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Denied Aquila's Maiden Application.


Level 0
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
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_amaryilis & Amaryilis


I do have a microphone and I can join a VC when required.

I'm online for four to six days a week averaging around six to four hours per day unless I have something going on IRL such as work or a Doctor's Appointment. I am in the Occult and Cooking clubs but those won't prevent me from being active.

Shrine Maiden or Miko

While I do have knowledge about Shintoism I am very willing to learn more about it. I know of the legend of Amaterasu, and the rivalry between the wind and thunder gods over the skies. Shintoism is a polytheistic and animistic religion mainly believed in Japan. It takes beliefs from Buddhism and Hinduism. There is no right or wrong and no one is perfect in Shintoism. There are various festivals and rituals used in Shintoism, one of them is the Kagura Dances. There is no creator in Shintoism but the Kami Amaterasu is the closest to a creator, they're the god of the sun and ruler of Ame, also known as heaven.

Here is the information I am aware of regarding Shintoism as a whole.


Raijin is the Kami of Thunder, he also goes by Raiden-Sama and Narukami. Rajin has a heated rivalry with Fujin over control of the skies, who is his brother. He is depicted with Taiko drums surrounding him.


Fuujin, who is also known as Ryobu is the kami of wind and one of the oldest Kami known. He has a bag of wind in his depictions. Fuujin and his brother Rajin were born from Izanami's body after he died.


Amatersu is the kami of the sun and ruler of Ame. She's considered a chief kami. She's one of the three offspring of the creator god Izanagi. The Japanese royal family are believed to be descendants of Amatersu. Her chief place of worship is the Grand Shrine of Ise in Mie Prefecture, which is considered to be one of the most holy places in shintoism.

Tsukuyomi is the kami of the moon in shintoism. Very little is known about this Kami, not even their gender. Some sources say Tsukuyomi was the husband of Amatersu.


Azusa Yumi:
Azusa Yumi is a bow used in purification rituals in shintoism. Azusa is made from cherry birch tree wood and it is believed that the mere twanging from the bowstring causes ghosts and evil things to flee.


Misogi is the Japanese purification ritual done by washing oneself in water, it is related to another purification ritual known as harae. People often take pilgrimages to sacred bodies of water to preform misogi. People often to go Kiyomizu Dera to drink from the Otowa no Taki watefall. (I WENT THERE AND GOT TO DO IT MYSELF IT WAS AMAZING! Kiyomizu dera is my favorite temple)


Torii are traditional gates found at shinto temples in Japan. It marks the transition from mundane to sacred and shows where Kami are allowed to enter.


Matsuri is the general term for shinto festivals, most matsuris are accompanied by sumo wrestling, food stalls, goldfish catching, and fireworks.


Shimenawa are lengths of laid rope rice straw or hemp used for purification rituals. They often are hung at shrine entrances and around sacred objects believed to carry the power of the Kami. E.g. Trees or rocks.


My work ethic is my biggest strength and quality that makes me stand out. When it comes to something I'm interested in I will work as hard as I possibly can. It has let me to learn as much as I can about a given topic, and Shintoism is one of them. I love explaining and learning about something I'm interested in. History and mythology is my favorite subject to learn about, I can never learn about either one in my eyes. I'm a curious person and I crave wisdom of all kinds, this leads me to learn every single detail about my interests. The lore of Karakura is another thing I wish to know more about. The chance to perfect what I know is an honor to me and I will not fail in my duties. Every time I'm online in SRP and I'm not in the school I'm at the shrine. I've roleplayed with the shrine staff as well, they're all amazing people and I want to roleplay more with them.

Yes I am aware about the required training and produces. Learning about the procedures and beliefs of Shintoism would be an honor and a joy.

゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤  ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚

In-Character (IC) Section

゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤  ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚

SECTION 1: Character Details

Aquila Kampū

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
Miss Aqulia Kampū

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):


Aquila has severe amnesia regarding her past and does not know fully what her nationality is. She has part Japanese and she speculates she's half korean.


"My friend who I met when I was at the hospital always adored going to this shrine, she loves feeling it's air and seeing the shrine staff. I never understood why she loved it until I went there myself. It's a beautiful and calming place, the energy there is so kind. When life is overwhelming me I'll go there to relax and calm my head. The smell of Cherry Blossoms is always a calming scent, meditating there has always stilled my anxiety. When I was recovering from amnesia I was at a hospital in Umi, Fukuoka Prefecture, there was a shrine I'd go to every few days to relax. I lived nearby for a three years until I came to Karakura to see my friend Aeris. I always wanted to work in a shrine to give people the same sort of peace I felt while healing there. After visiting with her I did some research on the shrine and decided to apply. Aeris my friend is always wanting to visit haunted places and knowing what dangers could be at such places from the old maidens in Umi I want to be able to come to her aid in case she gets harmed."

