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Snoobs quit :[and it’s common to see teachers burnt out or in general quit entirely.
Makes sense! Thank you for taking your time to reply. Appreciated. I have debated applying for a caretaker in the past.Personally for faction jobs it really depends on which one you join and how you see yourself being part of the faction. For instance me who’s a Teacher, it’s not the most difficult job like EMS or KPD, but it’s a faction in my opinion is still one of the more time investing & exhausting faction on the server. You have to do class prep outside of the server, you’re more likely to come across failRP, dealing with newer players can sometimes be a challenge, and it’s common to see teachers burnt out or in general quit entirely.
But to me was it worth Joining teacher factiob? 100% Yes it was and I’m super grateful to have the opportunity of being in the Faction. I was able to get more Roleplay opportunities with other players and “colleagues” aswell as learning more about my character through ICly interactions. All while getting paid a good amount of money which would go straight to my rent, and commissions. With that in mind, Are SRP Faction Jobs worth it? Answer briefly if you’re willing to put the time and effort to the faction and you enjoy it, the benefits you gain from any faction is well worth joining, not just for the money but for the Roleplay Experience.
Samei wish i could!!
but i dont have discord :(
so idk
:3I'm just gonna keep this short and simple