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Basil Romeo - A Biography 开膛手 - [DECEASED]


Level 30

All screenshots were taken by @ICly ! <3
All banners are created by me.


His birth-name is 'Basilica Romeo'.

Current name:

His legal name is Basilica Ripper.


'Red Rum'

Character Voice:

(The males voice)

Physical Appearance:

In Game Description:

"In front of you would stand a rather stocky man. He stood at a mere 5'9 and was always smiling. Passing with a optimistic aroma, and a soft scent of lavender, Basil's lack of height always makes up for his personality. His attire would be casual. "


He stands at roughly 5'9.


He has the basic mesomorph build, but with slightly more package. He often is referred to as 'stocky', or 'muscular'.

In Real Life Image:

Drawings (Credits to Me):


Skin Colour:

Basil has white skin.

Hair Colour:

He has a variation of blonde shades throughout his hair.


Basil can generally be seen in casual attire, as it's his top preference when it comes to clothing. Normally he would be wearing his favorite jacket, especially during the colder months, that swarms his body.

Physical Abnormalities:

Basil has a few abnormalities. From when he was a small child, Basil has scars across the right side of his mouth, reaching up his cheek. This was from an incident where Basil attempted to rip his mouth open from pure frustration, after constant ridiculing when joining an LGBT+ club at school.

He also has a loss of nerves in his right elbow. He skinned them quite often against his walls back home when having rather large spurts of anger. It's almost as if he grated them.


He has a small tattoo of an elephant on his neck.

Date of Birth:

Basil was born on the 31st October, 1998.

Place of Birth:

Basil was born in France, despite having Italian heritage.
His parents where on a honeymoon!


He is classified as French-Italian.


Basil is of the white race.

Sexual Orientation:

He currently identifies as openly gay.


Basil currently has a Fiance, by the name of Sueki Hui (Xiang).


Religious Beliefs:

He is an Atheist. The thought of being Christian bothers him, due to past experiences of hatred towards his existence from Christians.


(Basil in Casual Attire)

(Basil in Formal Attire)

(Basil in "Murder Gear")


On the outside, Basil Ripper is an extremely polite young man. He respects all those, such as a the law, above his power, and always has a positive attitude towards learning new things and supporting those who need help in doing so.

Start listening to this...

However, behind closed doors, Basil is a nightmare. This cannibalistic, psychotic, mess of a person prowls around with his small group of friends in hopes of inflicting harm on others. His bloodthirsty characteristics are what gains him the name "Red Rum", after all, it is murder spelt backwards.

Refer to his antics in LeVeyan Duo.


Although Basil presents as very masculine, and protective, he also has a very delicate heart. He often becomes emotional more easier than others, and over-reacts when he doesn't need to be.


Basil carries around a bag, often containing a packet of cigarettes, and the odd beer bottle.

He also carries a gas mask, or a bloodsucker mask, around with him at all times, in case he witnessed something on his travels and needed his identity to be hidden.

Occasionally, Basil will walk out armed (this may include any of his weapons. He has rather a lot). This will only ever be when required too.

Abilities and Skills:

Basil has a exceptional skill of playing the innocent. As his voice is trained to be slightly higher pitched than those of a normal male his age, he often plays the innocent, and pleads guilty at the scene.

He has a very quick cognitive thinking abilities. He weaves himself out of dangerous situations immediately, and is always 2-3 steps ahead of the average persons thinking skills.

With a past of earning the black belt in karate as a teenager, Basil has the unique art of the wielding of 2 katana's at once. This is a fantastic skill, that I'm sure we all know why and how that will be useful. [ ;) ]

(Application to be written soon!)

Casual Quirks:

The odd thing about Basil, is that he has the unique skill of enabling himself to have almost 2 characters within himself. He can fully control them, and often can be seen flicking between both depending on the certain situation given.

Basil also has began drug usage with Charlie Ripper, in hopes for some 'fun'.

(Coming soon!)

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