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Denied atfqng | Shopkeeper Application | NO LONGER INTERESTED

Ryōri no bōken-logos-modified.png
✩⏤ Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
MST | GMT -7

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m on quite often and usually later in the day after work. Overall I can have anywhere from 3-5 hours a day on my accounts and I’ve developed a total of 3,280+ hours on the server since I joined in September 2019.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
atfqng - Primary | Grade-12 (APPLYING) Alternate | Adult
arxchn0ph0bia - Grade-12
fqngedreality - Grade-12

✩⏤ Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Shizukesa OR a completely new one!

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I’ve been playing since September of 2019, and through those last few months and early 2020, it was always a shared complaint that no shop ever opened and that no restaurants had really existed back then. Me and my friends always dreamed of breaking this streak and running a pizza shop, but it never really happened.

All of my time on SRP has indeed been spent as a Grade-12 on all of my accounts up until I had applied to the News Faction, so my roleplay has been very limited. I had always been picky about the factions I joined due to feeling I “couldn’t” do certain ones and therefore shouldn’t try until I had a taste of the previously mentioned faction.

Applying for Shopkeeper and specifically for a restaurant has roots in my ambitions in real life too, as my whole family has been in the business and I love to cook, I love making my characters cook, and I want to bring more restaurant activity to SRP so ensure everyone can enjoy the experience of the roleplay- bring dates, hold celebrations, or even a gang meeting over pancakes. All of these things that are quite rare yet again.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
The plan for the shop is to bring together the Asian cultures and cuisine to Karakura. Not only is there a lack of authentic Japanese restaurants, but there aren’t restaurants that offer Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, or Korean foods.

I’d rename whichever shop I get to “Ryōri no bōken” (lit. Adventure of Cuisine) to both display the Japanese origins while easily explaining the multicultural cuisines that will be displayed in the restaurant.

The building will also be very rustic and built as close as possible to old-fashioned Queens, NYC diners where the seating is more focused on booths, big open windows for plenty of natural light, stools at the front, and light music playing so you don’t have to sit in silence late at night!

The service style will be walk-in seating with uniformed waiters and waitresses, as well as offering reservations for larger groups or celebrations. Catering will also be available for events and calls can be made to place bulk-orders in advance for school trips or EMS lunch breaks! The services included will also be a Karaoke area fitted with booths to both eat and sing with friends, showing off your abilities (or lack of) to the whole restaurant!

What will you sell in your shop?:
Comfort foods and drinks from Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Korea to show Karakura what it’s missing in comparison to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto or other similar cities.

Alongside the already existing Japanese foods, I will be ordering customs for the rest of the cultures.

Drinks Menu:
Sobetsu Premium Beer
Suntory Kaku Beer
Sobetsu Whiskey
Sparkling Sake
Korean Soju

Beverages Menu:
Lemonade Drink
Mango Drink

Entrees Menu:
Nakamura Ramen
Takeout Noodles
Rice Bowl
Bento Box
Salmon Dish
Fish and Chips

Dessert Menu:
Cheese Cake
Creme Caramel
Strawberry Plate

Pineapple Buns (Chinese)
Mango Pancake (Chinese)
Khanom Buang (Thai)
Khanom Mo Kaeng (Thai)
Banh Da Lon (Vietnamese)
Vietnamese Sesame Balls (Vietnamese)
Pepero Cake (Korean)
Sweet Red Bean Porridge (Korean)

Kung Pao Chicken (Chinese)
Sweet and Sour Pork (Chinese)
Gyoza Dumplings (Japanese)
Karaage (Japanese)
Panang Curry (Thai)
Tom Yum (Thai)
Tteokbokki (Korean)
Soondubu Jjigae (Korean)
Bánh mì (Vietnamese)
Cá kho tộ (Vietnamese)

Calamari Plate (Not Asian but might as well)

Various Glassed Milkshakes (strawberry, chocolate, vanilla)
How many employees do you plan to have?:
Head Chef
One Person
The leader of the kitchen, and the best of the best cooks in Karakura
Sous Chef
One Person
Second in command of the kitchen
Two People
Takes orders from the head and sous chefs and helps them complete orders in various ways, including having their own “stations” (deep frying, salads, shakes, etc)

Waiters & Waitresses
5-10 People
In charge of the front of house. They seat customers and take their orders, often taking ‘claim’ of multiple tables and serving those guests. They’re responsible for the reputation of the restaurant and should prioritize making the atmosphere friendly.
Though not to be stepped all over by the customers.

1-2 People
Control all aspects of the restaurant when the owner isn’t there, from stock to hiring- so long as all changes and information is shared to the owner.

✩⏤ Extra
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

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