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atoki || KPD application


Level 124

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

The account I am applying on is konasei, however, I have other accounts which include atoki, mohbi, lumive and homonotphobic

Previous bans:
I do not have any previous bans on the RPH network

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that my activity would currently stand at an 8 out of 10. Currently, my time outside of SRP is taken up by my college studies as well as work, however, my activity is still quite good outside of both those OOC influences. On weekdays, I am usually on from around 5pm until around midnight/1am. On work-days, the earliest I can hop on is at 10pm

Which timezone are you in?
I am in the GMT timezone

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag?
I do! My discord tag is atoki#8090

Do you have a microphone:
I do!

List your current and past applications:

IC-Related Applications:
1x KPD application (ACCEPTED)
1x EMS application (ACCEPTED)
1x College professor application (ACCEPTED)
1x School employee application (ACCEPTED)
2x College Applications (ACCEPTED)

Character authentication applications:
8x Language applications (ACCEPTED)
1x Language application (DENIED)

OOC-Related Applications:
3x Event team applications (DENIED)
1x Staff Application (ACCEPTED)
1x Staff Application (DENIED)
1x Lore team application (ACCEPTED)
1x Moderator application (ACCEPTED)

What is your motivation for applying?:
In all honesty, my main motivation for applying is because I miss those who I left behind when I left the force. I miss the teamwork, the friendship and the overall vibe that the KPD had. I very much enjoyed the work that had to be put in, as well as rejoining the team as that was something that I mainly missed when I left. I tried out EMS a few days ago thinking it would fit my schedule to my liking, however, I feel like I am more suited for KPD, and that's why I am applying. My OOC schedule may not be too pretty, but on those days that I have free I can promise devotion to the KPD as well as logging on whenever I am needed or logging on just because I can. Another thing that is motivating me is the physicalness and the spontaneousness of it all, and that's something I can admit I enjoy. It's fun, and it's exciting.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I do understand them, and I am happy enough to enforce them on a day-to-day basis

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
A few months ago, I had been in the KPD for a total of a year and five months before leaving in September. I would like to say I have extensive knowledge. As a criminology student OOCly, I have been studying criminal behaviour as well as the police work that goes on to keep our streets safer. I would like to stay that I would be able to apply that knowledge that I have into how I can deal with situations. On top of that, it is obvious that you must be dedicated to your work, and that you are prepared for all kinds of stressful situations. That can involve chases, situations involving dangerous weaponry or saving citizens from criminals. It can be as big as those, or something as little as a fine for jay-walking.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
In my opinion, the police force is one of the most important factions on the server. Without the KPD, gangrp would run rampant and there would be no way of dealing with it. The KPD balances out all the gangrp that goes on, as well as giving nearly every person on the server some sort of RP no matter how much or how little. They are important as they are on the server to protect the citizens and to keep them safe, however it may not always be successful. They are very much important as they have the ability to arrest, taze and shoot those who break the law and those who are a danger to Karakura's society. All-in-all, they are one of the most important IC factions on SRP without a doubt, as without them, it would be like the purge every single day, and we don't want that. . .

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I am very much aware of this

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I 100% agree with being dedicated to the role, and that I will show that through my activity and hard-work

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge this, and 100% agree with it. Why apply for this role, get accepted then throw it away?

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I totally understand this and I realise it really is not a good idea to do this. Keep it all IC and take it like the pro that you are

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Genkai is a pretty plain guy. There's not really anything too special about him nor would there be anything that could make him stand out in a crowd. Sure, he's attractive enough. Curly-ish black hair that is usually left alone to fall naturally or if he's on the job or stressed, it would be tied up in a simple bun. He would be in pretty good shape physically and in health, having been on a strict dietary and physical routine for the past two years or so which would give him a nice toned physique and physical strength. His dark brown eyes have a little shine to them, matching with his equally dark hair that goes against his pale skin. Aside from his features, Genkai is about five-foot-eight in height and as normal looking as most

What they're like on and off the job?
Like most, Genkai is a pretty chilled-out guy. He's quiet and can be strict, however, that would be saved for later when he's a bit older and more aged and experienced in the policing field. Genkai is very good at just putting his head down and getting to work be it both on the job or not, it's not too hard for him to focus on what he wants without getting distracted. From a young age, Genkai had been taught that the key principles in life were fairness, honesty and kindness, and that was something that Genkai lived by . . Except in the direst situations. Sure, Genkai can be moody and stone-faced nearly all of the time, but that doesn't mean he's actually like that.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Genkai is a great team worker, and he is a great helping hand to those around him. The natural empathy that he had been brought up to have is what helps drive his motivation to help others as well as create his selflessness whilst on the job, that being directed both towards law-abiding citizens and his co-workers. Genkai is the kinda' guy to help out his colleagues whenever needed, no matter what it is. He enjoys working with other people despite his usual stony expression, always happy to use what he had learnt to help assist and serve alongside the hard-working people who work in the KPD.

Born to Tora Seijuro and Maki Zen'in-Seijuro on a cold winter's morning on the twenty-ninth of December, 1993. From a young age, Genkai knew the focus was on his "gifted" older brother Kaito, not that he would show his jealousy as he had been taught strictly not to. An average childhood was what he had, from a very young age he had been taught good manners and modesty towards all those around him, learning not to be surprised if it's something that doesn't get returned, but that's life. His childhood wasn't something so entirely special, it was quite the normal Japanese childhood, growing up in a rather peaceful middle-class neighbourhood. Genkai wasn't so special as his brother was to his parents, although he was academically gifted which helped him to excel in his studies, usually getting in the top three of results in his classes, something which his parents didn't really pay much mind to. Growing up, Genkai became quiet and kept to himself whilst going through his studies, doing his work and handing it in when told at a good level of detail and full attention to the subjects that he had to learn. As previously states, he's your average guy aside from his academic qualities, so years of school slowly drifted into college which consisted of a few years of hard work and dedicated classwork finally got him his degrees. From then on, he moved back home to live in his home town close to his parent's, working some physical jobs here and there. The death of his parents in 2013 didn't entirely strike him as hard as his other siblings as he was never so close to them, but of course, it hurt to lose those two important people. Through those months after, Genkai just put his head down and worked hard, something which would've made his parents proud . . If they were still alive. Five years ago, it all went wrong. The stress eating and laziness after work had put him in a bad place, enough to develop type 2 diabetes. This came as a surprise to him, and it was an immediate goal of his to get back in shape as well as move on in life. For the last four years, Genkai had been working on himself as well as his work, turning vegetarian and sticking to a very strict workout regime. Now in great physical shape, Genkai was finally happy with himself and where he was, having been trained and accepted into the police force in Tokyo around four years ago. Thanks to his physical shape and his knack for quick hands-on memorisation, Genkai did quite well in the force. Those years of experience passed until the time had come to quit and move elsewhere and start a new life away from the craziness of his family.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:
Genkai Seijuro

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
His given names are Gen, Genkai and "Mister Seijuro"

Preferred Name:

Genkai is 28 years old


IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:
Genkai has had about 2 years of training at the Metropolitan Police Academy in Tokyo

Working Experience:
Genkai has around 2 years worth of work experience in the Tokyo metropolitan police force

Academic Degree:
Master's Degree

Year of Graduation:
Genkai graduated from the MPA in Tokyo in 2016

Genkai has a major in criminology

Genkai has a minor in law as well as psychology

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Aside from JSL, Genkai speaks only in his native language


Level 102

Thank you for applying, and welcome to the KPD
Please check your discord for further instructions

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