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[ART CONTEST] Poetry: Wabi Sabi, Spring, and Death [APRIL 7th 2024 DEADLINE]


Level 204
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IGN: Anecdoche_

(An Ode to Spring, based on Iceland)
Often misled to be a heavy ice shed
The world misjudged your smile
Through the light of a gentle thread
You are a beautiful isle

Overflowing in hoards of purple
The redwing turns its path
Lúpína's often seem eternal
They turn to take a bath

Breaking out of a frozen pool
Waterfalls of a vast array
Hues of crystal blue, that of a jewel
Never causing fray

Now it seems the spring has changed
Japan starts to show it’s rain
It often leaves me feeling estranged
Oh, why now must I feel the strain

So often I feel dread
I'm so sorry that I fled

The storm (Haiku)
Before disaster
Rustling, rattling leaves
And then, silence spoke

Written by V. 'Kaede' Otori
Thank you for your submission!

Considering all time zones, I will contact the jury when April 7th has expired worldwide.


Level 2
IGN: Amelah_
RPNAME: Yeong-Suk Dahanaeunbi

[/The Life of Death
In living, it results in the end.
Some buried deep in the depths
But who says to live as if life was a scam?

Nature surrounds the hollow bodies
Reversion to our true places in birth.
Spring comes and goes in the fresh breeze.
Highlighting what humanity can truly be worth.

The unknown is dark
It leads to many demises
But who is to say something truly lurks
In what goes beyond our disguises

The boundaries of this mundane world
Have one wondering what death truly means.
This causes one to fear the true word
That there is a chance it is just an empty scene

Nobody will ever truly know
The things that can happen in the cracks of the Earth
But rest up darling, its best not to overflow
Your body that will one day join the dirt

All it takes is one wrong breath
To realize that it could be the end
Makes one wonder if death
Will mend with our true sins
A step taken too far
A door left unturned
Can this one car driven
Lead humanity to be burned

No time to fret
No time to scare
Mother nature is not a threat
And you are likely to be spared

But in the case one is now gone
The living will mourn their souls
Crying loudly like a fawn
Craving to achieve your left behind goals

Unfinished work
Left for the best
So please do not lurk
It is okay to rest…]


Level 204
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I will slowly start with reaching out to the jury members and getting their feedback.
Since I recognize international timezones, there are still a few of you who could potentially submit a poem,
but It doesn't hurt to start with the review process.

Thanks to all the participants! I’ll reach out to you over the week via DM or Discord!

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Level 204
Thread starter
The jury's verdict is in!

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !



Your poetry submissions, having excelled in "Thematic Expression, Emotional Impact, Imagery and Language Use, Technical Merit, and Innovation and Creativity," have been chosen to be featured in an upcoming issue of the Tsubasa Report.
Additionally, you will be awarded custom item and custom furniture transfer codes!
Thank you all for participating in the WABI SABI SPRING & DEATH POETRY CONTEST!

On a sidenote: Please log into SRP with the IGname mentioned above to verify the order/transfercodes.
You can redeem them on Discord afterwards with no issues. Good luck and enjoy!

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