players online

Appropriate Classes


Level 15
What's your Minecraft Username?: jayharu
What's the title of your suggestion?: Appropriate Classes

What's your suggestion?:
As a teacher, I feel as if most students dont know the basic progress as to whats going on in a classroom. It has many things within karakura that should go with what teachers teach. It doesnt make sense for a history teacher to be doing basic world history things, when it has the Lore History that always comes in the Exams.

Many students last exam were rushing to find information which I think can be combatted with teachers teaching appropriately!

History Teachers
- Teach History of Japan/Karakura

Geography Teachers
- Teach Geography of Japan/Karakura

- Teach people how to make Japanese styled dishes

I just feel like there needs to be an update to the curriculum.
Also, If teachers have an example of what is coming on the next exam, they can appropriately teach what the students should know.

This can also make students less afk in class.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Improves student learning + gives teachers/professors a clear mission/end goal to reach before exams

Ocean Man

Level 50
History and Geography teachers will discuss the lore of SRP, if they want to, the reason why I say that is because they prefer to discuss events that IRL historian discuss, WW1-WW2, histories about that country and whatnot.

As for the culinary, let them cook.

oh yeah, the exams are suppose to be suprise thing. If you need any help, such as in math, chemistry then the tutors are there to help you out on studying for the exams if you feel like you don't know how to do this equation


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
I think an updated curriculum sounds good, but -1 on telling teachers exactly what's coming up on future/ the next exam(s) purely due to them most likely going to tell their friends (It's bound to happen, no matter how trustworthy everyone is) maybe a ballpark of generalized topics could be good.


Level 116
+1 from me
Just as long as the information isn’t like… specifically questions asked on the exams. The teachers should give us something similar to the topic, but there’s also the chance this information could be metagamed and given to friends as previously stated by Zinth


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
It’s honestly a -1 for me. It’s difficult enough for teachers to host classes, and restricting the subject they teach to Japan/Karakura only is unfair. Obviously they can teach as zinth said from a general ballpark of exam topics however I don’t think it’s fair at all to make it mandatory to teach Karakura history/geography. In the end there’s only so much you can teach with the so little lore documents available on the forums and you’d end up out of material to use by the time you make quota for one month. And culinary is just a hard pass. Teachers get passion from teaching what they love most.

In the end sure it’d be cool if teachers taught more on Karakura’s history/geography, but that should be completely optional for the teacher themselves. Some teachers even apply for specific genres of history/geography (such as US history, war history, physical geography, human geography etc). It’s not even a matter of teachers teaching inappropriate subjects. There were plenty of history/geography questions on the exam that didn’t relate to Japan/Karakura at all.


Level 0
Mix of a +1 and -1 from me (+1 to giving teachers a basic idea of what will be on upcoming exams, but -1 to telling them outright and forcing them to only teach that).

I mean, in real life, you get taught things that will be on exams, so maybe letting the teachers know an exam will happen in December (not the actual day, just the month) would allow them time to teach the students about things that may come up on the exam. You don't even have to tell the teachers what's going to be on the exam-- just a general "history of Karakura, algebra, physics" would be enough, so the classes don't seem scripted, and teachers can plan what to teach on their own.

IMO, letting the teachers teach whatever they want is important, so maybe don't restrict them to teach only stuff on the exams, but encourage it a month or two prior?


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
I can appreciate the concern behind the suggestion, but I'd like to point out there actually aren't any 'Geography teachers'!
Important to note this, I think, because it's spoken about here by many people as though such teachers did exist.

It's unclear if Geography is the province of Science or History teachers, but I've seen it taught by both.
Which group would teach about latitude and longitude?

Perhaps Geography is the province of science teachers but I've always found it a little odd there are 3 teachers for English, Maths, and Science ... hell, even 3 for Art, P.E and P.A ... yet HISTORY gets shafted with a mere 2 slots? I mean, I'm a tad biased because I adore history- but I always found it a little crazy and profane that it isn't treated as precious and sacrosanct as English, Maths, and Science. Maybe there's a reason for it? One I don't know?

One small potential 'fix' to the issue flagged in this suggestion could involve having 'History Teachers' rebranded as 'HSIE Teachers' (Human Society and Its Environment) and having an additional slot added. From my perspective, this could be helpful by allowing such teachers to teach History and Geography which tend to be taught together in reality anyway (I didn't just make up this acronym, I'm just going off of personal experience in the hopes it could be helpful). It'd be nice to have a group of teachers for whom teaching Geography is VERY EXPLICITLY their responsibility because it seems a little too gray for my tastes, but perhaps I'm just missing crucial information.


Level 86
-1, as an ex professor, it's up to them if they want to or not. The idea you had was innocent but it feels restricting when you're told to do a subject you never wanted to do. Ironically, I was Culinary, but let them do what they want, it's easier to do units on different food, repeat, etc, it gets boring when focusing on one subject of food for the culture. The exams are suppose to be surprise thing, idk what to tell you, ask the Tutors for study help if you want to idk (Ily Tutors fr)


Level 36
Another ex-professor here, hi... Restricting what people can teach in their classes is just going to make people not want to apply for these positions. For me, the appeal of becoming a professor was to share knowledge on something I'm passionate about, and teaching it in a way that made things exciting and interactive! And even then, it was difficult to make knowledge heavy classes without info-dumping a bunch beforehand... which just isn't fun for anyone. I feel like, especially for teachers, having interactive lessons is the only way things are going to sink in, and again, limiting what people can teach just results in... people not having the motivation to plan classes/host/anything, really.

