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Accepted Art teacher app


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information:

What is your Minecraft username?: Sky1ight2

Do you have Discord: Yes! I have discord, It is: ♡SkyLight♡#3561

How old are you?: -

What is your timezone?: GMT

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, and I agree that this is fair.

Describe your activity on the server: I am pretty active on the server, I try to play at least a couple hours every day. SchoolRP is my most played server, in fact. Also, I believe that teaching will also be a motivating factor for me to get on more, and play more often.

Do you have any previous bans?: No previous bans, and I don’t intend on getting any in the future either.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: (ACCEPTED)

What are your current role(s) on the server?: Grade 12 - 18 y/o


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: My main motivation is to venture out and see what other things SchoolRP has to offer. I have been a student for quite some time now and would like to experience a new type of roleplaying. I like experiencing new things and I truly believe that teaching will be a great opportunity for me.

Also, my main reason for applying to be an art teacher is because I find Art really the****utic and fun to do. There is so much more to art than just a paintbrush and canvas and I wish to share this to my students too.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?: Class logs are important to keep track of what you taught in the lesson that day, a brief summary shall do, and also you can note down how the lessons went. You can also look back at these logs to see what topics you have previously covered or what tasks you have given to the students so you don’t repeat them again by accident. It is shown as proof to the senior leadership team of you teaching classes, and they can see how many classes you have taught in order to receive a fair payment at the end of the month.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?: First, after having come up with a basic idea/plan for the field trip, I would go to the Vice principal or someone from the senior teachers team for permission. Once they have heard me out and authorised this class trip, I will inform the students about my plans for the trip so they are aware and can come ready for the trip. If needed, I will inform their parents via an information letter that they can then sign to allow their student to participate in the trip.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: I believe each teacher has their own rules that they think are important but personally for me, these ones are key:

  1. Respect and listen to the teacher at all times (this also goes towards listening to other students when they are speaking).
  2. Do not use your phone or any device during the class. I will give them a warning to put it back in their bag first, before confiscating the device and giving them a detention if they do not listen.
  3. Pay attention to the task and complete it as best as you can in the time given. If extra time is required, ask the teacher kindly.
  4. Put your hand up before answering a question or to ask the teacher a question.
  5. Stay seated at your desk unless required to move along.
  6. Focus on the lesson rather than chit chatting with friends during class- this can be done during break and lunch times rather than in class.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I have been roleplaying for quite a while now, I remember starting off my roleplay journey by watching roleplay youtubers, and I came across SchoolRP this way actually. It seemed quite interesting and I wanted to join the community and start roleplaying myself, which brought me here.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD: Head of Department: this is the highest rank in teaching. HD’s will plan a syllabus for other teachers in the department to follow, they can overlook other classes so they can ensure the teachers are doing their job well.

- QT: Qualified Teacher: these teachers have been teaching for a while and can provide training to NQTs so that they can better their teaching and adapt easily.

- NQT: Newly Qualified Teacher: these are teachers that have just started working here at Karakura. They are mostly new to the career and school environment but they have the QT’s and HD’s to look up to and get assistance from.

Teacher Knowledge

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: Teachers are vital to the running of the education system. In reality, teachers are the waterworks of our studying and education, without them there will be no passing of knowledge onto the students. Teachers use the knowledge they have gained over the years and pass it on to students and this is a repetitive cycle in the future too.

Teachers should plan classes depending on the syllabus and also consulting with the head of their department. They can potentially teach a topic/give students a task to do during the first 40mins-1hour and then for the remaining time, they can organise a short, fun game so that students don’t get bored by sitting in their seat the whole time.

From what I currently know, teachers were earning 350,000 yen ICLy before but that has been increased to 400,000 yen now for teaching 15 classes. They can earn an extra 50,000 yen by teaching an extra 10 classes.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

The planning system is called MoSCoW:Must have, should have, could have, won’t have.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

Taro was brought up in a Korean family, in an atmosphere where his family would speak in Korean most of the time. He had started to pick up on Korean words from a young age and would converse in it most of the time. He loved playing games with his friends and his siblings, especially I Spy and Simon Says. Taro is a huge foodie and loves to explore new cultures and is a big appreciator of different cuisines. He was always a creative child, and would love the company of his paintbrushes and watercolours.

