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Accepted ArtificialRP | Reporter Application!


Level 0

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
IGN: ArtificialRP

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes, I have a microphone. My discord username is @ArtificialRP .

List your timezone and country:

Describe your activity:
I have been playing SRP for the past 3 years now. When playing I majorly hang out with IC friends, family or those whom share the same hobbies as my characters. Sometimes I am working on gathering intel on Karakura individuals. Other times I am out exploring the town itself. Both our IC hobbies of my characters.
I am currently on SRP between 4 and 5 days of the week, though that is because of my college schedule. I am able to up that to even 6 days of the week if necessary. My time on srp ranges from 2+ hours at a given time, and this can really be any day of the week. I am generally free when not consumed with my academics!

My general activity and range of availability is as listed in the table below !

Depends on my schedule for the day!
7am - 12:30pm


8pm - 11pm
7am - 12:30pm


10:30pm - 12am

7am - 12:30pm


10:30pm - 12am

7am - 12:30pm


10:30pm - 12am

7am - 12:30pm


10:30pm - 12am

Generally not available.

Though, sometimes my days will be fuller than what is presented here. On the off chance that this were to occur, I will make sure to clearly communicate that in advance.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Psychiatrist Application
Doctor Application

I have only ever reached ‘Grade-12’ on my characters.

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Becoming a reporter is something I'm extremely fascinated with. I worked in an intel gang for a year and really miss it, so joining the reporters and being able to write about people and places again is something I look forward to. I even had a friend tell me about how much they enjoy it and things that they get excited about. They gave me a quick tour of the place and it only makes me want to work there more. I don't know if you can tell, but I went the extra mile to get the intel I need to become a reporter and know exactly what to expect working as one! I adore the thought of working with friends and in a safe environment with staff and coworkers I know I'll be able to trust. While also being alongside other literature enthusiasts and knowledgeable individuals.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
My experience with writing is very plentiful and positive. I have always had a passion for literature. Reading and the general expansion of comprehension has been an enjoyable hobby of mine. I had taken Honors English, AP English, AP Literature and Comprehension and Free-writing classes in high school. I began writing poetry and a variety of different topics when I was 16. Finding new ways to implement writing styles and expressions.
On SRP, as mentioned in my paragraph above, I was in Man’en which was always writing and information gathering. I am also recently a part of KUERT, the urban exploration organization in Karakura. Which is again, writing and information gathering, though it is mostly in Karakura itself. Slightly different.

Nonetheless, these are two skills I feel very confident in, as I have so much experience with them.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I am aware of, and will follow the set of rules provided to me.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I believe I should be accepted over others because of my experience and attributes that I can bring to the faction. Along with my history of writing, myself and a couple other individuals were founders of Man’en, the gang that introduced intel to gangrp. We basically did what reporters do, though we did in secrecy. Interviewing people, gathering and collecting information and writing detailed ‘Files’ or ‘Reports’ of each individual we encountered. I myself have gathered about 20 files within two hours for a challenge I hosted, and have probably written over 200 individual files speaking generally. I know the importance of taking SS and have taken a generous amount (over 3,000..) and I have many, many connections to people. I know I'm able to work well with others, granted I know quite a few already on the Reporter Tag. I’m confident in my abilities to work with others and write great reports on the topics I decide to report on. I am a very organized, timely yet detailed individual.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand and I am aware that there should be zero bias in my reports. I will keep my personal views out of public knowledge, as it is an irrelevant factor. The reports are for awareness and to keep our readers up to date and report on latest events within Karakura.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I am 100% confident I will complete the Quota every month and stay active within SRP!

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I always wondered what being a reporter was like, so I asked my friend, who currently is one, how they enjoy working as a reporter and even asked to interview their character. So, I imagine being in an amazing team of people with great personalities and ideals. I see myself working with other reporters in events and taking time to create well written reports and doing broadcasts with the song of the day. I picture all the chaos that comes with being a reporter and I’m ready. I even got a tour of the place as mentioned before. It's absolutely beautiful. I even saw the roomba! ..He scares me. I can only imagine how much hard work that goes into being a reporter and now I can do three things to gain quota such as, front desk, broadcast, and doing reports of course.

Treat this section like it is your own character answering it.

Full Name:
Dima shook the interviewer's hand, a gentle smile across his face as he took a seat, “Morning sir, my name is Dimitri Drakos-Kaede, it's a pleasure to meet you.”

