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Level 0
Okay let me just make it clear: I don't have anything against bashkimi's- I just don't personally like them, but that doesn't mean they all suck. Some of them can actually be nice, but then you have those who just go around and can't do anything else than being rude. I don't see the point in having a family gang where every member (99%) is rude. You go around hurting everyone that touches you- like... what is the point. I'm not saying they all suck, no I'm not trying to drag any attention towards me by saying MY opinion, I'm not forcing anyone to mean what I mean. I'm just saying that big crowds might scare away new players. It makes roleplaying a hard time for new people. I personally think you're overcrowded. When players tell you OUT OF CHARACTER that they're scared to go around a corner because they can meet a bashkimi or two, that's when you know shit is real. I'm not saying that everyone feels it like that, but it feels like that for me. My heart starts racing once I see a name-tag saying (name) bashkimi- like legit. I feel like they all are out after me. Even when I joined with a new character that didn't know any bashkimi's- I still freaked out. They act in a way that makes me just nervous and anxious around them, and I'm pretty sure it's not only me.

AGAIN: This is only MY opinion, I'm not trying to force anyone into meaning the same as me. I just wanted to tell how I feel about this-

Edit: Don't attack me.
I said this OUT OF CHARACTER so there is NO NEED to come and attack me icly.
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Level 8
I apologize that you feel like that. Our family has no intentions of making anyone's time difficult OOC, or making anyone genuinely scared of us to the point where their heart starts racing. We're simply here to have fun, and although IC our members are a bit rowdy, I think you could learn a lot from taking a second inspection of the family.


Level 153
I apologize that you feel like that. Our family has no intentions of making anyone's time difficult OOC, or making anyone genuinely scared of us to the point where their heart starts racing. We're simply here to have fun, and although IC our members are a bit rowdy, I think you could learn a lot from being taking a second inspection of the family.


Level 79
We dont aim to intimidate any old player, I apologise that is the impression you get off of us. We actually are not actually 100% gang family (we have a legal side) so it's not really as terrible as it could be. Although I still apologise that you feel that way.


Level 0
Thread starter
I'm legit just saying they're over-powered, stop attacking me for saying MY opinion.


Level 12
I only hate that "IT" looking ass clown Bashkimi because he legit assaults anyone he wants just for fucking looking at him. I'm cool with the rest, and I like Hide and Ari.


Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team
Even if they're a rowdy group (which I wouldn't really know) there's no need to try and feel scared if they're going to exist near you. Think of it like this, it's just another player. Sure, it might be a player who has a bunch of friends and you should be careful not to give them kill perms or something on your character, but try to see them as just any old run in the mill player. Maybe try talking to a few of them, in my spot the only time I really interacted with a Bashkimi was because I offered them tea ICly.
Most of the time people on the server aren't going to outright attack you or your character if you just say "Oh hey there!" Even most gangrpers wont, worst case they ignore you or carry on with their day.


Level 8
It’s nice to hear all of your opinions, here is mine, I find the Bashkimis chill instead, you know, if you get to know them more personally, they’re actually great, especially Ari, he’s always been there for me, although, you give them perms, you’re dead, so that’s a problem, you just have to be very careful, they don’t mean to scare anyone, no lol, they’re just indeed having fun on the role play server, we can’t control them now, can we? Even though, you get to be very great friends with them, rather than attack you, they’re gonna actually defend you, ya know, protect, although not all Bashkimi members are rude, that’s actually a fact lol, you might find some harsh, but just ignore the ones you find rude, go look at the good ones.

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