Taro is a very friendly and approachable person, making him a great person to talk to. He doesn’t mind helping others with their problems, or even taking out extra time out of lessons to assist students. His friends would describe him as: calm, reserved, friendly, helpful and charming. His calm demeanor can be perceived as intriguing, however it is mostly because he does not see the point in violence. He was brought up being told that violence is never the answer, and he sticks by that - there are always other ways to resolve issues. He is a passionate man, when he puts his mind to something, he will try his best to follow through with it.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: I will make my way over to them and try to assess the situation. I will remind them that there is no need to use profanity, especially in a school environment. I will tell them to stop once, however if they don’t listen to me then I will issue them a detention.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: I will clap my hands three times to gain attention from students. I will stand firmly at the front of the class, with a straight face, waiting for the students to notice. If there are particular students that are misbehaving and not listening, I will give them 2 warnings and if they still continue then I will kick them out of my class. In the worst case scenario, I will have to contact a senior member of staff to help me.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?: I would go to the coffee/tea machine and make a hot drink for myself and for anyone else that wants one. Then I would go sit down and take out my student’s papers from my briefcase, placing them on the desk in front of me. I would probably start marking the papers whilst sipping on my coffee and conversing with the other teachers in the lounge. I would try to bring up current topics as well as discussing how our days are going.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me would place his briefcase on the side of his chair, as he stood up to welcome the students in. He would say “Good Morning” to the students coming in, slightly smiling at them as they took a seat.

/me would make his way to the printer in the supplies area, with the worksheet ready in his hand to copy. He would place the worksheet flat on the copying screen, allowing for the printer to copy it 20 times.

/me would walk over to each pair of students, giving them an assortment of paintbrushes and 2 canvases to use amongst them to complete today’s task of drawing each other abstractly.

/me would start to demonstrate how to model using clay, rolling his sleeves up so the clay wouldn’t dirty his clothes. He would gently place his fingers around the clay, in an attempt to shape it into a more rounded figure so it would be easier to work with.


Taroshi 'Taro' MacLeod. Holland was originally given birth to as a female. Taro was welcomed lovingly into his family home in South Korea, his family was fairly small, but Taro’s addition completed the family. Taro was always a quiet child, finding satisfaction in the smallest of things. Taro spent the first nearly 9 years of his life as a female, but he soon realised that he didn’t belong in the body. After a lot of research, he came to the conclusion that he wanted to spend the rest of his life as a male. He talked to his parents about this as it had been bothering him for quite some time now - his mother was accepting of this realisation, however his father was failing to comprehend. His father wasn’t too familiar with transgenders and didn’t see why Taro wanted to become male. After having a few talks with Taro’s mother, the father became more understanding and accepting of Taro’s decision and started to look for surgeons who could help with this process.

His parents had become supportive of this decision and had helped him achieve his hope to become a male. After the surgery had been done, the next couple of months were quite different than Taro had expected. He had a couple bandages over his body, as to be expected, and was in constant fatigue and ache due to being post-surgery. His siblings were having a tough time accepting that he was no longer female, and Taro realised that they were speaking to him less and wouldn’t want to spend much time around him. This really upset Taro since his siblings meant so much to him, and the fact that they couldn’t even look him in the eyes broke his heart. Taro became even more quiet and started to keep to himself since he didn’t understand what to do about the distancing issues between him and his siblings.

His mother decided to put Taro in therapy after his doctor had made this suggestion, considering this was a life-changing decision and would take some getting used to. The the****** suggested that he should find a hobby, something to do to get his mind off things, something like joining clubs or playing sports. However, since Taro wasn’t the sporty type, he decided to test out painting. His mother bought him basic art supplies and that’s where Taro’s interest in art began. Over time, his art skills became better and he started to decide to pursue art as a career. He would make paintings of everyday views and landscapes, selling them to local people for a small sum. His mother was proud of how he was coping with his issues through art therapy, and his siblings came around soon and started to accept him again.

Taro soon applied to College to further study Art and Design, completing a Bachelor’s degree in the course. Throughout college, he was able to experiment with different materials and techniques, opening his eyes to the variety of artistic opportunities. He wanted to share this with other people and thought to do this via becoming an Art teacher. He had always liked helping others and decided that becoming an Art teacher would enable him to feed his passion for art as well as make a living out of it, sharing the beauty of art with his students.

In-Character Information:

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name: Taroshi 'Taro' MacLeod. Holland

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): -

Preferred Name: Mr. Holland

Age (Minimum is 27): 28

Gender: Male (Transgender F to M)

Religious Denomination: Atheist

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: South Korea

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 5 years

Working Experience (# of years): 9 years

Academic Degree: Art and Design

Year of Graduation: 2005

Major(s): Art

Minors: Design Tech

Native Languages: Korean, English

Other Languages: N/A

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Not currently, no.

Preferred Teaching Subject: Art
Last edited:


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Art Teacher at Karakura High School.

After carefully reading through your application, I have concluded that your application is up to par with the standards expected when reviewing Teachers applications. There are just a few steps left to obtain your role(s):

- Ensure that you’re in the Karakura Academics Discord.
- DM me via Discord to get your roles and permissions setup: @KimiNoUso#9999.

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