players online

apartment reselling platform


Level 5
IGN: baeisliddy
DATE: 1/16/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: okay, what if we had some sort of section on the discord or a website for reselling your apartment, or for browsing for a new apartment? it's really exhausting running around and finding no available apartments. this would include the new homes too, its like a real estate kinda deal!!! not sure if its been mentioned. if possible, it could even just be added as a section to the new onrain update. like a little page on there that includes all the listings! anyone can post their listings on there, but maybe a system could also be made where theres a webpage that logs the apartments up for sale? maybe there could also be a renting system, if someone takes a long break from srp. not sure if its a great idea though, may get abused somehow?
thought i'd throw it out there!
(edit) i thought of another idea, what if there were basically building managers or landlords who could tell you information about the building and the apartments! this could be which apartments are for sale, or maybe a place where someone can report something within the building? this could even become a job opportunity!!! basically there’d just be a little office for information and faq with a live person (or an npc if desired). not sure if that could work for homes, although it could be how the renting system links up everything.
sorry for how much stuff i added!! theres just a huge amount of ways and ideas this could be pieced together. (in my opinion anyhow!!)
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: finding private housing, cause it's kinda impossible sometimes, plus less ooc saying "anyones apt for sale?". theres also those people who are leaving srp or taking a break, and may want to sell their apartment.
(theres probably more reasons too)

- made on phone, may have typos
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Level 130
+1, the idea is cool I like it

...there should still be a cap so people can't sell apartments for several million yen though


Level 339
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your feedback.

- This must be done in-character. An organisation made for players by players can be created for property re-selling.

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