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Ask me Anything | Aania addition!


Level 185
News Lead
A few months ago, @ErikFinster started a cool little post called "Ask me anything," where we could ask questions about him! I thought it was a cool idea and debated joining in, but then everyone did! I kind of didn't want to jump on the bandwagon, so I waited a little bit until I did. :D It makes it more fun.

I've been on the server for years and spent my teenage years on it — but I never actually made an introduction! So, since I'm now a year older, I thought it'd be a goofy thing.

Is there a limit? Like, one per person, and no weird stuff! The limit is whenever this post dies down or if no one replies :D

Yeah, I don't know, honestly :D



Level 43
Happy birthday!!

If you had to pick one of the factions you've not involved yourself in to join, which one and why? :O


Level 36
everyone usually asks who your favourite character is but i wanna know who your LEAST favourite is. out of EVERYONE you've ever created on srp, who was the character who you just can't stand to even think about anymore? (if there is one! otherwise just your least favourite)

also will you give me a hug too :(


Level 185
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Damn, speed.

why arson
I honestly don't know. One day, I randomly set something on SRP on fire, and it turned into some ongoing joke that I'm the community arsonist! It's just something that makes me laugh.

Will you give me a hug?

why do you look like a raccoon?
sleep deprivation

If you could pick any other factions to lead besides the news & town faction, which one would it be?
Honestly, I'd probably go for KPD / BMD. There are two different sides of SRP, but I've been part of both and enjoyed both! However, I'd probably go more for BMD, as I like smaller factions; big factions can get a bit overwhelming.

Happy birthday!!

If you had to pick one of the factions you've not involved yourself in to join, which one and why? :O
Thank you!! :D

I've actually joined almost all factions except one! Which is Shrine! I love the faction, the roleplay is lore based role are amazing. But religion isn't really my thing, and I'd not want to misrepresent anyone :D

everyone usually asks who your favourite character is but i wanna know who your LEAST favourite is. out of EVERYONE you've ever created on srp, who was the character who you just can't stand to even think about anymore? (if there is one! otherwise just your least favourite)

also will you give me a hug too :(
I honestly think I've probably blocked out half the characters I've made. I can't really put a finger on one I deeply despise. It's probably around my earlier characters, who were relatively uncreative with barely any thought behind them. Though thinking about it longer, it was probably my character Parker Devlin. She was a boring character with a bland personality—she was just blegh. It was my first try at actual non-gangrp-related characters, so she was a blank canvas that I used for shopkeeping after my original character died



Level 206
Thank you for mentioning me, and yes, I am the owner of the AMA format, you all owe royalty to me!

What is your best and worst memory of your time here in the SRP community?


Level 185
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Thank you for mentioning me, and yes, I am the owner of the AMA format, you all owe royalty to me!

What is your best and worst memory of your time here in the SRP community?
All hail THE Mr. Finster.

Honestly, I have so many great memories of this server. You spend so many moments, and there are just a lot. But one specifically sticks out to me!

I can't remember the whole context, but it was when the first female Spartan football team was introduced after the tryouts. Alongside the male football team, we went to annoy the Bobcats team, all laughing together in VC. Then, for whatever reason, we huddled together in the sorority/fraternity and watched the movie Frozen! The memory just sticks out to me and makes me smile each time.

The worst actually was close to becoming the reason I left SRP! I won't go into much detail, but as all teenagers do, I was trying to be someone I wasn't, by fitting into a group I didn't have any similarities to. Sadly, it ended with a lot of OOC and IC tormenting and bullying. It took me very long to move on properly, even though I stayed on the server, and it still affects me to this day.

But it taught me a valuable lesson that I hope others on the server take to heart! From new players to older ones. You shouldn't force yourself to be someone else to hang out with people :D


Level 200
Liz stole my question anyways, what was your personal reason for joining the server? Along with this, the staff team! I feel like everyone has a different reason and I'm curious


Level 163
First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY AANIA!!! Second of all, have you been on a sport team before? If so what was it, and if you could join a new sport team you've never been on what would it be?


Level 185
News Lead
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Liz stole my question anyways, what was your personal reason for joining the server? Along with this, the staff team! I feel like everyone has a different reason and I'm curious
I kinda was on the search for a little place in the world, where I could escape from everyone for a bit! Not the happiest reason, but at the time I really needed it!

Staff team — I think I just wanted to help out the server that'd I'd been apart of for so long. The first time around, I was motivated to and with my role in the KPD and at the time, it was good to have a staff member who could help with gangrp situations (even if I didn't handle them particularly well)

The second and this time around, I saw that fundementally the staff team and community had gotten better and healthier. So I wanted to help people out, mainly with the focus for people who were getting bullied or shut out for no reason.
do u like me as a recent member of ur faction? happy bday!!! again
Yeah!!! I love all my faction members. You've been doing great! :D

First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY AANIA!!! Second of all, have you been on a sport team before? If so what was it, and if you could join a new sport team you've never been on what would it be?
I was actually part of the first college football team when it was established, then the college cheerleaders and then the female football team! I think team wise, I'd probably join track. Mainly because it's then I can flex 100% acro on one of my ALTS.

me or cam
Doesn't matter who, you're like two peas in a pod :)

What was your first experience like when you first joined the SchoolRP community?
My first experience was probably what made me love SRP so much in the first place. Spawning into the server, I was a bit confused, but instantly met a group of older players. Back then, people would often wait at front gates for newer players and welcome them!

With that group, they gave me a tour and taught me basic commands and rules and how to set up characters! For awhile they were my main group, till I drifted away from the server but returned. I'm a bit bumbed that I have no screenshots of that time or know those individuals names, but I do appriciate them :) their introduction to the community really is something that stuck with me.


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
Do you personally think this man is going to intentionally or unintentionally incite a RIOT in Karakura?
(honest answers only)

[REDACTED, already asked]
Are you a coffee and/or tea enjoyer?​


Level 185
News Lead
Thread starter
Hi Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaania
What place from SRP would you set on fire?
Powerplant. Mike Akihito style :D

Do you personally think this man is going to intentionally or unintentionally incite a RIOT in Karakura?
(honest answers only)
Hasn't he already? He probably will also continue doing so smh.
Are you a coffee and/or tea enjoyer?
I like both actually! Though I lean more to tea, cause I like my coffee super super sweet!

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