Shinsei Seinaru Monastery was built in 744 by Buddhist monks, it is the local shrine in the Karakura mountains. There are a few builds making up the shrine including a tea house, shop, and a hotspring. When going up the mountain path you see the purification water in front of the bridge leading to the shrine. When you enter you can see the small fork in the path, one side leads to the shrine and the other leads to the hotsprings. When you come to the center you see a cherry blossom tree with the teahouse on the right and the shop on the left. Near the teahouse is a small garden. If you go past the cherry tree you see the torii gate and the main shrine with two wings for the maidens and priests to live in. Inside the shop you see an ema wall with some omamoris and ofuda near the cash register. In the teahouse there are multiple places to sit and drink tea. Around the cherry tree there are multiple sitting areas to relax and speak with other people or shrine staff.

The shrine was burned down in 1176 and was rebuilt in 1228, sadly that shrine too was burned down and rebuilt in 1578 as a message to the citizens who held riots. It was rebuilt a final time 30 years ago and was given it's current name.



Letter to Monastery Lead.jpg
-==~ You open the letter, the letter inside contains a letter with beautiful handwriting ~==-
Dear Monastery Lead,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and luck. My name is Aquila Kampu and I come from Umi City in Fukuoka. I am writing to you today regarding joining your shrine and becoming a maiden. When I was recovering from a severe accident leading to amnesia I often visited a shrine in Umi City. After a few years the shrine staff allowed me to aid them in running their shrine. When I visited my dear friend Aeris last year I fell in love with this shrine. It's historic roots, the fresh breeze, the beautiful scenery, it gives me such a good piece of mind. It's a calming place to visit and rest after the stress of the day and I'd love nothing more than to help maintain and worship the kami in this beloved shrine. I am willing to learn as much as I can and do many things to help make this place more beautiful. I've been looking for a place to settle down and build myself a new life, and it would be an honor to have this shrine be my home. I will put my training and experience to good use and help in any way I possibly can.

It would rest my mind and fill me with utter joy if you would consider my application to become a shrine maiden at this beautiful monastery.

With best wishes and good health,
-Aquila Kampu

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BACKSTORY (100+ Words):
Aquila was found by a group of hikers at the bottom of a cliff in fukuoka prefecture five years ago. She was severely injured and barely alive, her heart stopped multiple times while on the way to the hospital. Doctors thought she wouldn't survive, she was in a coma for a year. When she awoke from her coma she had no memory of anything. No matter what she tried she couldn't remember anything about who she was, she was mute and at the time had no personality at all. A kind Doctor took pity on her and gave her the name she uses. That next year she had to relearn how to walk and use some objects again, recovery would take the next three years. In the time she was recovering she met a young girl who was in a similar situation, that same Doctor gave that girl her name; Aeris. The two girls became instant friends and made a vow to leave who they once where in the past and rebuild themselves a new life no matter how hard it took. Aeris's hearing was badly damaged, so Aquila learned JSL alongside her. Aquila is still in contact with Aeris and views her like her daughter, they weren't just friends anymore. They were family. Aquila spent most of her time at the Umi City's oldest shrine, she got to know the workings of shintoism and even helped them maintain the shrine. She is still in contact with those shrine works and they're very dear to her heart. She learned she has a fascination with history and mythology, her craving for knowledge began to grow. Aeris and Aquila made a pact, they would rebuild themselves, Aeris would seek new experiences and Aquila would seek history and knowledge. She has no interest in knowing who she was, Aquila chose the birthday January 20th since it was the day she woke up from her coma, she doesn't remember her own. Based off her body proportions Doctors guess she's around 22 years old and she's at least half Japanese. For the past year she's been looking for a place to settle down and begin her life, Aeris invited her to visit Karakura and that's when she fell in love with the beautiful shrine there. It felt so right to be there. This is where she wanted to start her life. In her own words:

"The old me is gone, I left them behind. I'll forge my own path and not look back, I'll seek new knowledge and live like every day is my last."
"Goodbye to the old me."

Aquila is an INTJ and is often viewed as cold, but this is very untrue. She struggles expressing her emotions, she's quiet and calculating in what she does. She never cuts corners and always gives her all at what she does.

