Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name): Itz_James
Previous bans: None recent.
Describe your activity on the server: I am very active, I am usually on everyday. And I play for about 6+ hours, but on the weekends I play longer.
Do you have Discord? Yes, FluffyBunnyRubRub#6449
Do you have a microphone? I don't at the moment.
List your current and past applications: Zoki's language application (Accepted)
Zoki's Technician Application (Accepted)
Zoki's language application (Korean) (Accepted)
Zoki's police application (3) (Denied)
Zoki's police application (2) (Denied)
Zoki's police application (1) (Denied)
Zoki's black market application (Denied)
What is your motivation for applying?: First of all, I have been motivated by all of the officers that are currently employed into the police force because they work very hard and do their job very well. I noticed that police work is pretty challenging and I am always up for a challenge. And challenges motivate me to try new things, So I figured this would be a job I could potentially do well.
Also, I think It would be a good way to meet new people and get to learn about them and possibly make new friends in the force.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? I don't know much, but I can do some research on the topic. I have done some research looking at Japanese laws and regulations. But If I were to get accepted I can do some more research and just study those topics and bring the stuff I learned from the articles into roleplay.
What are the Police ranks? Commissioner, Sergeant, Cadet, Patrol officer, Lieutenant, Commissioner, Corporal, Captain, Deputy chief, Assistant chief, Chief of police, detective, Police investigator.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work. I know that police work isn't easy, in the job you might see something that might be disturbing. You have to have a lot of patients in force, if you were talking to a suspect that that is very anxious and is negligent in answering your questions, you will have to be patient and try to get the answer out of the suspect.
Also police work is not easy. You have to be physically fit and in shape in order to catch criminals. If you were at a crime scene and you were talking to one of the suspects like in a murder case or something along that line, and they decide to run off. You have to be in shape and run after that criminal. You have to be pretty strong because wearing a police vest with all of your equipment on you is around 15 to 20 pounds. And you have to have at least some good speed and some good stamina in order to catch up with the suspect as well.
The police also have to be alert of their surroundings at all times. You want to make sure that nobody dangerous will jump out at you and stab you or tackle you to the ground. You also want to look out for other officers when they are searching or talking to a suspect, you don't want the other officer to get hurt by another citizen so it is also good to be aware of your surroundings and others surroundings as well. Police work is also very dangerous, Police deal with dangerous weapons and people all of the time. Police also will put their life on the line in order to save other citizens from dangerous people or dangerous situations. If you are wanting to become an officer and you aren't willing to put your life on the line in order to save other citizens, then there is no point in becoming an officer because becoming an officer means that you will protect and serve your city.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP? The police are important to SRP because they help keep the city safe, and all of the civilians safe in that city. Due to gangs if we didn't have police, gangs would be all over and nobody to help put a stop to them. Gangs are very dangerous and without cops they can potentially kill innocent civilians.
Also, If we didn't have police gangs would quickly take over the city and civilians could possibly get hurt, or they could be fatally wounded if someone were to attack them with a weapon. With police they can lower death rates and gang affiliation rates.
Police also stop crimes like, Assault, robberies, domestic disturbances, murder, ect..
And in SRP its not all about stopping crime, they also make sure all of the students are in school getting their education so they can have a good future.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes I understand that I can be demoted for any reason, and I accept that.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? Zoki Shoji is a male from Thailand. He stands at a Hight of 5,11 and weighs 145lbs. He has brown hair, grey eyes, and a friendly smile. He has two ear rings one on his right and left ears. He would would be wearing a "Patek Royal Oak" On his wrist. He would smell of Creed Aventus cologne.
What he's like on the and off the job? When Zoki is on the job he is very focused and very serious. Zoki would be on his best behavior making sure to respect everyone he comes across.
When he is off the job, he would still treat everyone with respect. He mostly just walks around the shopping district and meeting new people.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? Zoki respects all of his Co-workers. He likes to get to understand his co-workers and learn new things from them.
Zoki hopes to have a successful time in the police force, and to explore new places. He plans to visit new countries and national monuments in the future.
BACKSTORY Zoki Shoji was born in 1990 in Nonthaburi Thailand where he was raised until the age of 10 years old. When he had turned 10 his family had moved to Karakura Japan where they now live. Zoki had a normal life as a kid. Him his father and his mother had always done stuff together, that includes going shopping, swimming, going out for dinner and tons of other things. A few years later after moving into Japan, in Senior year Zoki's dad unfortunately passed away due to a major heart attack. His father was transported to the hospital but on arrival he was pronounced dead. Zoki had went through a few weeks of depression due to his fathers death but later got over it. When Zoki was younger about Sophmore year he used to be bullied and harassed. That gave Zoki some motivation to stand up for himself and not let others put him down. After this big dilemma Zoki had taken Jujitsu classes. Zoki had taken classes for about a few months. Having this training also gave Zoki some motivation into becoming a law enforcement officer. So he kept taking classes throughout Sophomore and Junior year. After he complete Junior year and went into senior year Zoki had finally gotten rid of those bullies senior year sense everyone was being more mature, and actually have some respect for others. When Zoki graduated high-school, he had went off to college to study Criminal Justice. After a few years Zoki had graduated college and received his diploma. About a month later Zoki had sent an application into the police academy hoping to become a full time police officer.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Zoki, Shoji.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Zoki.
Preferred Name: Zoki.
Age: 29.
Gender: Male.
Religious Denomination: Catholic.
Marital Status: Single.
Nationality: Thai
Current Location: Karakura Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years.
Working Experience: 3 years.
Academic Degree: Criminology, Criminal Justice.
Year of Graduation: 2018.
Major(s): Criminology.
Minor(s): Criminal Justice.
Native Languages: Thai.
Other Languages: Korean.
Other notes: for a different character

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