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bananie_'s Police Application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In Game Name): bananie_ (main account: orangie_)

Previous bans: None that I am aware of. (Only some kicks from when I first joined the server.)

Describe your activity on the server: I am active almost, if not every day. My time on, and which account I will be active on varies, but I tend to be fairly active depending on what occupies my time. Of course, I am sure there will be times when I may be unable to play.

Do you have Discord? Yes I do: ellie#5304

Do you have a microphone? Yes I do. If there are calls I am needed to participate in, I will do so whenever possible.

List your current and past applications: French Application (Accepted)

What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation for applying is centered mainly in the fact that I would like to participate in something new for a change. I would like to role-play in new ways, keeping the citizens of Karakura safe. I have been a member of the server for almost 2 years now, yet I have never really built up much confidence to apply for many things. I would simply enjoy the company of new people that I would be surrounded with, and I would like to learn more as a member of the server.

Along with the new opportunities that I would be given if accepted to join the force, I would also like to state that I have been interested in the work of the KPD for a while now. I have never GangRPed before and have not been absorbed in that way of enjoying the server. Instead, I have been more engrossed in the ways the officers stop criminals and delinquents ICly. I would like to learn more about the way this is done and the ways I can improve as a player.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I have researched it more recently, and I believe I have a basic understanding. If of course I am unsure of something and need help, I am very willing to listen to instructions from those with more knowledge, or receive help from those around me.

What are the Police ranks?
-Vice-Head Lieutenant
-Head Investigator
-Investigator Trainee
-Patrol Officer

What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I do not know everything there is to know about police work but I am willing to learn more, and will state some of the things I do already know. I know that a member of the police force has various responsibilities. Officers are able to arrest citizens for different amounts of time depending on their crime. They are also able to fine those who do not follow simple laws, like those who J-walk, loiter, or students that skip school. I am also aware that police officers are in charge of dealing with gangs, illegal items such as drugs or weapons, along with taking care of bigger cases such as murder. Officers are in charge also, of taking calls of emergency and arriving at the scene to help as soon as they can. To conclude what I know and have learned, a police officer's main job is to keep citizens out of harm's way and enforce the laws that the whole of Karakura, including themselves, are to follow.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Police play a very important role in SchoolRP for many reasons. They are essentially meant to keep the balance of Karakura. Officers are the ones who make sure students will participate in school, like they are supposed to, and will make sure all citizens are safe from danger. A member of the police force is supposed to deal with problems an ordinary citizen would have no control over. Illegal activity is lowered by having officers who are willing to deal with the negative events that occur. Finally, police officers are the biggest role models to the rest of the society around them. They are to not only enforce laws, but also adhere to them, showing adults and students alike, the proper way to behave.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I acknowledge and fully accept this.

In-Character (IC) Section

Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
Thea is an obedient young lady with a lot of curiosity and an open mind. She is energetic and mostly outgoing, but can be insecure and shy in certain situations. A flaw of her's too, is she can tend to be very sensitive and hard on herself, taking most things that are said to her to heart. She stands at a little above 5'6 and weighs about 135lbs, making her a fairly average size. She has a fit, slightly muscular build, but still manages to look very feminine and curvy. Her face is rounded and pale in contrast to her bright, emerald green eyes which are symmetrical, sharply narrow and lined with a thick set of dark eyelashes. Her hair falls neatly over her shoulders to lay on her back and chest. It is a dark brown shade and in very good condition, as it almost has a shine to it in certain lighting. Her bangs are simply styled to brush past her eyes, framing her face in a sense. She seems to be an overall approachable person, with a contagious smile that displays her dimples on either sides of her cheeks.

What she's like on the and off the job? Thea is attentive and compliant in situations and cases she takes part in. She always does her best to be present whenever she is needed. She works to her best ability and tries not to slack off while on the job. Her eyes are always on the lookout for rule-breakers and citizens causing trouble. Now while Thea is very hardworking and confident on the job, she tends to relax more when not working. Although she loves working most of the time, she also enjoys spending time with friends and of course, wants to have some fun like most others do. She likes some freedom, but will always be prepared to work a little extra if more problems arise at some point.

Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future? Thea sees her co-workers as her biggest role models. She will always do what she is told to do by them. She would like to become friendly with them and build trust and cooperation between other members of the police force that she works beside. Thea plans to save up her money and use it for donations to charities and for her own personal use. She hopes to become a useful asset to the force, and would like to earn an important place in society, whilst also meeting new people of Karakura.

BACKSTORY Galathea Louise Pearson was conceived and born in a small home in the mountainous city of Nikko, Japan on June 17, 1993. She was born happy and healthy to a mother, Mayako Kikuchi, who was native to Japan and a father, Sage Pearson, who had moved from England. The first years of her life flew by smoothly, with no severe issues. She was taught english by her father, made friends, and went to school like any other normal girl. That's when her parents began to fight. At only age 10, Thea watched as her father would abuse her mother, most nights drunk or on drugs. Mayako did everything in her power to save enough money to sustain herself and Thea. Eventually, when Thea was about 14, she saw the police drag her evil father away. She was grateful for the officers who had finally saved her and Mayako from him, but they encountered a new issue, their money. Thea and her mother were left with virtually nothing and decided to pack up and move. They settled in the town of Karakura, where Thea finally attended school once again. Her mother became ill a year later, when Thea was aged 15. She lost her mother to the illness, it orphaned her and she had no idea what to do. However, a kind family, the Bennett family, took her in and her last name was changed. She lived happily with them and continued her academic journey. Remembering the bravery of the police as a child, and wanting to help the community in her future, she decided she wanted to become a police officer. She wanted to stop people like her father from ruining the lives of innocent people. She attended the local college to earn her degree and finally graduated in 2013 with a degree in Criminal Justice. With that, she applied for her dream job as an officer of Karakura.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Galathea Louise Bennett
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Allie, Thea, Gia
Preferred Name: Thea
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: English-Japanese
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
Thea has trained for a little over 2 years, mostly of her own accord.
Working Experience: Thea has around 3 years of working experience in more simple jobs, such as working as a cashier. She has no experience in police work yet though, but has observed police at work a few times. Along with this, she has read books and watched shows to learn more about how police do their jobs. She is willing to listen and learn all there is for her to know. Thea doesn't just want a simple job anymore, she wants her dream job, so she is determined and will do what she has to for a place on the force.

Academic Degree: Criminal Justice

Year of Graduation: 2013
Major(s): Criminology, Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Sociology, Pre-law

Native Languages: English, Japanese
Other Languages: None​
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
-After a vote held between officers, the conclusion is that you are fit for the role as P.O.
Welcome to the force, cadet!

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