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:

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Shinto Maidens:
Shinto Maidens assist Kannushi in various Shinto rites. They sell souvenirs to visitors such as omamori and ema. They offer omikuji to visitors. They preform various ceremonial dances using Kagura Suzu and other tools. They preform sacred cleansings and assist with shrine festivals and various other events.


Shinto Priests:
A Shinto priest's main job is being a ritual master, they have secret and special knowledge of ceremonies and techniques. They know prayers, incantations, worship practices, and knowledge of various spirits and Kami. They are the ones in touch the most with Kami and spirits, they're sort of the connection between the realm of the Kami and our realm. They maintain the shrines where they reside.


What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
As you walk to the sando through the torii gate you take the should approach the temizuya and wash your hands as well as your mouth before entering the shrine. This is believed to cleanse you from evil energies to keep the shrine pure.

Step 1: You take a dipper called a hisaku with your hand, you must scoop up the water from the temisuya you're in front of.

Step 2: You take the hisaku with one hand and rinse the other, do not use all the water. You should preform this with both hands

Step 3: You should turn the hisaku upright so the water runs down the ladle to cleanse it then gentle set it back where it originally was. You can then proceed into the shrine after

How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
In ages past offerings were food and drinks such as race and sake, sometimes salt and water was sometimes offered as well. Visitors and worshippers would give food to the priests to and they would offer the food to the Kami usually in a traditional ritual.

How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
The tea ceremony is a traditional ritual for the guests and host to gain inner peace and bond with each other. The ceremony represents harmony, tranquility, respect, and inner peace.

To preform the ritual you need green matcha tea, a tea whisk, a teapot, a tea bowl, a silk cloth, sweet foods, a vase of flowers, and napkins.
(I attended a tea ceremony when I visited Japan, it was an amazing experience)

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Step 1: Inviting Guests
Traditionally, tea ceremony invitations are sent many weeks in advance.


Step 2: Preparing the room
Once a room is chosen, it is decorated according to the season and time of the day it is set to happen. This means that tatami mats may be replaced, tools might be switched, and the room may be rearranged to suit these guidelines. A simple tea ceremony mostly requires the room to be cleaned compared to more elaborated ceremonies.


Step 3: Guests Arrive
Guests who are formally invited to the ceremony wait for the host to formally invite them into the room, guests will take their shoes off before entering the room where the tea ceremony is taking place. Guests will wash their hands before entering to purify them, and sweets will be given to help make the matcha tea taste sweet. Their seating is based off of rank.


Step 4: Preparing tea
The tea is known as koicha matcha tea, first add three teaspoons of tea to a cup of hot water which is mixed with a matcha wisk before served. Each person drinks from the bowl, wiping the edge with a napkin before passing it to the next person. This is called thick matcha tea.

Next to be served is thin matcha tea, which is made by adding one teaspoon of tea with one cup of hot water and mixed with a bamboo whisk. It is whisked until it turns frothy and served to the guests.


Step 5: Cleaning the tools.
After all guests have had a sip of the thick matcha tea and served thin matcha tea, the host cleans the tools and tea set. The guest of honor may inspect the tools after. The pricelessness and craftsmanship of the tools is often admired and if wished the guest of honor will pass them around for other guests to admire.

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Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:

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A Tamagushi is a form of offering for the kami made from the sakaki tree and decorated with shide strips of washi paper, silk, or cotton. At weddings, funerals, miyamari, and other ceremonies at shinto shrines a shrine maiden, priest, or kannushi will present to Kami.


An Ofuda is a form of shinto talisman made of various materials such as paper, wood, cloth, or metal. They are commonly found at shinto and buddist temples. They are considered to be filled with the power of the Kami or spirits. There are many different ofuda for different purposes such as warding against misfortune or safety within the home, there are some for finding love too. They can be kept on a person or put above doorways, gates, on cielings etc. Paper ofuda are sometimes called Kamifuda while wooden ofuda can be called kifuda. Ofuda is often stamped with the shrine's name and the kami held within.


Kagura Suzu:
A Kagura Suzu is a set of twelve-fifteen bells on a short staff and used in kagura dance rituals. There are three tiers suspended by brass coil wires from a central handle: two bells on the top tear, four bells on the middle tier, and six bells on the bottom tier. The shape of the bells are inspired by the fruits of the ogatama tree. Some shrines of Kagura suspended from the ceiling and connected to ribbons for guests to pull when they pray. Maidens use Kagura Suzu while dressed in traditional robes, white powered faces, and heian-period coiffure during performances. Kagure dances are preformed with these often at shrines and at court in traditional times.

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(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:

Aquila worships the god of wind Fuujin or Fuji.



Level 49
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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