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Balcony Editing


Level 21
What's your Minecraft Username?: yozb
What's the title of your suggestion?: Balcony Editing

What's your suggestion?:
Currently, many balconies are unable to be edited, despite being accessible through the apartment. This seems to occur mainly for the new complexes in Business Park. I suggest that all balconies become modifiable via /apartment editmode.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This allows further general customization for apartment owners. Apartment owners have complained about their balconies feeling empty, and adding such a feature would resolve this issue.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Hiya, the reason that balconies aren’t able to be edited is due to players creating extensions of their apartments or completely unrealistic balconies that staff have to later destroy.

Currently the build team has been slowly but surely working on placing seating on all the balconies so that they don’t feel as empty.


Level 6
- It feels unfair that some apartments don't have balconies that you can build on, especially if the prices are the same as other apartments with buildable balconies that are BIGGER than the ones in business plaza.
- If the concern is "unrealistic" isn't the whole point of buying an apartment to utilize the space that you OWN? Why even buy an apartment if you can't customize every single aspect that you own the rights to use. It's like sleeping in a hotel room and not being able to use the closet because the owner put's THEIR stuff in the closet in a room YOU paid a lot of money for to use INCLUDING the closet.
- If people wanna sleep in their apartments they can, especially since a lot of apartments can be cramped (which I guess is the realism aspect) and a lot of balconies can be built to be more covered, a balcony in itself literally is an expansion of an apartment (expansion leading to the outside) so why not.
- Players shouldn't feel BAITED after buying an apartment thinking to have creative rights to use their balconies when they can't, I understand players can abuse this function but it feels really unfair to a lot of other players who genuinely want to utilize their building capacity.
- Even if this won't happen, I do hope that the unbuildable balconies do get edited soon to feel more homey as it being empty is more unrealistic especially with certain spaces and prices that conflict itself.
Last edited:


Level 7
-1 lowkey no use for a balcony cause ur at plaza usually like everyone else and a waste of time for kimi and them


Level 115
there have already been multiple suggestions for this and all have been denied. It just tracks back to what infi said

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