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Before answering the question, he took a sip from the cup that sat in front of him. Putting it back down on the table before he spoke. “Preferred names? Oh I mostly go by Dima, but Dimitri is fine”

Current Age (25+):
“I am 35, thought it was time to come home and settle down.” Nodding at the end, satisfied with how he answered the question.

Past job/work experience:
“I used to be a writer, ..well, still am. I wrote about my travels and published a few books. I went back to Russia and worked there as a reporter for a bit but decided to come back here and do the same.”

Pulls out a folder with all his information – this contained a neat array of degrees and qualifications. “I have a Bachelor's in Journalism, Communication, and English. I also wrote a few books on my travels."

Nationality and born location:
“Oh! I was born in Moscow, Russia. I’m Russian.”

Phone Number:
“My number is 030-272-9693!” Hands him a card with his name and number.

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
“I don't exactly like to toot my own horn, it's not something i usually think about but i believe i'm a hard worker. I'm dedicated to my work and know how strong I am with writing and getting good topics to write about. I'm not a shy person. I'm very strong willed and once I set my mind to something it'll get done and done well, I believe I said that in 66 words, I’m quite good at math, 79 words."

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
‘This will sound overused but- I don't have an exact preference. I love writing about anything. Mostly I travel so maybe I am a bit biased but I'm obsessed with traveling. I've traveled my whole life and write about it. I for sure have full confidence in going out of my comfort zone, it actually excites me knowing I can branch out more and plan to. I have so many ideas already on what to write about, like halloween events, town updates, interviews with different people and their careers! I never worked with anyone before but at least I know a friend within the reporters who will be able to help me and I can work with her to do reports and collaborate. It excites me!”

What are your expectations for the job?:
“My expectations? Well I'm ready for anything. Being a reporter isn't always easy with writer's block or the struggle to find an interesting topic. I do know someone who works here as a reporter and i'm sure we will be able to work together on some things. I expect with Karakura to be city events to go to and make reports on. I heard about the shrine update! That for example, or with Halloween coming up there could be interesting reports. This job is something I'm passionate about and I'm willing to go out and find things no one else will look for.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
‘No criminal record, I prefer to keep my record clean. Committing crimes is not something I'll ever want to be a part of. I have a kid to look out for” His voice stayed firm with his answer.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
“I am fluent in Russian, my native tongue!”


#1 - General report

#2 - Interview ft. Freya Astley-Togomi

Life as a reporter!

Freya Astley-Togomi
Dimitri Drakos-Kaede

He smiles as he sets down the recorder on the desk. Making sure to organize himself and his belongings before hitting ‘record’. “Astley, always a pleasure. Let's start this off with- What inspired you to become a reporter and how did you get started in the field?”

Crosses her leg over the other interlocking her fingers over her knee, “Kaede, pleasure…God- what inspired me? Well, in high school I was in the journalism club and I've written a few books for fun. I've always had a calling to writing and reporting.. I guess it just comes naturally to me. It's something I love to do and take pride in, it's like being a detective but without- the arresting.”

Rubs his hand over his face, taking down some notes on his clipboard. He looks up at her with a smile and a nod, signifying that he is acknowledging her response. “I couldn't agree more. What has been the most challenging story you've covered as a reporter, and how did you handle it?”

Laughed slightly looking over to the picture of her twin daughters, “I wrote an article on which apartment complex had the most empty apartments. I was heavily pregnant with my twins and I had walked into every single apartment building and went to EVERY single floor and took pictures of ALL the open apartments and wrote an entire report on it- that one sucked. I had swollen ankles for days after that, but I got it done.” Picks up the picture showing it to him with a soft smile before putting it back in its respective place.

Noticed the slight change in gaze. He too switched his in the same manner. Observing the pictures with a soft smile, “They are beautiful. How do you maintain objectivity and balance in your reporting, especially on controversial issues?”
Sighs as she looks up trying to think of all the reports she's done, opening her drawer pulling out all her reports looking through them pulling out “which apartment has the most open” report she done “I wrote an article on which apartment complex had the most empty apartments. I was heavily pregnant with my twins and I had walked into every single apartment building and went to EVERY single floor and took pictures of ALL the open apartments and wrote an entire report on it- that one sucked. I had swollen ankles for days after that, but I got it done.”

