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Banned, Serious.


Level 19
I did somewhat of a thread earlier when i first got banned now i've decided to make a serious
~ thread ~


Well so lets start of by saying that i am sorry of my actions but i completely agree with the staff team their actions towards me, i will not be asking for a unban anytime soon but what i will do is stay in the community some of you might not want me too but well, lets face it im a idiot who just never dissapears.

So what i will be doing here is giving my honest opinion on some threads and help people out whenever wanted/needed because well, i want to get more into the community its good side.

I basically will be reacting to each thread not near all though, because that would be dumb due to the applications being made on this forum.

This also will be a introduction to me Jay as many call me.

First time i joined the server.

I see how you are all hating the skindexxes and everyone who is new to the server even though you got no reason to do so, ill be fair 2 years ago when i first joined i was just as bad as them at roleplaying back then i had never even roleplayed in any games, i began liking the server not being on too long though so after about 9 months of playing i still did not really have any friends then i quit for 1 year after 8 months of service to the server as i bought a rank back then.

One year later when i rejoined

When i rejoined the server i first of did not recognise anything everything was alot better alot more players just so evolved i really liked playing it allthough i forgot how to RP again do not ask me how.
So then i started to properly read the rules and everything still not being the roleplayer that i am now, i began to make new friends of the server one of my first true friends being @Relevance aka Kelvin, he really was my friend on the game even though we had alot of fights also i joined my first gang together with him the gang being T.D.S a shitty group of ****s.

Then eventually i became quite decent at GangRP hanging out and making new friends

So then i started of by meeting Jake also still a good friend of mine then i started building a tiny community of friends around me for not just SchoolRP but hypixel to, to later enter bigger gangs such as Yakuza, The Red-Sector.


These will later be added due to currently not having forum names of everyone.


Level 62
nobody asked for your life story dude chill out. I don't even think anybody knows or cares about who you are


Level 152
Aye, man, you'll be missed. Even though you were such an idiot most of the time, you've been a true friend. But maybe inclusions of @Schuyler and @JakeIsUrPapa will do well. We're the motherfuckers that helped yo Dutch ass.
And I do care about this thread because he is one of my friends so... Rethink that.


Level 5
Um, 'I saw people hating on skindexxes'? Just the other day you commented on my gang post to a girl who had asked me about her skin. You said 'Skindex Gang!'. That literally drove her off for a while. You can't act like this in one post and be like that in the other.

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