players online


IGN: Ghostlykisses
DATE: March 11th, 2023.

I was thinking we should make a command system for bailing a character along with a timer. Example: /bail [RPNAME]. . Then you receive a message saying, “Bailing time left [Time] and bail is set [Amount]. Click here to pay.” Or something along the line.

Although I personally don't deal with my characters going to jail frequently, when I do, it's quite frustrating and the bail process takes too long. Also, due of the problem of time zones, individuals frequently wait longer than necessary. A timer would make it easier to determine how long you will need to wait. Not to mention, because they are busy, officers (for me) take FOREVER to get to the front desk. It would certainly eliminate confusion and save both parties time, in my opinion. I think it would be much simpler and prevent people from waiting longer than they should.


Level 34
This just doesn't seem necessary at all considering it's quite easy to wait for someone's bail time left to be over as it's either three or five OOC days and wait for an officer at front desk. As officers do take forever to come to front desk most of the time, you can consider giving a call to the 110 hotline to ask for an officer up at front desk or come back later on / another time.

In the Karakura Emergency discord, there is a channel titled #arrest-logs which everyone has access to a link which shows basically all the information of an arrested individual.

Also adding on how with just making this a command, it removes the factor of being able to roleplay out someone being bailed. KPD is also required to taxpay bails after receiving them as civilians cannot because they are just not KPD.


Level 114
Authorization Team
-1 just as jelly had stated in their comment. I dont think it takes that long to wait for bail, there’s usually always at least one officer on to handle it and if there isn’t then we’re busy cause we also have lives outside srp. You can wait for the next day or another hour & i’m sure a cop can get on or you can ask in help on the KE discord. Pretty much everything I think was stated by jelly so <3


Level 7
Thread starter
This just doesn't seem necessary at all considering it's quite easy to wait for someone's bail time left to be over as it's either three or five OOC days and wait for an officer at front desk. As officers do take forever to come to front desk most of the time, you can consider giving a call to the 110 hotline to ask for an officer up at front desk or come back later on / another time.

Also adding on how with just making this a command, it removes the factor of being able to roleplay out someone being bailed. KPD is also required to taxpay bails after receiving them as civilians cannot because they are just not KPD.
In my own case, I'm unsure. When an officer is online, I'm usually busy, and when I call 110, they usually don't pick up or are off duty, in my experience, so I have to wait longer than I anticipated. Also about the tax the cop who arrested the person could automatically receive the KPD taxpay. Messages like "[IGN] paid [PRNAMEbail.]'s [Amount]" are an example of this. which they can log or take a screenshot of if needed. (just a suggestion though)
About the KPD roleplay, I don't believe many people find it amusing or look forward to doing it. As far as I can tell, people just say the character's name and either pay the bail or wait till they are able to. I might make a thread alter going to detail, thank you for mentioning the tax thing I had no idea beforehand.


Level 34
In my own case, I'm unsure. When an officer is online, I'm usually busy, and when I call 110, they usually don't pick up or are off duty, in my experience, so I have to wait longer than I anticipated. Also about the tax the cop who arrested the person could automatically receive the KPD taxpay. Messages like "[IGN] paid [PRNAMEbail.]'s [Amount]" are an example of this. which they can log or take a screenshot of if needed. (just a suggestion though)
About the KPD roleplay, I don't believe many people find it amusing or look forward to doing it. As far as I can tell, people just say the character's name and either pay the bail or wait till they are able to. I might make a thread alter going to detail, thank you for mentioning the tax thing I had no idea beforehand.
Yeahh most of us get busy in situations, need to AFK, or off-duty which disallows us to answer calls. What also helps is asking in the Karakura Emergency discord for someone to come to front desk for a bail, that also works! Andd yeah, with every bail we get it must all be taxpaid - we do not keep bails.
It's not uncommon for someone to roleplay getting bailed, but it does happen from time to time. Instead of another command, possibly just add bails onto the /taxpay command but I still find this rather unnecessary. o7


Level 196
Community Team
Lore Team

I get it may be frustrating to have to wait for an officer to see how much bail is. But it is there for roleplay purposes much like going to a Government official at town hall to get an ID. Along with that, they did release the arrest logs that you can look at how much someones bail is and how long they need to be in jail for before bailing them out(If they can at all)


Level 124
This is a roleplay server. If your character can get ICly arrested, they should get ICly bailed. There’s no reason to try and automate things that don’t need to be. It usually doesn’t take long for someone to be at front desk unless of course they are off-duty or AFK. Plus, I just think creating a plugin to do this would be both a waste of time and complicated.


Level 42
-1. I understand that it may be frustrating that someone might not come fast but it’s worth the wait? Roleplaying is the purpose of the server and KPD is a vital aspect of it to make the server what it is now. So -1 from me. Just roleplay it out


Level 129
-1 as convenient as this would be it would likely be very difficult to implement with the way bails work rn. I'd recommend waiting for an officer or asking for one to come online


Level 331

This is a Roleplay server. The more features that discourage interaction with other characters we add, the further the server will be from this concept. You can already see bail/sentence information in Karakura Emergency's #arrest-logs


Level 151
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
It’s quite a nice idea on paper to be completely honest, and it would ensure that all the money gets “taxpayed” out of the economy. The only downfall would be taking away roleplay experience. Perhaps there could be a system where you’d have to pay more to run a /bail command instead of waiting to bail with an officer that would cost significantly less?


Level 7
Thread starter
It’s quite a nice idea on paper to be completely honest, and it would ensure that all the money gets “taxpayed” out of the economy. The only downfall would be taking away roleplay experience. Perhaps there could be a system where you’d have to pay more to run a /bail command instead of waiting to bail with an officer that would cost significantly less?
I do like that idea!


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for submitting your application, however after careful consideration I have decided to deny it.

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