Shocked by her answer, he noted this down on his papers. “Wow- you're extremely strong for that i can't even imagine..What role do you believe journalism plays in shaping public opinion today?”
She spoke alot with her hands, keeping them more so close to her face as she spoke, looking between him and her files. “Well, we all know everyone has their own opinion, but most.. if not all people look for the facts. When they see someone report, especially without a biased view just information and questions asked, they tend to lean towards what the report says. Most people don't go above and beyond like reporters do, we ask the questions and do the research, therefore what we say the research and reports we make goes out to the people and usually it goes well and people are in agreeance.” Her eyes gaze up then back to his notepad and phone, clenching her jaw slightly as she leaned forward adjusting herself in her chair.

Puzzled by this following question he leaps to ask it, “In your opinion, how has digital media and social media changed the way news is reported?”
Raised her brow slightly as she typed on her computer pulling up the news and wizzfeed Onrain showing him “I think it's a positive thing, it gets out faster and seen by more people. Do you know how fast things get around especially with Onrain? We broadcast and the entire town hears it. Instead of paper where people barely come in to grab it or mailing it out we type it up and BAM news, if something like a snow storm happens it's out in seconds.”

Leans forward looking at the websites seeing the posts made by the reporters “ How unique, wizzfeed it sounds so fun! How do you deal with the pressure of deadlines, especially when working on breaking news?”

She sits back in her chair, her pointer finger up across her cheek and middle rested under her chin, her right arm resting on her desk as her hand moved slightly as she spoke “I'm used to stress, I work better under stress. I've got reports done within the night. Dealing with it I grab a dr pepper, a snack from my snack barrel, sit down and write. Usually with breaking news we have a lot of information so if I need more i literally- walk and ask questions or make calls. I know most people don't handle stress well but I kinda thrive off it-.”

He nodded in response. A very valid way to answer his question he thought, continuing to take notes of the interview. “Can you share a moment when you felt that your reporting made a real difference in your community or beyond?”

Takes out her giant stack of files on the shrine, flipping through her reports and interviews “I tend to write a lot about the shrine, it's something that I'm close to and feel passionate about. Knowing I'm writing about it, such as the update and the new path along with its history, it puts the spotlight on the architecture and brings more attraction to it. I hope my work does the shrine justice and motivates people to go and see the lovely maidens and be able to make the shrine the shining heart of Karakura. I really hope I've done them justice.”

Hearing her following responses, her work ethic and how dedicated she as been, he felt it was appropriate to ask, “What advice would you give to aspiring journalists, like me, who are entering the field today?”

Taps her fingers together in a drumming technique as her minds ponders, “Advice- lord. Honestly, don't be scared. Fear is what kills you. When it comes to writing you can't be afraid to ask questions and go out and be a part of what's happening. If you're afraid to do that you won't get any information, you have to be the person who does things others won't. Like going to the shrine and talking to a million different people for the same story, or more information. Or like my writing within paranormal activity that will be coming out soon, I went and checked the places out and uncovered a lot of information on these things by asking the right people. You just have to jump out there and be ready for anything, record and take pictures.”

Spun the pencil around his fingers as he tapped it on the desk, “How do you approach building relationships with sources, and how do you protect them in reports when necessary?”
Sits straights up as she closes her files placing them back into her drawer, thinking this question over as she looks back at Dimitri
“It's all about- being kind. When you go out and meet people you speak to them with compassion. By protecting them I simply just put them under an anonymous source. I take my resources and people I make friends with in the business world extremely serious. I wouldn't betray my business associates' trust when it comes to my work. That ruins relationships and ruins later business and sources later on.”

Tapped his leg as he wrote down her response checking over to his phone to see it still recording “What trends or changes in journalism do you see emerging in the next few years, and how do you think they’ll impact the profession?”
Answers with a small sigh recalling all the chaos over the past 10 years she's been a reporter “I see more things coming up, in Karakura there's never a dull moment. Always something going on. Snow storms, heat waves, paranormal activity. Yada yada yada. I think as more things happen the profession will only gain more things to write about keeping our profession going. It won't have a negative impact for a while until Karakura stops being insane.”

“Well, that just about wraps up my interview. I don’t believe I have any further questions for you.” He smiled, getting up from the chair and grabbing his things. “As always, it was a pleasure speaking with you. Thank you for your time.” He put his hand out to shake hers.

, “Always a pleasure, happy to help.” She shakes his hand.

Thank you for your time !

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Level 180
News Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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