a bit too much, about my family. My direct family however, Ichiro, my father, and my mother, who I do not name in respect for her-``
He'd nervously rub a hand down his thigh, resting it on his knee once it reached.
``They are my parents, and Yua, is my only sibling, a sister. My mother passed away when I was 11 years old, so my connections to my father have always remained strong, sometimes at its strongest than at other times. I was wrapped around her finger, so you can imagine how much it must've hurt me to lose her - which I do not always speak about, and certainly won't sitting here.``
Fumi gripped onto that knee his hand laid on, looking down on it before releasing it calmly with an exhale, resting both hands into his lap as he smiled, changing the topic;
``Don't cry over spoiled milk, such a silly saying - because who on earth would drink spoiled milk and cry over it to begin with? After my mother died, I wasn't sure what purpose I had in life anymore - she was my world. To rub the thought of her death off my mind, I became educated instead. I buried myself in books and stories, fiction and nonfiction, even some about our culture here in Japan. I even started wearing kimonos as young as 13 years old. Once I settled myself with those things, my dad made me realize I should just be a kid until I didn't have to be anymore. .``
He'd chuckle, remembering something he thought was worth mentioning as a part of his background as a child,
``I used to think my name was so cool, I'd draw F and M together all the time, people thought I was dating someone with the letter M once I got into high school. I wasn't a bad kid in school, nor a good one. I was average. My teacher claimed I had behavioral issues whenever people brought up death, or even mentioned spirits whose only purpose was to kill - I've been scared of death for a while, but over time, I've learned not to fear it as much - Instead, I greet most of the world with open arms, even if one day, that may result in a million yen for my grave. I see the world for what it is, the bad, the good, and everything in between - and I love it all.
When high school ended, I decided I wanted to become better than I already was, at reading cues, people, their thoughts, and behavior; because of my teacher's mention with my own, and some... other personal reasons to learning these things- So when I was 18, I enrolled in college, and studied Sociology to earn my bachelors. After a hot bit, 21 or 22 years old, I was just bored with my life, and no, not once have I ever decided to prioritize marriage, or finding the right girl. I did all that studying, and for what? Where was I going in life? I asked myself many questions and went down many paths, including learning how to style hair while studying Shintoism at the same time - as well as worshipping a personal kami I hold close to myself as a reminder that I can be strong when everything else seems hard. I completed cosmetology school, and- Let me just tell you, your hair should always be styled, you don't want to look like you got sad donkey hair strands from the Shrek movie mid-praying. ``
Though it may have sounded sassy, Fumi looked you from the chin and up, as if he was checking out your hairstyle - seemed like that meant something to him but he kept on going...
`` I've been in Karakura for a while, and I love our mountains the most. I often catch myself staring off into the breathtaking sunrises that hide behind them, constantly late to pick up my dry cleaning because of it.. I love so many things about this city, but that has to be the first one that comes to mind - Which, I guess makes it perfect if I were to become a Priest here, I could see the sunrise every single day, and listen to the trees whistle with the morning wind.``
A soft smile appeared on his face, talking about how beautiful life was in Karakura truly warmed Fumihito's heart right up, only returning to a neutral look moments later, breaking the moment of absolute weakness but full wholesomeness this man truly had on the inside - he wasn't always a sassy silly or even narcissistic seeming man, you know.. .. . !-
``Well, That's me, love. Not too dry but not too much. I appreciate you listening to me and hope that answer satisfies you, I think I'd make a great priest, personally speaking.``
Fumihito Mori
Character Title:
Mr. Fumihito
Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
Character Nationality:
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Sociology Bachelors Degree
2 Year Certificate in Cosmetology
`` I suppose I can't ignore this question now, can I? It would be good to know some things about me and my family before you approve me becoming a priest here. Well, darling, My name is Fumihito, and I am a Mori, a name many other family members of mine have in this town. I care deeply, and maybe a bit too much, about my family. My direct family however, Ichiro, my father, and my mother, who I do not name in respect for her-``
He'd nervously rub a hand down his thigh, resting it on his knee once it reached.
