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Aoi Takasu Quinn | Biography [WIP]


Level 97

~ Aoi T. Quinn~


~ Basic Info ~

Full name

Aoi Takasu Quinn

Birth Name
Bailee Takasu

Adopted Surname




May 2nd

Pansexual + Transgender + Demisexual

[The voice of Taiga]

[Aoi's voice in English]


~ Personality ~




PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder]

BPD [Borderline Personality Disorder]



ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorder]



The Dark

Big Crowds

His Birth Parents

Loud noises

Being Shouted At



Cooking + Baking




Being Alone

Being Accused



Being Misgendered

Loud Noises


[ Positive Personality Traits ]

[Negative Personality Traits ]

~ Relationships ~

Henry [???]
[!] The page seemed to be ripped out... how strange [!]
[!] There seemed to be some words that were slightly visible [!]
'As much as I miss you, your cuddles, your voice... we both know we only stayed together because we had a picture painted in our heads, we liked the thought of 'us' if we accepted each other for how we really were, we would have divorced each other instantly...'

[!] The page seemed to be taped back to the piece of paper...but why?[!]
'Truth is, hiding my love for you for these past few years...has been...difficult. I know I still love you, but we weren't ready for each other, were we? One day... maybe one day...'

'Keeping my self distant, making you believe I was in love with someone else, wow... I had you easily fooled...'
'I'm glad you'll never see this...'
[!] This page was hidden somewhere in Aoi's home [!]

Hiro [???]
[!] The page seemed to be ripped out... how strange [!]
[!] There seemed to be some words that were slightly visible [!]
'I was so confused, I just wanted to feel loved all the time.'

Kaito [???]
[!] The page seemed to be ripped out... how strange [!]
[!] There seemed to be some words that were slightly visible [!]
'I thought we were friends, but friends don't kiss their friends' lovers...'

'Is everyone just someone who wants to hurt me... I don't know who to trust anymore...'

Kumiko [Sister-Figure]
You are always looking out for me, you're always putting others before yourself, I just wish you would focus a little more on yourself sometimes because I know deep down you're slowly beginning to break. I love you, little sis.

[DEAD] Chris [Son-Figure]

[JAILED] Lenard [Friend]

We used to have a stronger friendship back when we were 18, maybe you grew up and decided you have different preferences in friends, I can understand that, but sometimes you say some really hurtful things...I wish I could understand why and help you feel less angry. You'll still always be a friend though.

Ibuki [Friend]
You are the complete opposite of me, you're such a baddie and honestly, I love that about you, whenever I need to let loose, or run around to cause havoc and chaos, I know I can always count on you. Stay amazing my bad bestie!

Eli [Friend]
I'm sorry for what you had to witness, at that moment in time I wasn't in the right mindset and I just wanted to escape, I was tired of being a burden on all of you.

Yamaro [Son-Figure]
I know we hardly see each other anymore due to the divorce and me practically moving out, but you'll still always and forever be my son... I love you Yama


~ History ~


[TW] - Contains forms of abuse, child neglect, and a past of Transphobic/Homophobic behaviors from others
I will add spoilers to any parts that talk about sensitive topics, please be aware.

[OOC] - This is all fiction, please don't take any of this to offense!

Aoi was born in a small town in England/Britain with his Mother and father. Aoi was born female, originally named Bailee. Aoi was a very slow learner and struggled to learn basic child skills due to the neglect of his parents and growing up with undiagnosed Autism. He had parents who were alcoholics and almost always abused drugs, they were always high or drunk, so Aoi did not form a strong bond with either one of his parents, causing him to grow into his teenage years without a friend, developing a fear of growing attached to people and a fear of abandonment.

Pre-Teen Years
Aoi grew up to be an antisocial, shy, and timid teen, as he reached the age of 15, he realized he was not like most girls his age. Over time Aoi came across a book that taught him about the LGBTQIA+ Community, and this made him come to the realisation he was Transgender. On that day he spoke to his parents about it, but little did he know, they were strongly against it, this caused Aoi's parents to lash out at him, resulting in strong emotional and physical abuse. Locking him in his room at night, sometimes leaving him there for days without any food. They would sometimes even burn him with cigarettes and throw alcohol bottles at him, then leave him there to die without a care in the world.

As years passed, Kumiko, Aoi's friend he had met during school, grew a strong concern for Aoi. She confronted Aoi's parents about it, lashing out at them and telling them that they should be more accepting. This led to Kumiko also being physically assaulted for disagreeing with Aoi's parents' opinions and beliefs. It was the time they both finally had enough, Kumiko explained to Aoi she had no family with her in England, her parents who adopted her at the time were no good, so she ran away from home, and she had nothing else to lose, and neither did Aoi anymore so they got up and packed their things and ran away as their parents slept, moving away far to Japan. Kumiko and Aoi were homeless for a few months, eventually being taken in by the Quinn family. Both of them were quite traumatized and grew strong attachment and abandonment PTSD due to both of their families practically disowning them. Over time they were both diagnosed with BPD/Borderline Personality Disorder.

Teen Years

Young Adult Years

Adult Years

Present Years


~ Art/Photography ~

Last edited:


Level 97
Thread starter
- Added more people to relationships
- Added nicknames
- Comment or DM me if you want to be added in to relationships


Level 97
Thread starter
- Added in half of Aoi's backstory, this includes his childhood and his teen years!
Trigger warning for physical abuse and transphobia.


Level 97
Thread starter
- For some reason, Aoi decided to add back in a page for the relationships section... how strange?

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