players online

Attributes: Fighting

Hey. I would make a suggestion, and I think it's a pretty good one.

I would add another attribute called fighting
[or something else close to this name, it's the mods' choice].
By this attribute, I mean that if you do fighting activies or practise fight in
Gym, then your fighting attribute would increase, so at fight, you could get better rolls.
[ex.: /roll 150 --> rolled 143 out of 150 with the attributes leveled to 78%]
And with the level of 100%, you could use /roll 200 and getting close rolls to that number

And also, it would be good if I could change my attributes to a lower number than the currently one!

Thank you! :D


Level 72
-1, there’s no reason for this. Only the KPD can roll /200 and they won’t change that for a fact. It would also be to over powering if your rolls get better if you increase an attribute because people don’t grind attributes all the time. Short story is there is no reason for this.
-1 As a person who gets trash rolls, while bad rolls can be frustrating adding a mechanic will only make it harder than it already is for newer players to get started in combat/crime/gangrp + the seasoned players can simply dominate the crime sector.


Level 25
Combat is fine the way it is, rolling is random and that's the beauty of it, sorry but I'm giving a -1 for this one


Level 63

I get it the rolls can suck how it’s all based on luck but it’s what makes the fighting system fair. People can’t cheat it or powerrp there characters. The current rolling system is fair and it works well and has been forever so -1

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