``They are my parents, and Yua, is my only sibling, a sister. My mother passed away when I was 11 years old, so my connections to my father have always remained strong, sometimes at its strongest than at other times. I was wrapped around her finger, so you can imagine how much it must've hurt me to lose her - which I do not always speak about, and certainly won't sitting here.``
Fumi gripped onto that knee his hand laid on, looking down on it before releasing it calmly with an exhale, resting both hands into his lap as he smiled, changing the topic;
``Don't cry over spoiled milk, such a silly saying - because who on earth would drink spoiled milk and cry over it to begin with? After my mother died, I wasn't sure what purpose I had in life anymore - she was my world. To rub the thought of her death off my mind, I became educated instead. I buried myself in books and stories, fiction and nonfiction, even some about our culture here in Japan. I even started wearing kimonos as young as 13 years old. Once I settled myself with those things, my dad made me realize I should just be a kid until I didn't have to be anymore. .``
He'd chuckle, remembering something he thought was worth mentioning as a part of his background as a child,
``I used to think my name was so cool, I'd draw F and M together all the time, people thought I was dating someone with the letter M once I got into high school. I wasn't a bad kid in school, nor a good one. I was average. My teacher claimed I had behavioral issues whenever people brought up death, or even mentioned spirits whose only purpose was to kill - I've been scared of death for a while, but over time, I've learned not to fear it as much - Instead, I greet most of the world with open arms, even if one day, that may result in a million yen for my grave. I see the world for what it is, the bad, the good, and everything in between - and I love it all.
When high school ended, I decided I wanted to become better than I already was, at reading cues, people, their thoughts, and behavior; because of my teacher's mention with my own, and some... other personal reasons to learning these things- So when I was 18, I enrolled in college, and studied Sociology to earn my bachelors. After a hot bit, 21 or 22 years old, I was just bored with my life, and no, not once have I ever decided to prioritize marriage, or finding the right girl. I did all that studying, and for what? Where was I going in life? I asked myself many questions and went down many paths, including learning how to style hair while studying Shintoism at the same time - as well as worshipping a personal kami I hold close to myself as a reminder that I can be strong when everything else seems hard. I completed cosmetology school, and- Let me just tell you, your hair should always be styled, you don't want to look like you got sad donkey hair strands from the Shrek movie mid-praying. ``
Though it may have sounded sassy, Fumi looked you from the chin and up, as if he was checking out your hairstyle - seemed like that meant something to him but he kept on going...
`` I've been in Karakura for a while, and I love our mountains the most. I often catch myself staring off into the breathtaking sunrises that hide behind them, constantly late to pick up my dry cleaning because of it.. I love so many things about this city, but that has to be the first one that comes to mind - Which, I guess makes it perfect if I were to become a Priest here, I could see the sunrise every single day, and listen to the trees whistle with the morning wind.``
A soft smile appeared on his face, talking about how beautiful life was in Karakura truly warmed Fumihito's heart right up, only returning to a neutral look moments later, breaking the moment of absolute weakness but full wholesomeness this man truly had on the inside - he wasn't always a sassy silly or even narcissistic seeming man, you know.. .. . !-
``Well, That's me, love. Not too dry but not too much. I appreciate you listening to me and hope that answer satisfies you, I think I'd make a great priest, personally speaking.``
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Alright peeps, let me put his personality in mad perspective for you, seriously, find a seat and sit down in it.
First, think Hermes; Epic the Musical, giggly, smiley, chuckling softly but not annoyingly or too loudly, is the first thing you see when you meet Fumihito. He loves to prance around, calling everyone darling. I.e; ``Oh darling- Can I call you darling? *insert wrist flick here, brushing HIS OWN question off...* Well, either way, welcome to the shrine, if you need anything, anything at all, please come and fetch me. I'll be around for whatever you need!`` However, do not mistake my character for being entirely based on Hermes. Yes, I love musicals, and I use some personalities from musicals I like, to create Fumi's personality. If you've met my character "Gustavo" he is quite the opposite of Fumi. Gustavo was supposed to be the one to say "darling" and sound very hyper-loving, but I decided against it.