Yes, I believe that what is taught in classes should be reflective of the exams so people aren't scrambling around for last-minute information. And, referencing your previous suggestion about accurate college exams, Kimi's response kind of fixes this issue, in a way? Having professors and teachers write questions for the exams based on what they're teaching and their passions will help a bunch. So, yeah, big downvote on restricting classes. Also, branching off from Valentine, tutors exist... Make use of 'em. They're lonely.


Level 95
-1 I get where you are coming from but i feel like telling teachers exactly what they have to teach would just be very unmotivating on their end. Coming from a professor I like to teach what i find fun and turn that into fun for others by adding twists and activities surrounding it. I don't know about you but in my school classes we learned about my countries culture but also others culture way more, So it does make sense for teachers to be teacher other countries cultures as well


Level 146
As somebody who's (mostly) been in the teacher faction since 2019, no thanks. I've said it a million times before and I'll say it a million times more, players do NOT care to engage themselves with academic material, even if it has to do with the server's lore. Most of us log in after a day of work/school to have fun, not sit through another few hours of school.

Note, I am aware that this suggestion was brought up as a means of prepping students for exams, but if exams require people to OOCly study in order to ICly progress, I think that the exam system itself has to change.


Level 15
Thread starter
I can appreciate the concern behind the suggestion, but I'd like to point out there actually aren't any 'Geography teachers'!
Important to note this, I think, because it's spoken about here by many people as though such teachers did exist.

It's unclear if Geography is the province of Science or History teachers, but I've seen it taught by both.
Which group would teach about latitude and longitude?

Perhaps Geography is the province of science teachers but I've always found it a little odd there are 3 teachers for English, Maths, and Science ... hell, even 3 for Art, P.E and P.A ... yet HISTORY gets shafted with a mere 2 slots? I mean, I'm a tad biased because I adore history- but I always found it a little crazy and profane that it isn't treated as precious and sacrosanct as English, Maths, and Science. Maybe there's a reason for it? One I don't know?

One small potential 'fix' to the issue flagged in this suggestion could involve having 'History Teachers' rebranded as 'HSIE Teachers' (Human Society and Its Environment) and having an additional slot added. From my perspective, this could be helpful by allowing such teachers to teach History and Geography which tend to be taught together in reality anyway (I didn't just make up this acronym, I'm just going off of personal experience in the hopes it could be helpful). It'd be nice to have a group of teachers for whom teaching Geography is VERY EXPLICITLY their responsibility because it seems a little too gray for my tastes, but perhaps I'm just missing crucial information.
im actually a geography teacher right now!


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
-1, Whilst guidance is given to teachers/professors on what to teach the most important thing is people are enjoying it. SLT do watch classes and ensure they are at least on topic for their subject


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

I agree with Cam, Muffin, and Infi on this one. Its better to have a BALL PARK of ideas to teach to the studnets than what will directly be on the exam / about the history of the server. Yeah it would be nice for the History teachers per say to teach more on karakura lore but it is also up to students to research said lore through the library at the school or the public one.


Level 39
Due how the exams are made, I would give it a +1

However, I would like that the exams were more varied. History is not only Karakura, nor Karakura should revolve around history, thus asking only questions about Karakura seems illogical. To give an example, is following the logic that exam has on history, Geography should also ask things surrounding Karakura, but they aren't, and that should be the correct approach.

I understand that there is a demand from students that want to learn about Karakura, especially from sources that should understand (or at least know where to search) the topics, but it sounds unreasonable and unfair that the History teacher should be forced to basically copy-paste the lore into the game. It's ok if they do it for once in a while to add more variety, but they also should teach the things that they are more knowledgeable about.

Me personally, would love to see questions in the exam that would test me both ICly and OOCly, after all this is a game and we could be benefited from the learning, even if the majority won't remember it, some take notes about the class and do the research. In the long run, it is beneficial to have this because it benefits the students and the teachers.

So rather than just force the teachers to just focus on Karakura's Lore, the exam should be changed to teach History as a whole (At least some basic history) so they could also teach things outside Karakura.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the faction leads we have decided to decline it.

  • Teachers / Professors will not be given a Syllabus again (pre-defined topics they are required/forced to teach) as this takes the fun out of classes for both students and teachers. No one wants to sit through a lecture, and majority of the time teachers don't want to give them. We're currently working on improving the training strategy for Teachers and Professors to make the classes more interactive, this would only be a step backwards.
    • We will encourage History teachers to teach lore, however it will never be required; some people are just passionate about other parts of history, and that's okay.
    • We will provide Teachers & Professors with a list of subject areas, so if they do want to teach an exam topic, they can do some in their own creative style. Alongside this we'll give Tutors the same list, and you can get a private tutoring session in a group or on your own to learn these things outside of the class room.
    • Lecturing only makes more students AFK during classes, which is why interaction is favoured over information, however some information will, of course, still be given as it's still School In-Character.
  • We added sections like Geography and Computer Science as a 'barrier to entry', these are topics which are thrown in so that we have a range of grades, rather than every player scoring 80/90% as without these types of questions this would more than likely be the case. Most players will inevitably use Google, so some questions (like the ones in Computer Science section) aren't questions you can simply google.
  • If a subject was on the papers, but isn't taught in classes, Tutors will be provided with a subject area so they can provide help and prepare you before the exams take place.
Hopefully this all makes sense, but tl;dr:
We'd rather allow Teachers the creative freedom to teach fun and enjoyable classes, rather than lectures. Starting a month before the next exam paper (excluding December), we'll give subject areas to Teachers to optionally teach in their own style & Tutors to teach privately in groups on individually if there's demand for it.

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