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Application For Shop 1


Level 0
IGN: LustofTime

Previous Applications: None

Previous warns/kicks/bans: I have been kicked once by someone helping me get up the
mountain with props.

Shop Wanted: Shop #1

Why Do I Wanna Own a Shop: My number one reason for owning a shop is because of the challenge. I believe that it will be hard to start up my business, but that makes it more fun. It also makes me have a goal to work towards. Another reason is because i feel like i will have a greater purpose, and responsibility. to strive towards a goal. Also, owning a shop makes me and my workers more Responsible, Cooperative, Understanding, and Nicer. I am also doing it because i want to pay my workers so they can be happy.

What do you plan to do with the shop?: I am planning to hire workers, to secure, clean, and help, with the shop. I am also planning on making it so the goods we sell are the best for our customers. The profit will be spread fairly throughout the workers.

Now as for hiring, i will make sure that people do applications. i will also do background checks on them. I am hoping to hire honest and nice workers. They must also be active on this server and at least a junior in high school.

How will your shop be unique?: I am planning on having myself, and my employees, help customers with anything that they need help on. i am also planning on being open at least 3 times a day. The Employees will also be helpful and kind to the customers. We will also be doing themes on holidays. For Example; Me and the employees will be dressing up for Halloween, Christmas, Easter...
This shop will also be 100% LGBTQ friendly and will serve anyone as long as they are respectful of the shop.

How many employees are you planning to have?: I am going to hopefully have: 5 security guards, 5 cashiers, 2 managers(one for day and one for night), 1 co-owner, and finally 1-3 people for delivery.

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