Secondly, think of Elle Woods; Legally Blonde, and Fumi being obsessed with how clean his hair MUST ALWAYS BE and nails? Never to be chipped, not even once. Anything unwashed or unclean, disgusts him, like a spec of dirt on his kimono, he'd flick it off & back onto the floor where it belongs. Because of the dirt disgust, he loves the onsen, the hot water on the skin, and would love to hang out with the maidens or other priests in the onsen, it is a bathroom after all. (Its almost like he's got a form of OCD with dirt.) He will always make sure the other staff is their cleanest, or at least give them friendly tips on how to be clean.
He may favor his looks but still has this huge taste of empathy towards others, most likely to check in with the other shrine staff, and could even get down to earth on certain topics at times. Fumi is one to care, though he acts and looks super bubbly and narcissistic, he understands that not only is his religion pure, but he should be as well.
Third and lastly, around the shrine grounds, not only is the first passage I wrote above how he'd greet others, but he mostly walks around fast-paced, not a walk but not a run. He will attend to anyone at any time, serving them with a smile. Walking around fast-paced helps with Fumi's mental flow of things - his mind? It runs quickly, probably one of the reasons he studied what he studied - that or, paranoia that he isn't satisfying everyone's needs at the same time, so he rotates. One thing, to the next - next person, to help the next, it just keeps going.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
When I was a professor back then, we usually ran by the 3 stop-it system then you got a time out (or in trouble), so I'd inflict the same concept when it comes to this. Ask them once to get down, then a second if they don't listen the first time, a third, and of course if they refuse to listen or they are AFK, I'd snatch me a staff member to tp them off - and/or banish them from the shrine (I don't know if it's called banish or like, ban them from the shrine, but do that.) Or simply just warn them that if they were to do it again, they could get banished from the shrine, like a strike - making them aware that it was not okay to be doing that and there will be consequences when you don't respect the shrine's surroundings.
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Fumihito would like to become a priest for a couple of reasons. He fears death and marriage - but, you're probably thinking, why become something you might face when you fear it? He believes in facing his fears, of course. He may hide the fear of marriage (It's mentioned in the backstory that he does not prioritize marriage or his sexuality too much...) himself, but that doesn't stop him from wanting to be a priest. He would love to marry people or cleanse people and believes it may be good for them and their being, but not his own if he were to marry.
Another reason for becoming a priest is because of his close connection to the Shinto beliefs he read and believed the first few years during college and some during high school even, trying to reconnect himself and be more grounded as a person.
In real life, many people practice religion and beliefs for many reasons; Fumi's is because he lost his mother, and then he felt lost - in life. The only thing keeping him going was his dad (family) and his religion.
He may seem very self-centered and into himself, now, as an adult, but he does care about others and would care for the people who come to the shrine seeking help because he too, once came looking for help. He wants to be bubbly, happy, and there for the people - something not a lot of people can do, as well as, study them in his way. People's actions, emotions, habits, all of it - and he only does this because since he wants to shift his life over to the shrine and Shintoism, he still has some of those sociology lessons drilled into his brain from when he was in school, which may or may not be a bad thing but, that's okay. He's a special little fella'.. and maybe he's partly paranoid which is why he does the studying - but find out ICLY, I guess!
Even though there are many reasons why he wants to become a priest, the last one just wraps it all together - He wants to serve and care about a religion that means a lot to him.
Hair: Black, like his father's, but fluffy, like his mother's.
Eyes: Charcoal
Nose: Petite, small, cutesy.
Tattoos: None yet!
Scars: Little tiny scar/scratch-looking, almost, on the tip of his nose, very noticeable.

Eyes: Charcoal
Nose: Petite, small, cutesy.
Tattoos: None yet!
Scars: Little tiny scar/scratch-looking, almost, on the tip of his nose, very noticeable.

Anni1e - AnnieAlt
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